Draft:Visualization of Similarities (VOS)

Visualization of Similarities (VOS) Method


The Visualization of Similarities (VOS) method is an advanced computational technique developed to address the complexities inherent in visualizing relationships within large datasets, particularly in the context of bibliometric analysis. Introduced by Nees Jan van Eck and Ludo Waltman at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University, the VOS method forms the core of the widely utilized VOSviewer software.[1]. This method has become an essential tool in the fields of bibliometrics and scientometrics, enabling researchers to construct, visualize, and explore bibliometric networks with a high degree of accuracy and interpretability [2].

The VOS Method

The VOS method is a specialized mapping technique designed to visualize the relationships between items in a dataset by representing them in a low-dimensional space, typically two-dimensional. Unlike traditional approaches such as multidimensional scaling (MDS), which has been the standard in similar types of analysis, the VOS method offers significant advantages in accuracy and interpretability. The primary objective of the VOS method is to arrange items so that the distances between them in the visual space accurately reflect their underlying similarities. This approach is particularly useful in bibliometric mapping, where the relationships between items (e.g., articles, authors, keywords) can be highly complex and involve large numbers of entities [2]

Mathematical Foundation

The VOS method operates by minimizing a weighted sum of squared distances between all pairs of items in the dataset. The weight assigned to each pair of items corresponds to their similarity, which means that items with higher similarities are positioned closer together on the map. Mathematically, the objective function that the VOS method seeks to minimize is expressed as:


Here, sij​ represents the similarity between items i and j, and xi​ denotes the position of item i in the low-dimensional space. The method is constrained by the requirement that the average distance between pairs of items equals a predefined constant, usually set to 1. This constraint ensures that the map maintains a consistent scale, making the visualization more interpretable.

The similarities sij​ are typically computed using measures such as association strength, which accounts for the frequency of co-occurrences of items within the dataset. This approach allows the VOS method to effectively capture the relational structure of the data, providing insights that might not be apparent through other visualization techniques.[3].

Advantages of the VOS Method

One of the key advantages of the VOS method is its ability to avoid common artifacts that often occur in maps generated using MDS, such as the production of circular or overly dense clusters when dealing with data containing many zeros or weak relationships. In contrast, the VOS method distributes items more evenly across the map, reducing the central clustering effect that can obscure the relationships among less prominent items. This even distribution is crucial for creating visualizations that are both accurate and easy to interpret.

Moreover, the VOS method's focus on the actual strength of relationships, rather than merely the absence of dissimilarities, allows it to provide a more nuanced and detailed representation of the data. This capability is particularly important in bibliometric analyses, where the relationships between items such as co-authorships, citations, and keyword co-occurrences can be complex and multifaceted [4].

Applications of the VOS Method

The VOS method has found wide application in various domains, most notably in bibliometrics, where it is used to map co-authorship networks, citation networks, and keyword co-occurrence networks. One of the prominent uses of the VOS method is in the creation of term maps based on large corpora of scientific publications. In these maps, terms are positioned based on their co-occurrence in documents, allowing researchers to visualize the conceptual structure of scientific fields and track the evolution of research trends over time.

Beyond bibliometrics, the VOS method has been employed in other fields that require the visualization of complex relational data, such as patent analysis and the mapping of research trends across different scientific disciplines. Its versatility and robustness make it a valuable tool for researchers across a wide range of academic and industrial applications [5].

VOSviewer Software

VOSviewer is the primary software tool for implementing the VOS method. Developed by the same team at CWTS, VOSviewer offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of creating and exploring bibliometric maps. The software is designed to handle large datasets efficiently, making it possible to generate clear and informative visualizations that reveal the structure and dynamics of scientific research.

VOSviewer includes features for zooming, scrolling, and searching within maps, which enhances the user's ability to investigate detailed relationships within the data. Additionally, the software's text mining capabilities allow users to create term maps from large collections of documents by automatically identifying and mapping key terms based on their co-occurrences. This functionality makes VOSviewer a powerful tool for researchers seeking to explore the conceptual landscape of scientific literature and other complex datasets.

VOSviewer Software

VOSviewer is a sophisticated software tool meticulously designed for the creation, visualization, and exploration of bibliometric networks. Developed by Nees Jan van Eck and Ludo Waltman at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University, VOSviewer has established itself as an indispensable resource in the field of bibliometrics and scientometrics. The software was first released in 2009 and has since gained widespread adoption among researchers for its advanced capabilities in mapping and visualizing networks of scientific publications, authors, and research topics [6].

