Kurravaara conglomerate

Kurravaara conglomerate (Swedish: Kurravaarakonglomeratet) is a rock unit of polymict conglomerate found in northernmost Sweden.[1] It rest confomably on top of greenstones that were originally basaltic lavas and tuff.[1][2] In one locations both rock units interdigitate.[1] The conglomerate has boulders of porphyritic trachyandesite, iron-apatite oxide and those that are a blend of both rock types. Greenstones are also found as boulders.[1] In some locations the unit is poor in boulders and is made mostly of metatuff.[1] It is overlain by the Hopukka Formation, but no clear contact exists as rock units grade into each other.[2]

See also



  1. ^ a b c d e Offerberg, Jan (1967). Beskrivning till berggrundskartbladen Kiruna NV, NO, SV, SO (in Swedish). Stockholm: Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning. pp. 34–36.
  2. ^ a b Andersson, J.B., Bauer, T.E., & Martinsson, O. (2021). Structural Evolution of the Central Kiruna Area, Northern Norrbotten, Sweden: Implications on the Geologic Setting Generating Iron Oxide-Apatite and Epigenetic Iron and Copper Sulfides. Economic Geology.