Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology

Iranian Research Institute for Information Science (IRANDOC) is a national institute affiliated to the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology (MSRT), Iran. It is an Iranian research center with a national mission to meet the country's needs in the field of information science and technology.

Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology
پژوهشگاه علوم و فناوری اطلاعات ایران
Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology Logo
PresidentMohammad Hasanzadeh
Location, ,



Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IRANDOC) was established 1968 as the governmental organization known as Iranian Documentation Centre to "bring modern information to scientists and professors. In March 1969 IRANDOC became part of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education's new Institute for Research and Planning in Science and Education, along with Center for Scientific Policy, Center for Educational Planning and the Center for Library Services. In 1970 it had a staff of 60 personnel, with 30 being college graduates, and seven had doctorates.[1] When the Institute was disestablished in 1983, IRANDOC continued under the supervision of the Deputy Minister Office for Research.

The Council for Development of Higher Education approved a revised charter in 1991, changing its status to a research center and its name changed to its present form.

It has five main missions: research, scientific and technical information management, education, scientific cooperation, and supporting science and technology policy-making. Having 50 years’ experience, IranDoc now exploits more than 100 experts, nine research groups in three departments, and three research laboratories. It has developed one of the biggest Persian scientific and technical databases in Iran with more than one million records. This database and many other websites in IranDoc have thousands of users daily.

Research & Education


Research Departments:

Based on these unique competencies, Irandoc provides the community with a bunch of knowledge-based services in three categories:

  1. Information Technology Research Department
  2. Information Science Research Department
  3. Information and Society Research Department



Currently, IranDoc has 25 faculty members.


  • Book;
  • Article;
  • Research Projects;

IranDoc Name


Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology was founded in September 23, 1968, known as «مرکز اسناد ایران» in Farsi and "Iranian Documentation Center" in English. This short name has been used for the past half of the decade and until now, it has been changed five times. However, still this name more than any other name is familiar to, and used by, university students and professors as well as researchers, in Iran and worldwide. Over tens of thousands scholarly works has been indexed in SCOPUS since 1971and Google search engine retrieves 100,000 pages with this keyword. The short name known as "organization brand", is part of intangible assets of every organization which distinguishes it from other organizations. When seen or heard by people, it reminds them of a certain concept, which is tight to the unique features of the organization. Although, initially "Doc" was an abbreviation for "Documentation", based on Dehkhoda Dictionary, "داک" in Farsi has a more general meaning. It means "base" and "support", more precisely it refers to "a steak or a piece of wood on which wall or doors are settled". Since the "Science and Technology Information management" in Iran, and "information support of science and technology" are part of the major missions of IranDoc, it is decided to use the short name "ایرانداک" in Farsi and "IranDoc" in English for Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology as it both reflects the mission of this Institute and is a meaningful words both in Farsi and English.



IRANDOC is a national member of International Federation of Library Associations, Institutions (IFLA) and Association for Information Management (ASLIB), Iranian Association of Information and Librarianship, and in recent years, he has also become a member of International Institute “WAITRO”.



Robodoc: human and machine interaction RoboDoc lab was launched 2015 to push ahead the joint and interdisciplinary research projects in Information Management related fields. RoboDoc vision is to become a symbol of IranDoc's latest research products on information management and

processing, information and knowledge analysis, scientometrics, natural language processing and audio and image processing.

Science and Technology Policy Design The Science and Technology Policy Design Lab, with an interdisciplinary approach, seeks to analyze, simulate, and improve policies using a systematic perspective. The main goal of this lab is to gain a more in-depth insight into how policies work analyzing the complex cause-and-effect relationships between them. By providing research services and consulting to science and technology policymakers, the lab avoids wasting resources and minimizes unintended losses by testing them in a virtual environment (simulation).

Social Media and Data Governance The laboratory of "Social Media and Data Governance" was established with the goal of facilitating the systematic application of social media data analysis in the policy-making process. This laboratory analyzes social media data using social science theories that can serve as a foundation for data-driven analysis and pave the way for their optimal application in policy-making. Providing such services as developing data-driven policy documents in various areas demanded by policy-makers, data-driven evaluation of policy implementation, counseling services for the application of social media data in the policy-making process, and so on, the laboratory attempts to develop evidence-based policy by applying user-generated data in social media as evidence.

Decision Support System (Closed on June 9, 2020) The decision support systems lab was establish to conduct applied and developmental research on the applications of IT. It mainly relays on the knowledge in the areas of information systems, data mining, information analysis, artificial intelligence, and software engineering.

