Light Ek Kalokh is a 2015 Marathi film directed and produced by Deepak K. Bajaj, starring Smita Tambe,[1] Smita Gondkar,[2] Vijay Gite, Ritika Shrotri and Sandesh Jadhav. The music was composed and produced by Mohit Manuja and features singers Swapnil Bandodkar and Bela Shende.

Light Ek Kalokh
Directed byDeepak K. Bajaj; Associate Director - Amit Dhapodkar, Ashish Madke
Written bySubodh Nagdeve
Produced byDeepak K. Bajaj & Veena Bajaj
CinematographyNadim Ansari
Edited byNilesh Gavand; D.I - Rajesh Yadav
Music byMohit Manuja; BGM - Salil Amrute
Distributed byGaarimma Films


  1. ^ "JIT Cultural Fest Jallosh 2K15 concludes on a grand note". 24 February 2015.
  2. ^ "Smita chops off locks - Times of India". The Times of India.