Impromptu is a Canadian animated short film directed by Bruce Alcock and released in 2013.[1] The film centres on Chuck (Robert Joy), a man preparing dinner during which he plans to talk to his wife about their relationship difficulties. His plans upended when his wife unexpectedly invited a whole raft of her co-workers home to join them.[2]

Directed byBruce Alcock
Written byBruce Alcock
Edward Riche
Produced byAnnette Clarke
Michael Fukushima
Tina Ouellette
StarringRobert Joy
Edited byCesare Battista
Animation byBruce Alcock
Cesare Battista
Release date
  • September 2013 (2013-09) (TIFF)
Running time
10 minutes

The voice cast also includes Otto Alcock, Liz Solo, Mary Lewis, Sean Panting, Brian Marler and Jane Dingle.

The film premiered at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival.[3]

The film was a Canadian Screen Award nominee for Best Animated Short at the 2nd Canadian Screen Awards in 2014.[4]


  1. ^ Ramin Zahed, "NFB Serves Up 3-D Fare at Toronto Festival". Animation Magazine, August 7, 2013.
  2. ^ Ilse de Mucha Herrera, "TIFF 2013: Short Animated Films by the NFB – Reviews". The Arts Guild, September 14, 2013.
  3. ^ Cassandra Szklarski, "NFB showcases 3D animated shorts at Toronto film festival". Canadian Press, August 30, 2013.
  4. ^ Pat Mullen, "'Enemy' Leads Canadian Screen Awards Nominations" Archived 2023-03-29 at the Wayback Machine. Cinemablographer, January 13, 2014.