Text Mining and Machine Learning (Closed on May 17, 2021) The text mining and learning machine lab's major work focuses on the artificial intelligence methods used for machining the conceptualization and interpretation process of various types of data, in particular text type of data. To achieve this goal, researchers in this lab build computational theories from data and employ algorithms and current data structures, commonly used in computer science, especially in the field of machine learning.

Important Tasks and Authorities


a. Research

Assessment research needs and conducting research in the areas of information science and technology; Research collaboration with other organizations and providing consultancy services in the areas of information science and technology; Publishing scientific materials and producing software and computer applications; Holding scientific conferences and training workshops.

b. Information management and dissemination services

1. Gathering, organizing, storing, preserving, retrieving, analyzing, and disseminating information and documents on Iran science and technology, including Masters' theses and PhD dissertations produced by Iranian students in Iran and abroad, conference proceedings, experts' and researchers' information; research projects, patents, scientific software, along with corresponding supporting information such as information on individuals and organizations;

2. Managing the provision of, and access to, information and documents on international science and technology needed by researchers;

3. Managing the provision of, and access to, information and documents on science and technology gathered in IranDoc nationally and globally;

4. Publishing indexes, abstracts, statistics, dictionaries, and thesauruses.

c. Promoting applications of IT in the MSRT and across the country

1. Planning, managing and supporting IT projects;

2. Efficient organization that facilitates IT application, resources deployment; telecommunications management, coordination and design and dissemination of standards and regulations;

3. Identification and reinforcement of factors accelerating and hindering use of IT;

4. Supporting electronic readiness; developing knowledge, attitude and skills of key stakeholders on the role and importance of IT and bridging the digital gap;

5. Providing nationwide information infrastructures;

6. Developing and promoting IT application ethics;

7. Improving skills, capabilities, knowledge and attitude of employees who work in the areas of information science and technology and provide information services to users and to those who are interested in information science and technology, considering corresponding rules and regulations and after receiving permission from relevant bodies.

d. Collaboration and coordination

1. Participation in national, regional and international programs;

2. Organizing networks of information science and technology experts;

3. Planning, execution, evaluation and coordination of resource sharing and library cooperation broad programs;

4. Supporting and managing affairs related to the national science and technology information management system;

5. Design and promotion of national standards on information services and IT.

e. Delivering consultancy services in the design and leadership of the MSRT science and technology information system

f. Taking roles as:

1. the MSRT representative in the national and international information and IT communities/assemblies;

2. representative of international information and IT assemblies in Iran and as the center for regional activities of these assemblies;

3. Iran science and technology outlook;

4. the center for documentation of scientific and technological information;

5. coordinator of resource sharing and library cooperation programs across the country;

6. leader of the national and ministry management system for information science and technology;

7. The national thinking center in the area of information science and

Information Resources



  • Iran Scientific Information Database (Ganj)
  • Iran Science, Research and Technology Quality- Controlled Information Gateway
  • World Status of Iran in Science, Technology and Innovation Website
  • Iran Knowledge: Iranians' Contribution to the World Knowledge


  • Bilingual Scientific and Technical Thesauri
  • One-Stop Research and Researches Guide
  • Online Dictionaries
  • Iran Manual of Style Website (A Farsi guide on how to cite to Farsi and English resources)
  • Manual Style for Writing Thesis and Dissertation
  • The MSRT Libraries' Statistics.


  • Contents Pages, providing the table of contents of journals published in Iran.[1]
  • Abstracts Bulletin[1]
  • Union List of Social Science Periodicals[1]
  • Directory of Iranian Newspapers, covering publishers with licenses by the Ministry of Information.[1]
  • Directory of Iranian Periodicals, previously published by the Department of Library Science, University of Tehran. In 1970 it included 244 periodials, and was published in Persian and English.[1]
  • A Bibliography of Persian Law Books[1]
  • Directory of Iranian Libraries[1]
  • Iranian Scholars and Experts Database (1996–)
  • Information Sciences and Technology (1972–),[2] originally IRANDOC Technical Journal
  • Iranian Dissertation Abstracts (1973–)
  • Dissertations abstracts of Iranian graduates abroad (1995–)
  • Current Research in Iranian universities and research centers (1993–)
  • Abstracts of Scientific-Technical Papers (1993–)
  • Directory of Scientific Meetings held in Iran (1993–)
  • Khazar Information Quarterly (1993–?)
  • Educational Information Quarterly (1994–?)


  1. ^ a b c d e f g George Chandler (1971). "Iran". Libraries in the East: an International and Comparative Study. Seminar Press. pp. 39–50. ISBN 0-12-815550-7.
  2. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2008-05-05. Retrieved 2010-04-12.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)