Draft:The Philosophy of Different Timeline: Is There Another Civilization On Earth Along With Us?

  • Comment: This is a personal reflection or essay, and not an encyclopedia article. There are no sources. bonadea contributions talk 08:41, 2 September 2024 (UTC)

[1] is the play of words through the mind. It is also the way to find out the universal truth. It shows the logic and relationships of human towards the universe. Philosophies are the beginning point of every research. They give rise to many tangibles and intangible sources. [2] wrote in 1961 through the Story of Philosophy asserted that the philosophy not ċonly arises the ideas but also provides the philosophical system of mind which gives rise to the "[3]" like [4], [5], [6] etc. Philosophy alone can be taken as an article or like telling a story and comes to life when it gets chance to grow along the science and technology. [7] hypothesized in 1992 that the universe is radically an open laboratory for all. Few feels it, others may observe its behavior and some may prove it. Many people have their own style of writing a philosophy. They write through the medium of a story or poem, others may write as an article and some with fact or proof. Philosophies can be sourced or can be imagined. As imagination itself gives rise to many philosophies. [8] in 2006 explained that imagination brings up many inquiries to yourself and answers for those inquiries are found in yourself too. Many philosophers have inked down many articles which risen the topic for many researchers. Many of them have already blacked up the paper to bring out the knowledge and facts of time. No doubt, time is the most valuable thing that we possess. We are surrounded by space-time and hovered by our own time schedule. There are many philosophies and theories figured out by many philosophers, theorists and researchers. Many of them have imagined or discovered the theories of time traveling too. But, [9] are quite different than those. We know that we are living on that timeline where we remember past, experience our present and forecast or wait for the future. We also know that, philosophers are in hurry to find out the way to escape from the present to travel through past or future. What if I say, there are other timelines too where different civilizations exist along with us on the same planet. [10] in 2007 stated that there are not only the physical environment that we see and feel in the universe that we live rather there might be other virtual environment and realities that possesses life in a different way. We all the people on earth are experiencing the same timeline, yet. We all have same 24 hours to enjoy, work and rest. But now, our perception of single timeline can be different. There can be another civilization living on different timeline on the same planet where we live. The another timeline can be reversal to our timeline and the humanitarian or civilization can be totally different than ours. The lives of another timeline may or may not see us but the people living in our timeline might have seen or experienced those lives for a very short period of time. They live among us and their civilizations are among us too but still we are unaware of it and don’t know whether they already have knowledge about it. Few of the humans might have got the chances to experience at least a part of that civilization for few Nano-seconds while passing through the timeline equilibrium. May be, that can be one of their experiences too. However, few people declared in quora that they have experienced meeting a person from nowhere. This gives rise not only to another timeline civilization but it may give rise to multi-timeline civilizations. Every timeline has some meeting points. It might be possible to get the meeting point or point of intersection of every timeline at the same time period. During the timeline intersection, people of this civilization can experience the presence of that civilization of different timeline. The philosophies of time doesn’t end up here. It is really deep than we think or perceive. There are lots of predictions made on time. Time plays different role for different personalities and also for different civilizations.


  1. ^ Philosophy
  2. ^ Will Durant
  3. ^ monarchs of the mind
  4. ^ Plato
  5. ^ Aristotle
  6. ^ Francis Bacon
  7. ^ Manicas and Secord
  8. ^ Taylor
  9. ^ human imaginations
  10. ^ Greg Miller