Goddess Name Tegos Father in law Cosus, Taranis Consort Grannus in Gaulish Mythology , Endovelicus in Lusitanian mythology Irish Consort Paraells Áed, Crom Dubh. Her Irish parells Brigid, Bel, Briga Teagh. Other names Toga in Iberian Mythology. Teig or Teagh in Irish mythology brother in-laws Lugu , Bandu, Borvo. Associations the Metras Toga, Epona, Bandua or Nabia or Atégina. Epona, Atégina, Nabia in Portugal Iberia Tonga, Epona, Bandua. The Metras Irish equivalent the Mór-ríoghan

Brig, Bríg being a male deity similar or paraell to Borvo and Belenos. Briga being a possible consort or different spelling of the name because of the Suffix.

Brig and Briga are Celtic Iberian Deities.

That would have played a role into the origins.

Of Brigid in Irish mythology in later myths.

In Irish mythology Brigid is also named Brig as well as Briga. Before the element of fire.

She was a water goddess and goddess of livestock.

Similar to the Goddess Boann River Goddess and Goddess of Cattle and sheep.

The fire aspect is believed to have came from earlier.

Deities & from christianity the candle of Saint Brigid.

Representing fire and heat. Other names for Bridgid we're also Teagh, Teach, Teig, Bride, Brighid.

There are references in the Celtiberian language as well as a goddess of fire, home and dwelling word's such as: Trecaias which means home, dwelling, fields.

Togias being a word in Celtiberian steming from Gaulish and Greek and Latin. Meaning house and dwelling.

As well as the phrase Tiatumei which means take a oath or stand or stand firm. Toga may be another name she's a Lusitanian Sun and Fire Goddess and some believe to be a virgin associated with the Metras in Iberia. Depends on the region can be Epona in other regions. Or Nabia the main mother figure instead of Bandua.

In Ireland the Goddess Brigid is said to be the daughter of the Dagda as well as being baptized and excepted into Christianity.

In earlier myth there's a fire God son of Dagda Aodh or Aedh, Aodh Dubh is a Fire God of Fire and Healing & Grains who may have Tyes to The Gaulish God Grannus he is a God Of Fire Healing Water And Grains. As well as Irish deity Crom Dubh both having Dubh pronounced as dove meaning black, not to be confused with the Irish king with the same name as Áed Dubh the God.

Portugal also has a Celtiberian Lusitanian God Endovelicus whose name translates from proto-Basque and Celtiberian Endo, most Black. Velicus, an alternate reading derives the word velicus from the Celtic vailos (“wolf”). Wolves were symbolic animals to the god.

His wife is believed to be Toga she's part of The Metras.

Barry Cunliffe and Edward Anwyl both talked about Migrations in the Black forest, Black sea Pontiac Stepp region along the Danube. River. Edward Anwyl also mentioned Scythians Migrated into Gaul with Celts and Germans. Scythians being Indo Aryan are a group of Iranians and Indus people.

Tegos has a variation of the name found in other Celtic languages as well such as Irish , Scottish, Welsh, Old Britton and Cornish. Tegos in Gaulish means house, dwelling, fire, heat. Same with Toga a goddess found in Iberia.

In old Irish Teach míochuarta unheroic fire or heat Míochuarta being a variation of míchurata which means unheroic or cowardly.

Or laochta: Valorous, heroic. Mí as in my heroic fire.

This translates to my heroic fire or my unheroic fire. Others have speculated that Bridgid got her name from Gallo Roman Goddess Brigantia who is associated with Roman goddess Minerva.

Scythians practiced for they're goddess Tabiti. Tabiti is a goddess based off of Agni and his consort Svāhā.

Tabiti a Scythian goddess of fire and anture adopts the name Bride when she marries Scythian King Kolaxais

In references: Matasović, Ranko (2009) Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 9), Leiden: Brill, →ISBN, page 376 for the Gaulish word Tegos



Celtiberian references An Outline Of Celtiberian Grammar by D.S. Wodtko page 3.

Barry Cunliffe The Celtic Word Mentions Scythians and Celts cultural exchanges page 35. Where Greek , Celtic, Scythian artifacts we're found.

Barry Cunliffe The Celtic World page 38. Eurasians, Scythians,Celts,Greeks Mentions How these migrations and multi Cultures went to Iberia as well.

The Mammath Book Of Celtic Myths And Legend Peter Beresford Ellis page 1. Introduction Indo European Languages he mentions Sanskrit and Indo Aryan languages found in India and in Indo European Languages across Europe. Mentions Slavic, Baltic,Celtic ,Iranian,Indo Aryan.

Edward Anwyl Celtic Religion Pre -Christian time's page 2. Migrations of Indo Aryan and Indo Europeans on how groups inspired Celtic Beliefs.

Edward Anwyl Celtic Religion Pre -Christian time's page 3. Ayran's Scythians Conquer Gaul.

Edward Anwyl Celtic Religion Pre -Christian time's he also Mentions The Goidelic language as Celtic Aryan.

Juan Carlos Olivares Pedreño Celtic God's Of The Iberian Peninsula for Celtic Iberian Deities also called Hispanic God's on the subject of Brig & Briga and Lusitanian Goddess Toga. , Toga is page 614 with The Matres.

Juan Carlos Olivares Pedreño Celtic God's Of The Iberian Peninsula Briga and Brig page. 623, Page 624,

Juan Carlos Olivares Pedreño Celtic God's In The Iberian peninsula page 629. Refferences Celtic mythology and Hinduism beliefs. Page 635 brings up offspring being associated with the Metras the male offsprings and they're wife's. 636 Endovelicus relationship with Lugus another name for Lugh and Lughus.

