Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Ritter von Hegel[a] (7 June 1813 – 5 December 1901) was a German historian and son of the philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. During his lifetime he was a well-known and well-reputed historian who received many awards and honours. He was one of the major urban historians during the second half of the 19th century.

Friedrich Wilhelm Karl
Ritter von Hegel
Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Hegel

7 June 1813
Died5 December 1901
Erlangen, Kingdom of Bavaria, German Empire
OccupationGerman historian
FatherGeorg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Life and work


Karl Hegel was born in Nuremberg. He was the son of the philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, who died in 1831, when Karl Hegel was 18 years old. Hegel's own career suffered from the fame of his father. His mother, Marie Helena Susanna von Tucher (1791–1855) came from a long-established Nuremberg family of nobility. Hegel lived his first three years in Nuremberg. The family relocated to Heidelberg in 1816, where his father became Professor of Philosophy. In 1818, they relocated again, this time to Berlin. Karl Hegel studied in Berlin and in Heidelberg. One of his academic teachers was Leopold von Ranke. In 1837, he earned a PhD in Berlin (his Doctor's thesis was about Alexander the Great).[1] From 1838 to 1839, he went to Italy and did many historical researches. Back in Berlin, he worked for a brief time as a high school teacher. From 1841 to 1856, he was Professor for History and Politics at the University of Rostock. In 1847, he published two volumes of the History of Urban Constitution of Italy since the Time of the Roman Empire until the End of the 12th Century. From then on he was a well-known historian of the 19th century. The universities of Leipzig, Kiel, Munich, Greifswald and Erlangen offered him a professorship.[2] In 1850, he was as elected representative of the Erfurt Parliament. During the same year, he married his cousin Susanna Tucher. In 1856, the University of Erlangen appointed him to the newly created teaching professorship of history. During 1870, he was vice-rector at FAU.

From 1862 to 1899, 27 volumes of the edition “Die Chroniken der deutschen Städte” were published by Karl Hegel for the Historical Commission of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Munich. Hegel edited six chronicles volumes (Nuremberg, Strasbourg and Mainz) in many parts on his own. With Hegel as a department manager, the edition of the chronicles was one of the most successful projects of the Munich Historical Commission at the Royal Academy, which was still young during Hegel's lifetime. Designated historians, specialists in German studies and jurists such as Karl Lamprecht, Georg von Below, Matthias Lexer or Ferdinand Frensdorff were his employees.[3]

During the 1870s, he participated in the controversy about the authenticity of the Florentine chronicle of Dino Compagni. Paul Scheffer-Boichorst was his antagonist. Hegel argued for the authenticity of this chronicle, and was right.[4]

Hegel published until he was very old. In 1891, he published Cities and Guilds of the Germanic peoples in the Middle Ages. This representation was a standard work with good international reviews and reputation (for example: Friedrich Keutgen: Städte und Gilden der Germanischen Völker im Mittelalter. In: The English Historical Review 8 (1893), pp. 120-127.). In 1898, his last monograph was published, The Origin of the German town life. Hegel received numerous awards for his research.

In 1875, he became a member of the Central Directorate of Monumenta Germaniae Historica. He was also a member of the Academies in Munich, Göttingen, Berlin and Vienna. The University of Halle-Wittenberg gave him an honorary doctorate. In 1872, he received the Order of Merit of St. Michael and in 1876, the Bavarian Maximilian Order for Science and Art. In 1889, he received the Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Bavarian Crown. In 1891, he was inducted into the Matricula of the Kingdom of Bavaria, and in 1893 he was appointed Royal Privy Council. As early as 1884, the Conversations-Lexicon described him as a "well-known professor of history"[5]

In 1900, he published his memoirs. He died on 5 December 1901, in Erlangen. In 1901, the dean of the philosophic faculty of the university of Erlangen Richard Fester[6] honored him in his funeral eulogy about Karl Hegel as "Städtehegel".[7] His scientific estate is located largely in the Manuscript Department of the University Library of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Karl Hegel remained known less well than his father. His scientific work can be described by the formula "fame without posthumous fame".[8]

On the 100th anniversary of his death, the Erlangen Chair of Modern History hosted together with the Erlangen University Library the exhibition Karl Hegel - historian in the 19th century from 20 November to 16 December 2001. Karl Hegel Memorial Lectures have taken place since 2007. Thus, the current department keeps the founder of the Historical Institute of the Friedrich-Alexander University in memory. The Department of History at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg is researching Karl Hegel's life in several studies Helmut Neuhaus. In 2012, Marion Kreis published her book on Karl Hegel's historiographical significance[9] and ends with this "meritorious study" this desideratum[10]



A list of publications can be found in Marion Kreis, Karl Hegel. Historical Scientific Importance and history of science location. Göttingen 2012, p 354–359.

