List of Irish mythological figures

Figures in Irish mythology include the following:

Mythological Cycle


Tuatha Dé Danann


Notable figures

  • Aengus - god of passionate and romantic love, youth and poetic inspiration
  • Áine - goddess of parental and familial love, summer, wealth and sovereignty
  • Banba, Ériu and Fódla - patron goddesses of Ireland
  • Bodb Derg - king of the Tuatha Dé Danann
  • Brigid - daughter of the Dagda; associated with healing, fertility, craft, platonic love, and poetry
  • Clíodhna - queen of the Banshees, goddess of fantasized love, beauty, and the sea
  • The Dagda - supreme god and king of the Tuatha Dé Danann
  • Danu - mother goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danann
  • Dian Cecht - god of healing
  • Étaín - heroine of Tochmarc Étaíne
  • Lir - god of the sea
  • Lugh - legendary hero and High King of Ireland, god of leadership, skills, the sun, and alliances, associated with friends.
  • Maine mac Darthacht - owner of a cloak fastened by eight stones
  • Manannán mac Lir - god of the sea, like his father Lir
  • Nuada Airgetlám - first king of the Tuatha Dé Danann
  • Ogma - warrior-poet, said to have invented the Ogham alphabet
  • Trí Dée Dána - three gods of crafting
  • The Triple Goddess
    • Badb - war goddess who caused fear and confusion among soldiers, often taking the form of a crow
    • Macha - goddess associated with war, battle, horses and sovereignty
    • The Morrígan - goddess of battle, strife and fertility

Lesser figures


Fir Bolg






Ulster Cycle


Major characters


Ulster characters


Connacht characters


Ulster exiles


Other characters


Fenian Cycle


The Fianna

  • Fionn mac Cumhaill - legendary hunter-warrior and leader of the Fianna
  • Caílte mac Rónáin - warrior of the Fianna who could run at remarkable speed and communicate with animals, and was a great storyteller
  • Conán mac Morna - warrior of the Fianna, often portrayed as a troublemaker and a comic figure
  • Cumhall - leader of the Fianna and father of Fionn mac Cumhaill
  • Diarmuid Ua Duibhne - warrior of the Fianna and lover of Fionn's betrothed, Gráinne
  • Goll mac Morna - warrior of the Fianna and uneasy ally of Fionn mac Cumhaill
  • Liath Luachra - Fionn's foster mother and a great warrior
  • Liath Luachra - tall, hideous warrior of the Fianna who shares his name with Fionn's foster mother
  • Oisín - son of Fionn mac Cumhaill, warrior of the Fianna and a great poet
  • Oscar - warrior son of Oisín and Niamh
  • Cú Chulainn - likely a demigod of Lugh

Other characters


