Komlós' theorem is a theorem from probability theory and mathematical analysis about the Cesàro convergence of a subsequence of random variables (or functions) and their subsequences to an integrable random variable (or function). It's also an existence theorem for an integrable random variable (or function). There exist a probabilistic and an analytical version for finite measure spaces.

The theorem was proven in 1967 by János Komlós.[1] There exists also a generalization from 1970 by Srishti D. Chatterji.[2]

Komlós' theorem


Probabilistic version


Let   be a probability space and   be a sequence of real-valued random variables defined on this space with  

Then there exists a random variable   and a subsequence  , such that for every arbitrary subsequence   when   then


 -almost surely.

Analytic version


Let   be a finite measure space and   be a sequence of real-valued functions in   and  . Then there exists a function   and a subsequence   such that for every arbitrary subsequence   if   then


 -almost everywhere.



So the theorem says, that the sequence   and all its subsequences converge in Césaro.


  • Kabanov, Yuri & Pergamenshchikov, Sergei. (2003). Two-scale stochastic systems. Asymptotic analysis and control. 10.1007/978-3-662-13242-5. Page 250.


  1. ^ János Komlós (1967). "A Generalisation of a Problem of Steinhaus". Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 18 (1). doi:10.1007/BF02020976.
  2. ^ S. D. Chatterji (1970). "A general strong law". Inventiones Mathematicae. 9: 235–245. doi:10.1007/BF01404326.