Galagatax̂ is a mythical creature in the Unangax̂ culture of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska.

According to tradition, Galagatax̂ primarily inhabits the ocean, often remaining beneath its surface. Its ears are described as resembling finely woven Unangax̂ baskets, turned upside down. When encountered at sea in an iqyax̂ (a traditional skin-on-frame, single-hatch sea kayak), it is said that the kayaker must paddle fearlessly toward Galagatax̂, passing directly between its ears. Exhibiting fear may result in the paddler being swallowed whole, as Galagatax̂'s mouth is large enough to engulf an entire kayak, typically about six meters in length. Paddling without fear ensures safety.[1]


  1. ^ Solovyov, Isodor (1990). Bergsland, Knut (ed.). Things That Occur at Sea. Fairbanks, Alaska: Alaska Native Language Center. pp. 204–205.