Core Functionality and Purpose

The primary objective of VOSviewer is to provide researchers, librarians, and analysts with a powerful platform for visualizing and analyzing large-scale bibliometric data. Bibliometrics involves the quantitative analysis of written publications, and VOSviewer excels in uncovering complex relationships and patterns within this data. The software is particularly well-suited for mapping co-authorship networks, citation networks, and keyword co-occurrence networks, offering a clear and interpretable representation of the structure and dynamics of scientific research.

Development and Evolution

VOSviewer was developed in response to the limitations of existing bibliometric mapping tools, particularly the challenges associated with traditional multidimensional scaling (MDS) techniques. The key innovation of VOSviewer lies in its implementation of the Visualization of Similarities (VOS) method, a novel approach that enhances the accuracy and interpretability of bibliometric maps by minimizing distortions commonly observed in MDS-based visualizations.

Since its initial release, VOSviewer has undergone numerous updates, each enhancing its capabilities and extending its applicability. Notably, the introduction of version 1.4.0 in September 2011 marked a significant milestone with the addition of extensive text mining functionality. This feature allows users to create term maps based on a corpus of documents, facilitating the analysis of co-occurrence relationships between terms. Such advancements have positioned VOSviewer as a versatile tool not only for bibliometric analysis but also for applications in text mining and related fields.

Scientific and Technical Features

VOSviewer is distinguished by several features that make it uniquely effective for bibliometric mapping and visualization:

  1. Handling Large Datasets: One of the most critical strengths of VOSviewer is its ability to process and visualize large bibliometric datasets efficiently. This capability is essential for conducting comprehensive analyses of extensive networks of scientific publications and authors, revealing patterns and trends that smaller datasets might obscure.
  2. Intuitive Visualization: The software generates clear and interpretable maps, where items are represented as nodes and their relationships as edges. VOSviewer’s user interface supports interactive features such as zooming, scrolling, and searching, enabling users to explore specific details within the broader context of the network seamlessly.
  3. Text Mining Functionality: Beyond its core bibliometric capabilities, VOSviewer includes robust text mining features. These allow users to create term maps from large document corpora by automatically identifying key terms and mapping them based on their co-occurrences. This feature provides valuable insights into the conceptual structure of the literature and supports a deeper understanding of research topics.
  4. Cluster Detection: VOSviewer is equipped with sophisticated clustering algorithms that identify groups of related items within a network. These clusters often correspond to research topics or areas of expertise, making it easier for users to identify major themes and trends within a body of literature.
  5. Versatility Across Disciplines: Although initially designed for bibliometrics, VOSviewer’s applicability extends to various fields that require the visualization of complex networks. These include patent analysis, social network analysis, and the mapping of research trends across different scientific disciplines, demonstrating the software’s versatility and broad utility.

Applications of VOSviewer

VOSviewer has been extensively applied across multiple types of bibliometric studies, making it a critical tool for researchers engaged in the analysis of scientific literature. Some of its notable applications include:

  • Co-Authorship Networks: VOSviewer is widely used to map the relationships between authors based on their collaborative publications, providing insights into the structure of research communities and the dynamics of academic collaboration.
  • Citation Networks: The software is instrumental in visualizing citation links between scientific papers, allowing researchers to identify influential works, trace the development of scientific ideas, and analyze the impact of specific publications.
  • Keyword Co-Occurrence Networks: VOSviewer excels in analyzing the frequency and co-occurrence of terms in scientific publications, facilitating the mapping of research topics and the identification of emerging trends in various fields.

Through these applications, VOSviewer has proven to be an essential tool for exploring the development of scientific fields, identifying key researchers and institutions, and understanding the impact of specific publications. Its ability to produce detailed, accurate, and interpretable visualizations has solidified its position as a leading software in the field of bibliometrics and beyond [7].

Examples of the VOS Method Application:

The research article "Biofuels and Nanocatalysts: Python Boosting Visualization of Similarities," [8] authored by Souza et al. (2023), exemplifies the effective use of the Visualization of Similarities (VOS) method for conducting a detailed bibliometric analysis in the field of biofuels and nanocatalysts. This study provides a comprehensive exploration of the evolution of research trends, key contributors, and emerging themes in this domain, analyzing over 1,000 scientific articles sourced from the Scopus database.

