Iranian Army Branch Insignia

Branch insignia of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army refers to military emblems that may be worn on the uniform of the Iranian Army to denote membership in a particular area of expertise and series of functional areas.

Seal of Islamic Republic of Iran Army

General branches

Branch Insignia Branch Description Branch Insignia Branch Description Branch Insignia Branch Description Branch Insignia Branch Description
  Command and Staff Branch   Armored Branch   Art Branch   Artillery Branch
  Electronics Branch   Engineering and Construction Branch   Administrative Branch   Industries Branch
  Infantry Branch   Intelligence Branch   Ideological and Political Branch   Information Technology Branch
  Judicial and Legal Branch   Logistics Branch   Mechanics Branch   Military Police Branch
  Music Branch   Ordnance Branch   Medical Branch   Services Branch
  Modern Warfare Branch   Telecommunications and Electronic Warfare Branch   Treasury Branch   Transportation Branch
Branch Insignia Branch Description Branch Insignia Branch Description
  Marine Corps Branch   Ship Commandment Branch

Air force branches

Branch Insignia Branch Description Branch Insignia Branch Description Branch Insignia Branch Description
  Air Defense Branch   Air Operations Branch   Air Support Operations Branch

See also
