Hans Hirschke, sometimes Hanns (1850, Brno-1921, Vienna), was an Austrian entomologist who specialised in Lepidoptera. He was first a linen weaver in Brno, then a gardener's apprentice. In 1899, he was Head of the Exchange Office Vienna and a Member of the Entomological Association of Vienna (Österreichischen Entomologischen Vereins). Hans Hirschke described Alcis bastelbergeri and Phengaris rebeli in Jber. Wien. ent. Ver.

Hanns Hirschke Porträt im Fotoalbum Österr. Ent. Ver. Wien


  • Nonveiller, G. 1999: The Pioneers of the research on the Insects of Dalmatia. Zagreb, Hrvatski Pridodoslovni Muzej, 1-390 S pp. 186
  • Zobodat