The study identifies a significant increase in research output post-2013, following a polynomial growth trend with a high correlation coefficient of 0.9872, reflecting the growing importance of biofuels and nanocatalysts in addressing global energy challenges. The geographical analysis within the study highlights China as the leading contributor, followed by other countries such as India, Iran, Malaysia, and the United States.

A crucial component of this analysis is the application of the VOS method and the use of VOSviewer software, which allowed the researchers to visualize the relationships between keywords extracted from the titles and abstracts of the articles. By mapping these keywords into a low-dimensional space, the study could effectively identify and visualize clusters of research activity.

The analysis revealed seven primary research clusters, illustrating a dynamic shift in research focus over time—from early studies centered on enzymatic processes and electrodes to more recent investigations into biodiesel yield and diesel engines. This shift signifies an evolving research priority toward optimizing biofuel production and improving diesel engine efficiency, with a strong emphasis on reducing emissions.

The use of VOSviewer allowed the authors to generate detailed bibliometric networks, providing a visual representation of the connections and trends within the research data. The software's ability to produce such maps enabled the researchers to identify key nodes and link strengths within these networks, shedding light on critical term pairs like DMF vs. HMF and blend vs. diesel. These insights are crucial for understanding the ongoing advancements in alternative fuels and engine improvements.

The study concludes by emphasizing the significant role that biofuels and nanocatalysts play in the transition towards sustainable energy solutions. Moreover, it highlights the utility of the VOS method and VOSviewer software in navigating complex scientific landscapes, offering a robust framework for analyzing the evolution of research in emerging scientific fields. This detailed visualization and analysis underscore the importance of understanding research trajectories in biofuels and nanocatalysts, providing a foundation for future advancements in this critical area of study.

The research paper titled "A 30-Year Review on Nanocomposites: Comprehensive Bibliometric Insights into Microstructural, Electrical, and Mechanical Properties Assisted by Artificial Intelligence" by Souza et al. (2024) [9] presents a significant bibliometric analysis that spans three decades, offering deep insights into the evolution of nanocomposites, with a focus on their microstructural characterization, electrical properties, and mechanical behaviors. The study employs a novel computational approach, integrating advanced Boolean search strategies and machine learning techniques, to meticulously analyze the thematic content extracted from the Scopus database, making it a groundbreaking effort in the field.

The research stands out due to its use of VOSviewer software and the Visualization of Similarities (VOS) method, both of which are instrumental in mapping the intellectual landscape of nanocomposites research. Through the VOS method, the study identifies and visualizes clusters of research themes, highlighting pivotal contributions and influential studies within the domain. The authors meticulously categorize the research into distinct clusters, each representing a specific focus area within nanocomposites, such as microstructure, electrical conductivity, mechanical strength, and emerging nanomaterials like graphene.

The application of VOSviewer allowed the researchers to generate detailed network graphs that depict the relationships between key terms and their co-occurrences within the literature. This visualization provided a clear understanding of how different aspects of nanocomposites research have evolved over time, with specific attention to the shifts in focus from basic material properties to more advanced applications in various industries.

One of the critical findings of the study is the strong correlation between the Total Link Strength (TLS) of specific terms and their frequency of occurrence within the dataset. This correlation underscores the centrality of certain themes in the nanocomposites research network, reflecting their significance in the scientific community. The study also identifies outliers—terms with high occurrence but lower TLS—indicating emerging or niche concepts that have yet to fully integrate into the broader research network.

Furthermore, the study's bibliometric analysis reveals distinct patterns in global research funding and collaboration, with China leading the way in terms of investment and research output, followed by other key contributors such as India, Russia, and the United States. The analysis of funding sources highlights the global interest in nanocomposites and the diverse approaches taken by different countries in advancing this field.

The study also incorporates a sentiment analysis of academic abstracts, revealing a positive trend in the discourse surrounding nanocomposites. This trend suggests a growing recognition of the potential of nanocomposites in addressing critical challenges in materials science and engineering.

Overall, this comprehensive review not only maps the current state of nanocomposites research but also offers valuable insights into the future directions of the field. The integration of VOSviewer and the VOS method proves to be an invaluable tool in synthesizing vast amounts of bibliometric data, providing a clear and structured overview of the research landscape. The findings of this study are expected to guide future research efforts, particularly in optimizing the properties of nanocomposites for various applications, from energy storage to biomedical engineering.