  • Geschichte der Städteverfassung von Italien seit der Zeit der römischen Herrschaft bis zum Ausgang des zwölften Jahrhunderts (Leipzig 1847, Neudruck 1964, 2 Bände)
  • Verfassungsgeschichte von Cöln im Mittelalter (Leipzig 1877) und von Mainz (1882).
  • Geschichte der mecklenburgischen Landstände bis zum Jahr 1555 (Rostock 1856)
  • Die Ordnungen der Gerechtigkeit in der florentinischen Republik (Erlangen 1867)
  • Die Chronik des Dino Compagni. Versuch einer Rettung (Leipzig 1875) und
  • Über den historischen Werth der älteren Dante-Commentare mit e. Anh. zur Dino-Frage (Leipzig 1878).
  • Städte und Gilden der germanischen Völker im Mittelalter (in German). Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot [de]. 1891 – via HathiTrust., 2 Bände[11]
    • v.1: England, Denmark, Sweden, Norway
    • v.2: France, Netherlands, Germany
  • Die Entstehung des Deutschen Städtewesens (Leipzig 1898)
  • Karl Hegels Gedenkbuch. Lebenschronik eines Gelehrten des 19. Jahrhunders, hg. von Helmut Neuhaus, Böhlau Verlag, (Köln u.a. 2013), ISBN 978-3-412-21044-1


  • Helmut Neuhaus: Die Brautbriefe Karl Hegels an Susanna Maria von Tucher. Aus der Verlobungszeit des Rostocker Geschichtsprofessors und der Nürnberger Patriziertochter 1849/50 (= Archiv für Kulturgeschichte. Beihefte. Heft 87). Böhlau, Köln u. a. 2018, ISBN 978-3-412-51128-9.
  • Helmut Neuhaus: Die Brautbriefe Susanna Maria von Tuchers an Karl Hegel. Aus der Familiengeschichte der Nürnberger Patrizierfamilie Tucher von Simmelsdorf 1849/50 (= Archiv für Kulturgeschichte. Beihefte. Heft 97). Böhlau Verlag, Wien/Köln 2022, ISBN 978-3-412-52481-4.


  1. ^ Regarding personal names: Ritter was a title before 1919, but now is regarded as part of the surname. It is translated as Knight. Before the August 1919 abolition of nobility as a legal class, titles preceded the full name when given (Graf Helmuth James von Moltke). Since 1919, these titles, along with any nobiliary prefix (von, zu, etc.), can be used, but are regarded as a dependent part of the surname, and thus come after any given names (Helmuth James Graf von Moltke). Titles and all dependent parts of surnames are ignored in alphabetical sorting. There is no equivalent feminine form.


