Kazasker Mosque, Kadıköy

The Kazasker Mosque is a mosque in the 19 Mayıs neighborhood of Kadıköy, Istanbul. It was built in 1902 by Kasidecizade Süleyman Sırrı Efendi, a kazasker of Sultan Abdulhamid II.[1]



The mosque has a wooden minbar and preaching (vaiz) platform, a tiled mihrab, and a single minaret. The mosque courtyard includes a small cemetery with the graves of Süleyman Sırrı Efendi, his son Ahmet Talat Kasidecioğlu, and others.[2]

Kazasker Mosque, 19 Mayıs neighborhood, Kadıköy, Istanbul


  1. ^ "Kazasker Cami". Tarihi İstanbul. Tarihi İstanbul. 2020. Retrieved 14 December 2024.
  2. ^ "Kazasker Cami", Tarihi İstanbul