Hautalehto[1] is a Finnish crime drama series that premiered in 2021, based on the Antti Hautalehto novel series by Christian Rönnbacka. The titular role is played by Mikko Leppilampi. The series was directed by Petri Kotwica, written by Veli-Pekka Hänninen, and produced by Solar Films, with producers Rimbo Salomaa, Jukka Helle, and Markus Selin.[2][3]

Written byVeli-Pekka Hänninen
Directed byPetri Kotwica
Country of origin Finland
No. of episodes14
Production companySolar Films
Original release
NetworkC More, MTV Katsomo

The series revolves around criminal inspector Antti Hautalehto who is faced with complicated cases in the Finnish city of Porvoo.

The first season, Hautalehto: Kylmä syli, is based on the fourth book in the novel series.[4] In addition to Leppilampi, the cast includes Onni Parviainen, Antti Reini, Oona Airola, Iikka Forss, Teijo Eloranta, and Marja Salo.[2][3] The season became the most-streamed original series ever on C More.[5]

The second season, Hautalehto: Rakennus 31, premiered on MTV Katsomo on February 15, 2024.[3] It broke viewership records, becoming MTV's most-watched original series.[6]



Hautalehto: Cold Embrace



Hautalehto: Building 31



  1. ^ "Hautalehto". MTV Katsomo. Retrieved March 15, 2024.
  2. ^ a b "Full Cast & Crew". IMDb. Retrieved March 4, 2023.
  3. ^ a b c "Hautalehdon toisella kaudella rituaalimurhat järkyttävät Porvoota – Hautalehto: Rakennus 31 alkaa MTV Katsomossa 15.2". MTV Ohjelmaviestintä. January 11, 2024. Retrieved March 15, 2024.
  4. ^ "Popular Hautalehto crime novel series". Bazar Kustannus. Retrieved March 15, 2024.
  5. ^ "Hautalehto: Kylmä syli becomes C More's most-streamed original series - ePressi". January 26, 2022. Retrieved April 3, 2024.
  6. ^ "Hautalehto breaks MTV's original series records again - ePressi". March 25, 2024. Retrieved April 3, 2024.
  7. ^ "Hautalehto: Kylmä syli". Elonet.

Hautalehto at IMDb