The Law of One, also known as the Ra Material, is a series of books that were compiled from the channeling sessions between the entity known as Ra and the group L/L Research, consisting of Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert, and Jim McCarty. The sessions took place from 1981 to 1984 and were later published into five books.



The Law of One states that there is a single metaphysical truth at the heart of the universe, described as "the Law of One". The material presents the concept that all existence is unified and connected through this universal law, which emphasizes the interconnectivity of all forms of life. The teachings elaborate on various spiritual and philosophical questions covering cosmology, the origins and structure of the universe, the spiritual development of souls, and the role of Earth in the cosmic context.



The material is divided into five volumes, each discussing different aspects of the metaphysical universe, spiritual evolution, and detailed accounts of otherworldly entities. Ra, describing themselves as a "social memory complex" from the sixth density, purports to guide humanity in its spiritual evolution. The topics range from detailed cosmological descriptions to the implications of the Law of One on personal and collective growth.



The Law of One has a niche following among readers interested in esoteric wisdom and metaphysical studies. Critics of the material question the validity and origins of the channelings, whereas proponents find profound insights in the discussions of spirituality and unity.


  • L/L Research, The Law of One, Books I-V, published by Schiffer Publishing
  • The Ra Contact: Teaching the Law of One by Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert, Jim McCarty
  • L/L Research Online Library