Draft:The Discord: Rolling 20's

  • Comment: Wikipedia is not a medium for publishing fiction. JBW (talk) 06:41, 24 April 2024 (UTC)

In the mystical realm of Cytheron, a legendary group of adventurers, known as the Echoes of Discordia, etched their names into the annals of history. Bound not by blood but by the ethereal chords of the Discordant Realm—a magical network that transcends physical boundaries—these heroes hailed from the farthest reaches of the land. Each week, beneath the silvery glow of the three moons, they would convene within the enchanted chat known as the "Rolling 20's", a sanctuary where fate itself was challenged with the cast of dice.

The party consisted of valorous souls:

R3z1d3n7 often oscillates between fierce tempests of passion and serene calmness, much like a lord ruling over his dominion with both iron fist and gentle hand. While he commands the virtual table, his dual nature keeps his fellow adventurers ever on their toes, eagerly anticipating each session's unfolding saga.

gghn wields his intellect as a sage wields his knowledge, always deep in study and strategy. Much like a master of lore who delves into ancient scrolls, his love for challenging quests and complex battles in Destiny 2 serves him well in the realm of dice and dungeons.

Pod frolics through each gathering with a jester’s heart, always teetering on the edge with his edgy humor. His ability to weave levity into even the most perilous adventures keeps his companions laughing and light-hearted, as they traverse treacherous landscapes and face daunting foes.

Ultramagnus is like a towering knight whose armor clinks with each hearty laugh, his demeanor as grand as his stature. His humor, as mighty as his frame, fills the room, bringing warmth and light to the group’s every encounter.

ItsFuyuhiko plays the role of the cunning trickster, often jesting at the expense of her comrades with a sharp wit that cuts to the quick, yet always with a laugh to soften the blow. Her mirthful teasing brings a unique charm to their gatherings, ensuring no adventure is too grim.

SlothfulTime, joining in their escapades as though stepping through the pages of history, captures and recounts the lore of their server. Like a wandering minstrel who collects tales from far lands, he archives the group’s legendary exploits, ensuring that their stories echo through time. Their adventures were facilitated by the Oracle of the Discordant Realm, a mystical entity that could weave their actions into narratives of might and magic. The Oracle, a timeless being known only as the Dungeon Master, wielded the Book of Infinite Tales, a tome that contained all past, present, and future adventures.

As they ventured, their tales were carried across Cytheron by the Bards of the Wireless, minstrels who could tap into the Discordant Realm and broadcast their epic saga to every corner of the world. Thus, the legends of the Rolling 20's were sung in every tavern and at every hearth, inspiring new generations to grab their dice and partake in the quest for glory.

And so, in the world of Cytheron, the Rolling 20's live on, forever rolling dice against destiny, etching their tales in both the stars above and the hearts of those who dare to listen.

