Draft:Scientific Socialist Student Union, Nepal

  • Comment: This needs a total re-write. Qcne (talk) 15:02, 18 October 2024 (UTC)

Category:Students' unions in Nepal

The Scientific Socialist Student Union Nepal (abbreviation: SSSUN) is a revolutionary student union of Nepal. It was established in 2018 with the primary goal of establishing a scientific socialist education system. This student union is a mass organization of individuals whose thoughts and interests align with the protection of students' rights and interests, as well as the progressive transformation of the entire education system. It is the leading organization of the main tendency in the up coming student movement.



The very first meeting of this union, held on 13th February 2021, decided that the First National Gathering would be on the 12th and 13th of March of the same year. In order to organize that gathering, a 61-member organizing committee was formed with Rajeshwari Subedi as the coordinator. Recognizing the decisive role and importance of youth students in building a scientific socialist system and the significant responsibility needed in this regard, the gathering was organized to direct the entire society in moving forward in this direction . The gathering formed a 41-member central committee under the coordination of Rajeshwari Subedi.[1]The third regular meeting of the central committee, held on 13th and 14th January, 2023 in Kathmandu, officially bid farewell to Rajeshwari Subedi from her role as coordinator. This meeting decided to form a 35-member organizing committee under Karan B.C. to prepare for the second national gathering on the 2nd and 3rd of June 2023.[2]However, due to various reasons, the gathering was postponed and ultimately held from the 7th to the 9th of March 2024 in Kathmandu. The gathering, after passing the organization's political report and the constitution based on a new course of action for a new student movement of the present era, concluded with the election of a 25-member central committee. The central committee elected Himanshu as the president, Phoolmati as the vice president, Hyal Tamang as the general secretary, Shamsher as the secretary, and Liza Tamang as the treasurer.



The objectives and programs of the union are as follows:

  1. To build a scientific socialist education system from the very beginning under the leadership of the proletariat class and oppressed communities, against the bourgeois educational system created by globalized capitalism and the comprador parliamentary capitalist system.[3]
  2. To develop an educational system necessary to eradicate all forms of exploitation, discrimination, oppression, and repression, and to build an exploitation-free classless society.[4]
  3. To promote and develop knowledge, progressive in today’s era, produced by the proletariat—working, displaced classes, and oppressed communities.
  4. To develop creative educational human power with critical consciousness, committed to scientific socialist values and principles, and capable of firmly implementing these norms.
  5. To take initiatives for building a self-reliant production system by using the main productive forces of today’s era: science and technology.
  6. To implement educational programs based on scientific socialist values from the early childhood development level.
  7. To communize education instead of its nationalization in order to eradicate private ownership in education.
  8. To develop fundamental programs for the protection and revival of the environment destroyed by capitalism.
  9. To create a fully accessible and inclusive educational environment for individuals with all forms of disabilities through the use of the highest level of technology, languages, scripts, and methodologies.[5]
  10. To stand in favor of national independence and sovereignty, and to struggle against anti-people forces in order to repeal unequal and humiliating anti-national treaties and agreements.
  11. To form alliances and tactical unity with progressive democratic and leftist student unions to protect and enhance the limited democratic rights that have been achieved.
  12. To initiate unity and polarization with those student unions that share similar ideology and principles.[6]
  13. To ensure the right to study in one’s mother tongue and emphasize the highest use of technology for the protection of languages.
  14. To take initiatives to eradicate consumerist, reactionary, and conservative educational cultures and to build a scientific materialist culture.
  15. To support and show solidarity with the struggles of migrant Nepali students for the international rights and justice that should be provided to them.
  16. To establish friendly cooperation and struggle based on mutual cooperation with all progressive international allies striving for a scientific socialist education system.
  17. To continuously struggle for the rights, interests, entitlements, and dignity of the entire student community.



Central Committee


The 25-member central committee, elected by the conference with a provision to appoint an additional member at a later date, is comprised of the following members:

Abinash Poudel, Arjun Phuyal, Bam Bahadur Bishwakarma, Bhawana Diyali, Dipa Thapa Magar, Dron Awasthi, Himanshu, Hyal Tamang, Kushal Aviral, Liza Tamang, Phoolmati, Pradeep Bishwakarma, Prem B. Rai, Rinku Rajbhar, Ritu Dadel, Samsher, Sandip Thapa, Sobindra Pariyar, Sofiya Pariyar, Sujata Bhattarai, Sumit Mainali, Surendra Maurati, Tul Raj Bishwakarma.


  1. School and Publication Department
  2. Dalit Students
  3. Female Students Department
  4. Oppressed Nation Students Department
  5. Cultural Department
  6. Law Students Department
  7. Disability Department
  8. Discipline Department
  9. Production Department
  10. Publicity Department

Movements and Struggles


The union has been continuously engaging in decisive and just struggles for the transformation and reform of the existing education system. It has been conducting various programs, including movements and street struggles, on numerous issues related to the education sector. For instance, the Kathmandu University Bureau of the Union successfully conducted a struggle to ensure accessible and disability-inclusive physical and communication infrastructure[7].Several other protests and agitations have also been led by this union.

