We Create Tech (WCT)

    • We Create Tech (WCT)** is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing the number of [underrepresented](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underrepresented_group) and underserved youth preparing for careers in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) fields. The organization creates innovative learning experiences in coding, audio and video technology, film, virtual reality, gaming, and artificial intelligence (AI).

Founded in 2020 by Shana Digital Sanders, an experienced educator and entrepreneur with over 15 years in Career Technical Education, WCT aims to close the digital divide for Black and Brown students. A key goal of the organization is to establish a flagship technology center in Atlanta, Georgia, that will serve as a hub for free educational programs, leadership development, and entrepreneurship training.[1]


  1. ^ Walker, Tabia (April 28, 2023). "Shana Digital is preparing Black and Brown youth for careers in tech". Rolling Out. Retrieved August 25, 2024.