The research paper titled "Advancing Hybrid Nanocatalyst Research: A Python-based Visualization of Similarity Analysis for Interdisciplinary and Sustainable Development" by Gomes et al. [10] presents an in-depth exploration of the hybrid nanocatalyst field, employing sophisticated bibliometric and visualization techniques to map and understand the intricate landscape of this rapidly evolving domain. By utilizing the Python-boosted Visualization of Similarities (VOS) methodology, the study offers a comprehensive analysis of hybrid nanocatalysts, which are catalysts that combine the properties of both heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts to enhance catalytic performance across a range of applications.

The research methodology is characterized by its rigorous data collection from multiple databases, including the Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar. The study analyzed 239 documents from the Web of Science and 1,887 from Scopus, while Google Scholar suggested over 25,000 documents. However, due to the lack of stringent selection criteria in Google Scholar, the researchers relied primarily on the Scopus database to ensure analytical rigor and data precision. This extensive dataset allowed for a thorough examination of the research trends, key contributors, and emerging areas in hybrid nanocatalyst research.

The study utilized VOSviewer software, a tool designed to generate co-occurrence networks by analyzing the frequency of keywords and terms within a dataset. VOSviewer calculates the Link Strength Between Items (LSBI), a metric that measures the degree of association between terms, and it creates visual maps that illustrate the relationships between these terms. The study also employed a Python script to perform a detailed analysis of the data, leveraging libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn for data manipulation and visualization. This approach enabled the researchers to identify the most relevant term pairs and assess the proximity of terms in the network, providing qualitative insights into the research landscape.

The analysis revealed several significant trends in hybrid nanocatalyst research. One of the key findings is the increasing interest in developing materials with enhanced properties through hybrid nanocatalysis. The study emphasized the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and sustainable methodologies in advancing this field. Analytical techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) were highlighted for their critical roles in elucidating the relationships between the structural and functional properties of hybrid nanocatalysts. These techniques were identified as essential tools for fine-tuning the properties of hybrid nanocatalysts, thereby improving their catalytic efficacy and selectivity.

A particularly noteworthy trend identified in the study is the growing interest in integrating natural enzymes into hybrid nanocatalysts. This integration positions these bio-inspired catalysts as promising candidates for sustainable and cost-effective catalytic solutions. The study underscored the potential of natural enzymes to enhance the performance of hybrid nanocatalysts, particularly in applications such as environmental remediation and biomedical treatments.

The use of VOSviewer allowed the researchers to create detailed network graphs that visually represent the relationships between various terms and clusters in the research domain. The study identified six distinct clusters within the dataset, each representing a different aspect of hybrid nanocatalyst research. For instance, one cluster focused on the synthesis and characterization of nanocatalysts, while another emphasized the application of these materials in electrochemical reactions for energy production. The analysis also revealed a cluster dedicated to the use of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and nanoenzymes in biomedical applications, highlighting the diverse applications of hybrid nanocatalysts.

The overlay maps generated by VOSviewer provided additional insights into the temporal dynamics of the research field. The maps indicated that the most recent research terms are concentrated in clusters related to fuel desulfurization and biomedical applications, suggesting that these areas are currently at the forefront of hybrid nanocatalyst research. This finding underscores the importance of these applications in addressing contemporary challenges such as environmental sustainability and healthcare.

The study concluded by emphasizing the critical role of interdisciplinary collaboration and advanced analytical techniques in the development of hybrid nanocatalysts. The findings highlight the widespread use of X-ray diffraction as a primary technique for understanding the structure-property relationships in this field. Additionally, the study pointed to the growing importance of integrating natural enzymes into hybrid nanocatalyst frameworks, which could lead to more sustainable and cost-effective catalytic solutions.

The insights gained from this research provide a valuable reference for future studies, particularly in the context of optimizing hybrid nanocatalysts for specific applications such as biofuel production, environmental remediation, and biomedical treatments. The study also calls for further exploration of the potential of natural enzymes as catalysts, as well as the development of new characterization techniques to advance the field of hybrid nanocatalysis.

In summary, this paper represents a significant contribution to the understanding and advancement of hybrid nanocatalysts, offering a comprehensive analysis of the research landscape and identifying key areas for future inquiry. The use of the VOS methodology and Python-boosted visualization techniques underscores the importance of innovative computational tools in driving scientific discovery and innovation in this rapidly evolving field.