The union has been actively fighting against sexual violence and other forms of abuse against students.[8] It remains focused on continuous street struggles against educational corruption, discrepancies, educational inequality, commercialization, privatization, and mafia control in education.[3]A struggle was also conducted against the corruption during election of student leaders[9]. The union has repeatedly staged movements, demanding the cancellation of fee hikes by CTEVT and its offices were also locked down by the students led by the union. The union also conducted a struggle against price hikes joining forces with other student unions.[10]This union actively continues to fight against extreme mismanagement in public education and for the abolition of privatization in education.[6]

Core Beliefs


In most Nepalese student unions, an individual remains in a particular responsibility for life, depriving new creative talents of the opportunity to contribute. To eradicate this, a system of periodic responsibility has been established at all levels of the union. In this context, the issue of age limitation has been addressed with the utmost seriousness. The second national conference of the union decided that the maximum age limit for members and office-bearers in the central committee should not exceed 28 years at the time of election.

As individuals are to be engaged as regular students only during a certain age group and period of time in their lives, this union holds the principle that the process of membership rotation and handover of responsibilities within the student union must proceed at a relatively faster pace. To strengthen the internal democracy of this union, it shall conduct a national gathering/conference/convention every two years.

As new ideas are born from the unity, struggle, and synthesis of differing opinions, freedom of expression and uniformity in actions have been adopted as the union's guiding principles. This allows members to fearlessly express their opinions for idea formation or policy-making. The process of making decisions through extensive deliberation and synthesis has also been guaranteed in the union. The union seriously acknowledges that negation, blocking, or conspiring against inner-union struggles or differing opinions only leads to the distortion of problems and not toward solutions. So, the union has adopted the policy that the inner struggles within the union primarily focuses on transformation, with an emphasis on unity, struggle, and transformation to take new ideas to new heights.

The union is deeply concerned that the problem of leadership styles based on hierarchy among members in various positions within most student unions has weakened the broader student movement. It ensures the abolition of positional hierarchy for the practice of equality. Office-bearers holding different responsibilities within this union occupy different positions only in terms of duties, not in rank. There is no hierarchical structure among them, and all students are equal members of the union. It rejects methods, working styles, and behaviors influenced by feudalism, and instead, it has embraced efficient, friendly, comradely, and scientific approaches in both methods and conduct.

Student unions traditionally function under the direction of political parties associated with them. However, this union is free from such conventional flaws and it is a front organization that does not wait for the instructions of the associated party. Based on ideological proximity and agreement, it considers the Scientific Socialist Communist Party, Nepal its ally party, which cannot interfere in the union's decision-making process, policy formulation, leadership selection or election, program and plan development, or the initiation and conduct of mass struggles and movements. It can only offer opinions, suggestions, and advice limiting its role to coordination. Therefore, this student union is the only student organization in the Nepali student movement with relative autonomy. The union is also free from the tendency of the ally party to appoint in-charges or impose party decisions on the student union. To support the implementation of decisions and provide necessary consultation, the ally party may assign a facilitator. However, the executive authority of the student organization is exercised solely by the members of its union itself.


  1. ^ "'आहुति' निकट वैज्ञानिक समाजवादी विद्यार्थी संगठनकाे प्रथम राष्ट्रिय भेला सम्पन्न". Drishti News - Nepalese News Portal. Retrieved 2024-10-18.
  2. ^ खबर, युग (2023-01-15). "वैज्ञानिक समाजवादी विद्यार्थी संगठनको राष्ट्रिय भेला १९ र २० जेठमा". युग खबर. Retrieved 2024-10-18.
  3. ^ a b मरासिनी, विकास (2023-03-05). "संसदीय व्यवस्था विरोधी चार विद्यार्थी संगठन स्ववियु निर्वाचनमा एकै ठाउँ". देशसञ्चार. Retrieved 2024-10-18.
  4. ^ "शिक्षामन्त्रीले गरिन् विद्यार्थी सङ्गठनहरूसँग छलफल". www.ratopati.com (in Nepali). Retrieved 2024-10-18.
  5. ^ "अपांगतामैत्री संरचना बनाउन केयू सहमत". Naya Patrika. Retrieved 2024-10-18.
  6. ^ a b "पाटन क्याम्पसको तालाबन्दी बिरुद्ध ४ विद्यार्थी संगठनको भर्त्सना". asthanews.com. Retrieved 2024-10-18.
  7. ^ "निर्वाचन बहिष्कार गर्ने नेकपा बहुमतको निर्णय". Nepal Press. Retrieved 2024-10-18.
  8. ^ "बलात्कारको विरोधमा दिक्तेलमा बालबालिकाको प्रदर्शन". ekantipur.com (in Nepali). Retrieved 2024-10-18.
  9. ^ "विद्यार्थी संगठनको ज्ञापनपत्र बुझ्दैं प्रधानमन्त्रीले भने : 'माग सम्बोधनको पहल गर्छु'". Lekhajokha News. 2021-12-07. Retrieved 2024-10-18.
  10. ^ "पेट्रोलियम पदार्थको मूल्य वृद्धि फिर्ता लिन सात विद्यार्थी संगठनको माग". pradeshikkhabar. Retrieved 2024-10-18.