And the different concepts with regions. For the Metras Juan Carlos Olivares Pedreño 638 mentions relations of the Matres with Lughus

Europe Before Rome by T.Douglas Price page 294, 295 Celts,Germans, Romanized Celts, Scythians. Jewelry metal work and Culture exchanges.

James Mackillop Celtic Dictionary Oxford Journal page 3. Áed Dubh meaning Black Fire.

James Mackillop Celtic Dictionary Oxford Journal page 51. Bríg daughter of The Dagda.

Page 99 Crom Dubh celebrated along Lugh during the festival of Lughnasadh. This tyes Crom Dubh to Áed Dubh and Lugh with Lughus and Endovelicus. Crom like Endovelicus from Lusitanian mythology is. God of fire Sun heat and grains.

Grannus what makes him associated with grains healing sun fire and hot spring's oftenly confused with a variation of Belenos. Another name is Glanum James Mackillop Celtic Dictionary Oxford Journal page 224 using the name Glanum.

Like Granum which means grain's.


Ancient Fire by Segomâros Widugeni Grannus God of Fire , Hot Water Springs Healing and Sun health and protection just like Endovelicus in Lusitanian mythology page 62. & 63. Also associated with Apollo he's a God of Crop's.

he's also associated with wolves, Endovelicus associated with Wolves found in Celtic God's Of The Iberian peninsula Author Juan Carlos Olivares. He makes it clear That Belenos and Bandu and Borvo aren't the same as Endovelicus and his paraells dispite having similarities.

Information on Apollo , Apollo And His Cult In The Geometric and Archaic Periods author Barbora Chabrecková page 10. Mentions Apollo's Birthplace as wolf slayer this Apollo aspect matches the associations found in Portugal to a degree being associated with wolves in some way. From Lycia and Lyke being light.

Endovelicus is associated with light fire and wolf's this ties Endovelicus and Grannus together.

Apollo And His Cult In The Geometric and Archaic Periods author Barbora Chabrecková page 11 Wolves Protect Apollo And his Treasures. Page 13 Apollo stayed in the eternal springs during the winter this could be why Healing springs became a discovery for Grannus do to inscriptions found in spring's.

This is how I separate the two Deities between Grannus and Belenos and they're parells. Ancient Fire by Segomâros Widugeni page 63.

Grannus is not just a God of hot springs disagreement with Miranda Green.

Dáithi Ó hógáin The Lore Of Ireland An Encyclopedia Of Myth Legend and Romance Page 50 mentions Brighid is inspired by Briga & Brigantia which is a patron of arts and crafts like Minerva.

Dáithi Ó hógáin The Lore Of Ireland An Encyclopedia Of Myth Legend and Romance page 51 Saint Brigid celebrated at Kildare , Ireland Page 52 her association with Cattle Water and Her fire being lit at Kildare

Dáithi Ó hógáin The Lore Of Ireland An Encyclopedia and Romance page 17. Aodh another name for Áed Sun and fire deity An Ancient Designation for the Sun deity the name earlier Aedh was Celtic Aedos originally meaning is fire.

Aidôs, Aedos is also Greek for a goddess of humility and shame and is also called Damiona goddess of war and vengeance.

This show's the Celts had a male and woman fire deity


Son & Successor over The Daghdha.

This show's how Crom Dubh and Endovelicus and Áedh Dubh are paraells As well as Grannus of Gaul.

However in Juan Carlos Olivares Pedreño Celtic God's Of The Iberian peninsula Toga is his wife part of The Matres Endovelicus's brothers are Lugu and Bandu which he states Bandu Brig Borvo are equivalents to each other.

Dáithi Ó hógáin The Lore Of Ireland An Encyclopedia and Romance page 361 The Morgania Macha, Morrígan,Danu

This is my reference for the Metres equivalent but Irish Mythology instead of Iberian mythology drawing from they're parells.

A Guide To Ogham by Professor Damian McManus Page 73. For Teig Tig Teagh place names for Brigid

Scythian Mythology by Dmitri Raevski The book takes on Greek mythology perspectives from Greek literature and talks about Hindu mythology perspectives this book can also be seen as resemblance to Celtic mythology in ancient times. Page 39. Talks About Tabiti

Scythian Mythology by Dimitri Raevski page 43 Tabiti Marries a Scythian king and adopts the name Bride.

Scythian Mythology by Dimitri Raevski page 106 depictions a scene of a fire god having horse's sacrificed to this story is also found in the Vedas about Agni

Scythian Mythology by Dimitri Raevski page 134 similarities between Scythians and Celts Of Western Europe

Blog by Carlos Albuquerque https://mullerornis.medium.com/on-the-scythian-pantheon-44781876b6ef mentions Tabiti connection with Agni he suggested she was replaced by Agni. He studied Mythology at the University of Faro

Given that Dimitri mentions Scythian Mythology the Indo Iranian Beliefs stems form Hinduism in his book Scythian Mythology points to Agni and Tabiti also being consorts

This blog by historian Stetsyuk V.M degree in mythology from Ukrainian Serednya ShKola Mentions similarities between Celtic words and Indo Iranian languages. https://iranicaonline.org/articles/scythian-language

And do to Scholars like Stetsyuk Dimitri Raevski Carlos Albuquerque It's possible that Agni was Consort of Tabiti or replaced by as Carlos Albuquerque Mentioned.

Alberto Cantera mentions Atar Iranian God Of Fire that would be apart of Zoroastrianism, Zoroastrianism was also mentioned by Dimitri Raevski.

Cantera mentions how in Iranian culture people like priest would perform a ritual called yasna dedicated to Atars Zoroastrianism, Iranian, Scythian Traditions similar to how Dimitri Raevski mentions Tabitis fire. Atars is a fire God similar to Agni this ritual is from Avestan text.