The research paper titled "Central Countries' and Brazil's Contributions to Nanotechnology" by Santos et al. presents a comprehensive analysis of global trends in nanotechnology research over a decade, from 2010 to 2020 [11]. The study meticulously examines the contributions of key nations, including the United States, China, India, and Brazil, using advanced data mining techniques applied to a substantial dataset of over 44,000 articles indexed in the Scopus database. The primary objective of the study is to elucidate the major research areas and thematic trends in nanotechnology across these nations, highlighting the diverse scientific contributions and research priorities that have shaped the global nanotechnology landscape during this period.

The study identifies several critical themes within the field of nanotechnology, including health sciences, energy, wastewater treatment, and electronics. These themes reflect the broad and interdisciplinary nature of nanotechnology, which encompasses a wide range of applications from medical innovations to environmental sustainability. The analysis underscores the leading role of the United States, China, and India in driving global nanotechnology research, with these countries emerging as the top contributors in terms of published articles. Brazil, while ranking fifteenth overall, is noted for its growing influence and specific contributions to the field.

One of the study's significant findings is the identification of distinct research priorities and thematic focuses across different countries. For example, the United States and China are heavily involved in nanomedicine and cancer treatment research, while India shows a strong emphasis on triboelectric nanogenerators, a cutting-edge technology with potential applications in sustainable energy generation. Brazil's contributions, although smaller in volume, are highlighted for their focus on health-related nanotechnologies and environmental applications, reflecting the country's research priorities and societal needs.

The researchers employed VOSviewer, a software tool designed for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks, alongside Voyant Tools, to perform a detailed analysis of the dataset. VOSviewer was particularly instrumental in classifying words from the selected papers into clusters based on their frequency and correlation—a technique known as Network Plots. This approach allowed the researchers to organize the vast amount of data into coherent clusters, each representing a specific research theme or area of focus within the field of nanotechnology. The software's capability to generate MAP files organized by cluster size and total link strength provided the researchers with a powerful means to examine the top nodes in each cluster, offering detailed insights into the most influential research topics and trends.

The use of the Visualization of Similarities (VOS) method within VOSviewer was critical for organizing the data into meaningful clusters according to the frequency and correlation of terms. This method enabled the researchers to identify and visualize key themes and topics that have been prevalent in nanotechnology research over the past decade. The resulting network maps not only illustrate the interconnectedness of various research topics but also highlight the evolution of these themes over time, offering a dynamic view of how the field has developed and where it is heading.

In conclusion, the paper provides a thorough assessment of the scientific advancements in nanotechnology, particularly by leading nations such as the United States, China, and India, while also highlighting Brazil's role as a significant contributor. The study's findings emphasize the importance of continued research and development in nanotechnology to address global challenges related to sustainability, environmental protection, economic development, and the enhancement of quality of life. The availability of the collected data from over 44,000 indexed articles as a public resource further enhances the value of this research, offering a foundational dataset for future studies and supporting the global scientific community in advancing the field of nanotechnology.

Finally, the Visualization of Similarities (VOS) method, as implemented through the VOSviewer software, has become a widely recognized tool within the scientific community, evidenced by its extensive application in dozens of research publications across various disciplines. VOSviewer has been utilized in numerous studies to analyze and visualize complex bibliometric networks, showcasing its versatility and efficacy in handling large datasets and revealing intricate relationships between research topics, authors, and institutions.

These publications demonstrate the widespread adoption of VOSviewer for conducting bibliometric analyses that require the synthesis of large volumes of scientific data. The software’s capacity to cluster related items and highlight key themes within datasets has provided researchers with valuable insights into the evolution of research fields, the emergence of new scientific paradigms, and the identification of leading contributors to various domains of knowledge.

The existence of dozens of papers employing VOSviewer reflects its critical role in advancing bibliometric research methodologies. By facilitating the exploration of scientific literature through sophisticated network visualizations, VOSviewer has enabled researchers to uncover hidden patterns, trends, and connections within the vast body of scholarly work. This has significantly contributed to the understanding of how research areas develop over time, the collaboration patterns among researchers, and the impact of specific publications or authors on the trajectory of scientific inquiry.

The consistent use of VOSviewer across diverse research areas highlights its robustness and adaptability as a tool for bibliometric analysis. The software’s ongoing development and the continuous expansion of its user base suggest that VOSviewer will remain a cornerstone of bibliometric research, providing the scientific community with powerful means to analyze and visualize the complex and dynamic landscape of scientific knowledge.

