Jaspar Laet was the name of two medical astrologers and almanac makers, father and son, active in the Renaissance Low Countries.



Jaspar Laet the Elder was a native of Borgloon in the County of Loon (Prince-Bishopric of Liège) and appeared frequently in the civic account books of Antwerp among the "sworn physicians" in the service of the city between 1517 and 1530.[1] He bore the titles "magister" and "physician".

Jaspar Laet the Younger was likewise born in Borgloon. He graduated doctor of medicine from the University of Leuven on 25 May 1512.[2] His name appeared frequently in the civic account books of Antwerp among the "sworn physicians" in the service of the city between 1530 and 1542.[1]


  • Gasparis Laet, Almanack pro XIII annis proximi futuris (Antwerp, Gerard Leeu, 1491)
  • Jaspar Laet van Borcloen, Prognosticacie van den jare MCCCCCIII (Antwerp, 1503)
  • Jaspar Laet van Borchloen, Pronosticatie van den jare MCCCCC en VI (n.p.d.)
  • Jaspar Laet van Borchloen, Pronosticatie van den jare MCCCCC en VIII (n.p.d.)
  • Magister Jasp. Laet de Borchloon, Phisicus Antuerpiensi, Prenostication Pro Anno Domini MCCCCCXVii (n.p.d.)[3]
  • Jaspart Laet, docteur en medecine de Louvain, Prenostication nouvelle pour lan mil cinq ces et XVII (n.p.d.)[4]
  • Jasparis Laet de Borchloen, Almanac pro anno domini milesimo CCCCCXX (Antwerp, Claes de Grave)
  • Gasparis Laet de Borchloen, Prognosticum pro anno MCCCCCXXII (Antwerp, De Grave)
  • Jaspar Laet de Borchloen, Almanack pro anno domini M.°ccccc.°XXIII (n.p.d.)[5]
  • Jaspaer Laet de jonghe, Almanack en prognosticatie voor 't jaer MCCCCCXXIV (Antwerp, Michiel Hillen van Hoochstraten)
  • Jaspar Laet, Prognostication de lan de nostre Seigneur MCCCCCXL (Antwerp)
  • Prognostication de lan de nostre Seigneur MDLI (Rouen)
  • Jaspar Laet, Prognostication de lan de nostre seigneur MCCCCCLIX (Antwerp, Jan van Ghelen)


  1. ^ a b "Liste des médecins jurés, rédigée d'après les comptes de la ville d'Anvers", Annales de la Société de médecine d'Anvers 27 (1866), pp. 210-212.
  2. ^ A. J. van der Aa, Biographisch Woordenboek der Nederlanden, continued by K.J.R. van Harderwijk and G.D.J. Schotel, vol. 11 (Haarlem, 1865), 201-202.
  3. ^ 1517 prognostication on Google Books
  4. ^ 1517 almanac on Google Books
  5. ^ 1523 almanac on Google Books