Hariulf (Latin: Hariulfus) was a Burgundian prince during the 4th century.

Stele with the funerary inscription for Hariulfus

An inscription records one Hariulfus, son of Hanhavaldus, of the royal family of the Burgundians (regalis gentis Burgundionum), who was already a protector domesticus when he died at the age of twenty in the imperial court in Augusta Treverorum[1] (Germania Superior), probably under the Roman Emperor Valentinian I[2] (reign 364-375 AD):

Hariulfus protector I domesticus filius Han/havaldi regalis genti/s Burgundionum qui I vicxit(\) annos XX et men/sis(\) nove(m) et dies nove(m). Reutilo avunculu/s ipsius fecit.


This inscription was found in 1877 at Trier, Germany.[3]


  1. ^ Arnold Hugh Martin Jones, The later Roman Empire, 284-602: a social, economic and administrative survey, Blackwell, 1964
  2. ^ J. F. Drinkwater, The Alamanni and Rome 213-496 (Caracalla to Clovis), Oxford University Press, 2007
  3. ^ Johannes Hoops, Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde, Volume 14, Walter de Gruyter, 1999