For a comprehensive overview of publications utilizing VOSviewer, the VOSviewer website maintains a detailed list of references, showcasing the breadth and depth of its application in academic research. This resource serves as a testament to the significant impact that VOSviewer has had on the field of bibliometrics and its essential role in the analysis and interpretation of scientific literature [7]


The Visualization of Similarities (VOS) method and its implementation through VOSviewer have become essential tools in bibliometric analysis, offering sophisticated capabilities for mapping and visualizing relationships within vast datasets of scientific literature. Developed by Nees Jan van Eck and Ludo Waltman, VOSviewer has revolutionized the way researchers, librarians, and analysts approach bibliometric studies by providing a user-friendly platform capable of handling large datasets with precision and clarity. The method's ability to minimize distortions and produce accurate, insightful visualizations has been demonstrated across various fields of study, making it a valuable resource for exploring the interconnectedness of research themes, identifying key contributors, and tracking the evolution of scientific domains.

VOSviewer's influence is evident through its extensive application in dozens of research papers, ranging from the analysis of nanotechnology trends to exploring the development of biofuels and nanocatalysts. These studies have utilized the VOS method to uncover critical insights, such as the identification of major research clusters, the evolution of thematic areas, and the influence of interdisciplinary collaboration on scientific advancements. By employing VOSviewer, researchers have been able to visualize complex networks of knowledge, revealing both the structure and dynamics of scientific research.

The method's broad applicability extends beyond bibliometrics, finding relevance in patent analysis, social network analysis, and other fields that require the visualization of complex relational data. The continued development and refinement of VOSviewer ensure that it remains at the forefront of bibliometric analysis, addressing the evolving needs of the research community.

In conclusion, the VOS method and VOSviewer have established themselves as indispensable tools in the scientific community, providing researchers with the means to systematically explore, analyze, and interpret the vast and intricate networks of knowledge that define modern science. The extensive body of literature employing VOSviewer highlights its critical role in advancing our understanding of various scientific domains, making it an essential resource for future research endeavors.


  1. ^ van Eck, N.J.; Waltman, L. (2011). "Text mining and visualization using VOSviewer". ISSI Newsletter, 7(3), 50-54. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1109.2058
  2. ^ a b van Eck, N.J.; Waltman, L. (2007). "VOS: A New Method for Visualizing Similarities Between Objects". In: Decker, R.; Lenz, H.J. (eds). Advances in Data Analysis. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-70981-7_34
  3. ^ van Eck, N.J.; Waltman, L. (2010). "Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping". Scientometrics, 84(2), 523–538. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-009-0146-3
  4. ^ van Eck, N.J.; Waltman, L.; Dekker, R.; van den Berg, J. (2010). "A comparison of two techniques for bibliometric mapping: Multidimensional scaling and VOS". Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(12), 2405-2416. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.21421
  5. ^ Perianes-Rodriguez, A.; Waltman, L.; van Eck, N.J. (2016). "Constructing bibliometric networks: A comparison between full and fractional counting". Journal of Informetrics, 10(4), 1178-1195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joi.2016.10.006
  6. ^ van Eck, N.J.; Waltman, L. (2024). "VOSviewer Software". Available at https://www.vosviewer.com/. Accessed on [date of access].
  7. ^ a b van Eck, N.J.; Waltman, L. (2024). "VOSviewer Publications". Available at https://www.vosviewer.com/publications. Accessed on [date of access].
  8. ^ Gomes Souza, F., Jr.; Pal, K.; Ampah, J.D.; Dantas, M.C.; Araújo, A.; Maranhão, F.; Domingues, P. (2023). "Biofuels and Nanocatalysts: Python Boosting Visualization of Similarities". Materials, 16(3), 1175. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16031175
  9. ^ Gomes Souza, F., Jr.; Pal, K.; Ampah, J.D.; Dantas, M.C.; Araújo, A.; Maranhão, F.; Domingues, P. (2024). "A 30-Year Review on Nanocomposites: Comprehensive Bibliometric Insights into Microstructural, Electrical, and Mechanical Properties Assisted by Artificial Intelligence". Manuscript in preparation.
  10. ^ Gomes Souza, F., Jr.; Pal, K.; Ampah, J.D.; Dantas, M.C.; Araújo, A.; Maranhão, F.; Domingues, P. (2024). "Advancing Hybrid Nanocatalyst Research: A Python-Based Visualization of Similarity Analysis for Interdisciplinary and Sustainable Development". Manuscript in preparation.
  11. ^ Santos, M.C.; Pal, K.; Gomes Souza, F., Jr.; et al. (2024). "Central Countries' and Brazil's Contributions to Nanotechnology". Manuscript in preparation.