Draft:Snap chat is good for kids under the age of 13

     According to studies snapchat is good for kids under the age of 12 the app suggests being over the age of 12 But according to studies it Is a good way to communicate and interact with your peers. It is also good for childrens mental health, In some ways it can help your children be more confident and outgoing. It is good for your children mental health because  it is a quick and easy way to send  messages and  silly picture of your self and your surroundings. Some people think that it is not good for children but in some ways it is good. In 2022  a student from Massachusetts prevented a school shooting because people were reposting a  snap that had made a threat to a school , but if it weren't for this 12 year old boy who told his parents what was going on there was going to be a  life endagering situation. And I'm sure you wouldn't want your kids in danger. But back to the facts, snapchat is not only good for kids but it is a safe and harmful way of communication. I let my kids get snap when they turned 12 because that is what I was comfortable with but if your not you do not have to let them get the app. One other thing is that if you think they are starting to misbehave and disobey you take the app away from them.       

