
Basic Info ==

Sjadölangh, formally known as The Kingdom Of Sjadölangh is a fictional country located in the North Sea.It has a population of 23.3 Million as of June 2023, making it the 9th most populated country in Europe just ahead of Romania. Sjadölangh has 31 Oblasts and 5 Overseas Territories. It borders multiple countries by sea including: Norway, The United Kingdom and Germany. Sjadölangh also borders [Ireland] and The United Kingdom via the Sjadöli overseas territories of Dublin and torquay. The nations capital city and most populated city is Sjakarää. The official language of Sjadölangh is Sjadöli.

Basic History


Settlement in Sjadölangh begun from the bronze age by various different Germanic tribes. And was also occupied by the Roman Empire for a few years. The region was unified by King öjnahk the first after the collapse of the Roman Empire and a new empire was formed, taking lands in England, Norway and Denmark. During the 1500's Protestantism spread all around Sjadölangh, altering Sjadölangh's history. Sjadölangh played a significant part in the Napoleonic wars. Significantly helping the UK fight back Napoleon. The British Empire colonised Sjadölangh in the early 17th century and Sjadölangh gained independence in 1872. In WW1 Sjadölangh was neutral and in WW2 Sjadölangh lost the southern island but secured Sjakarää. Eventually the Nazis were pushed out in 1944. In later years Sjadölangh joined NATO and the EU.



The name "Sjadölangh" comes from Ancient Sjadöli, meaning land of the Sjadölis. The name "Sjadölangh" originated from the Schakiro river (The River which flows through Sjakarää). This is where the first people settled in Sjadölangh. Here is how Schakiro got to Sjadölangh

Schakiro -> Schakiroland -> Schadoland -> Sjadöland -> Sjakalölangh -> Sjadölangh.