  1. ^ Karl Hegel: De Aristotele et Alexandro Magno, Dissertatio inauguralis. Berlin 1837
  2. ^ Helmut Neuhaus: Im Schatten des Vaters. Der Historiker Karl Hegel (1813–1901) und die Geschichtswissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert. In: Historische Zeitschrift, Bd. 286 (2008), pp. 63–89, here: p. 80.
  3. ^ Marion Kreis. Karl Hegel , Historical Scientific Importance and history of science location. Göttingen 2012, p 215-316.
  4. ^ Marion Kreis: Karl Hegel. Geschichtswissenschaftliche Bedeutung und wissenschaftsgeschichtlicher Standort (= Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bd. 84). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen u.a. 2012, pp. 82-87, ISBN 978-3-525-36077-4.
  5. ^ Marion Kreis: Karl Hegel. Geschichtswissenschaftliche Bedeutung und wissenschaftsgeschichtlicher Standort (= Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bd. 84). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen u.a. 2012, p. 19. ISBN 978-3-525-36077-4.
  6. ^ About Richard Fester and his doings at University of Erlangen cf. Axel Gotthard. Neue Geschichte 1870-1970. In: Geschichtswissenschaft in Erlangen. Herausgegeben von Helmut Neuhaus. Erlangen/Jena 2000. p. 106ff. and p. 114ff. [Erlanger Studien zur Geschichte 6]
  7. ^ Richard Fester: Karl von Hegel. Gedenkworte im Auftrag der philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Erlangen am Grabe gesprochen. Sonderdruck aus der Beilage zur „Allgemeinen Zeitung“. Nr. 285. München 1901, p. 4 [funeral eulogy].
  8. ^ Marion Kreis: Karl Hegel. Geschichtswissenschaftliche Bedeutung und wissenschaftsgeschichtlicher Standort (= Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bd. 84). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen u.a. 2012, p. 11f., ISBN 978-3-525-36077-4.
  9. ^ Marion Kreis: Karl Hegel. Geschichtswissenschaftliche Bedeutung und wissenschaftsgeschichtlicher Standort (= Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bd. 84). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen u.a. 2012, ISBN 978-3-525-36077-4.
  10. ^ Dirk Fleischer in: Das Historisch-Politische Buch, Heft 3/2014 (62. Jg.), pp. 242–243.
  11. ^ Holland, Arthur William (1911). "Germany/History" . In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 11 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 828–901.

Further reading

  • Niklot Klüßendorf: Art. „Hegel“. In: Biographisches Lexikon für Mecklenburg, hrsg. von Sabine Pettke (= Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Mecklenburg. Reihe A), Bd. 2, Rostock 1999, ISBN 3-7950-3711-5, S. 120–126.
  • Helmut Neuhaus (Hrsg.): Karl Hegel - Historiker im 19. Jahrhundert. Unter Mitarbeit von Katja Dotzler, Christoph Hübner, Thomas Joswiak, Marion Kreis, Bruno Kuntke, Jörg Sandreuther und Christian Schöffel (= Erlanger Studien zur Geschichte. Band 7). Palm und Enke, Erlangen u.a. 2001, ISBN 3-7896-0660-X.
  • Helmut Neuhaus: Im Schatten des Vaters. Der Historiker Karl Hegel (1813–1901) und die Geschichtswissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert. In: Historische Zeitschrift, Bd. 286 (2008), S. 63–89.
  • Helmut Neuhaus: Karl Hegel und Erlangen. Neuhaus, Helmut. In: Jahrbuch für fränkische Landesforschung, Bd. 62 (2002), S. 259–278.
  • Helmut Neuhaus: Karl Hegel (1813–1901) – Ein (fast) vergessener Historiker des 19. Jahrhunderts. In: Armin Kohnle und Frank Engehausen: Zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik. Studien zur deutschen Universitätsgeschichte. Festschrift für Eike Wolgast zum 65. Geburtstag. Steiner, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-515-07546-1, S. 309–328.
  • Helmut Neuhaus: Das "Gedenkbuch" Karl Hegels., in: Erlanger Editionen. Grundlagenforschung durch Quelleneditionen: Berichte und Studien, hg. von dems. (= Erlanger Studien zur Geschichte. Band 8). Palm und Enke, Erlangen u. a. 2009, ISBN 978-3-7896-0686-1, S. 427–440.
  • Helmut Neuhaus: Im Schatten des Vaters. Der Historiker Karl Hegel (1813–1901) und die Geschichtswissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert. In: Historische Zeitschrift, Bd. 286 (2008), S. 63–89.
  • Helmut Neuhaus: Karl Hegel in Mecklenburg von 1841 bis 1856. In: Mecklenburgische Jahrbücher, 135. Jahrgang (2020), S. 221–246.
  • Marion Kreis: Karl Hegel. Geschichtswissenschaftliche Bedeutung und wissenschaftsgeschichtlicher Standort (= Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bd. 84). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen u.a. 2012, ISBN 978-3-525-36077-4. (E-Book)
  • Marion Kreis: Karl Hegels editorische Praxis im Spiegel seiner Korrespondenz seit den 1850er Jahren, in: Berg, M./Neuhaus, H. (Hrsg.), Briefkultur(en) in der deutschen Geschichtswissenschaft zwischen dem 19. und 21. Jahrhundert. Geschichtswissenschaftliche Bedeutung und wissenschaftsgeschichtlicher Standort (= Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bd. 106). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2021, ISBN 978-3-525-37095-7, S. 335–349.