List of Ogun State local government areas by population

This article is about the 20 local government areas by population in the Nigerian state of Ogun. They range from 55,093 to 539,170 in population.

Rank LGA Population (1991) Rank Population (2006)
2 Ifo 215,055 1 539,170
1 Ado-Odo/Ota 234,647 2 527,242
4 Ijebu North 148,342 3 280,520
3 Shagamu 155,726 4 255,885
N/A Abeokuta South N/A 5 250,295
5 Obafemi-Owode 135,774 6 235,071
6 Abeokuta North 93,966 7 198,793
N/A Egbado North N/A 8 183,844
N/A Egbado South N/A 9 168,336
N/A Ijebu Ode N/A 10 157,161
N/A Ipokia N/A 11 150,387
7 Odogbolu 88,384 12 125,657
N/A Ikenne N/A 13 119,117
8 Odeda 86,950 14 109,522
10 Ijebu East 61,120 15 109,321
N/A Imeko Afon N/A 16 82,952
9 Ogun Waterside 61,919 17 74,222
N/A Ijebu North East N/A 18 68,800
N/A Remo North N/A 20 59,752
N/A Ewekoro N/A 19 55,093
Ogun State 2,333,726 16 3,751,140

However, Governor Ibikunle Amosun on March 10, 2016 sent an executive bill to the House to restructure the existing 20 local government councils and create additional 37 LCDAs.

With the passage of the bill into law, there are 57 Local Government Areas & Local Council Development Areas in the state. The newly created ones asterisked

1. Abeokuta North Akomoje 2 * Abeokuta North West Lafenwa 3*. Abeokuta North East Ita Iyalode 4.* Oke Ogun Imala 5. Abeokuta South Ake 6.*Abeokuta South East Ijeun Titun 7*.Abeokuta South West Ijeja 8.Ado Odo/ Ota Ota 9.*Ado Odo Ado Odo 10*.Agbara/Igbesa Igbesa 11.*Ota West Atan Ota 12*.Sango/ Ijoko Sango 13.Ewekoro. Itori 14.*Ewekoro North Wasinmi 15.Ifo Ifo 16*. Ifo Central Agbado 17.*Coker Ibogun Ibogun 18.* Ifo South Ojodu 19.Ijebu East Ogbere 20*.Ijebu East Central Ojowo 21.Ijebu North Ijebu Igbo 22*.Ijebu North Central Oru 23.* Ijebu Igbo West Ojowo 24.*Ago Iwoye Ibipe 25.Ijebu North East Atan 26.*Yemoji Ilese 27.Ijebu Ode Ijebu Ode 28.* Ijebu Ode South Oke Aje 29.Ikenne Ikenne 30.*Remo Central Iperu 31.Imeko Imeko 32.*Afon Oloka Afon 33.Ipokia Ipokia 34.* Ipokia West Ijofin 35.*Idi Iroko Idi Iroko 36.Obafemi Owode Owode 37.*Oba Oba 38.*Obafemi Obafemi 39.*Ofada/ Mokoloki Mowe 40.Odeda Odeda 41.*Opeji Opeji 42.*Ilugun Ilugun 43.Odogbolu Odogbolu 44.*Leguru Ala 45.*Ifesowapo Imodi 46.Ogun Waterside Abigi 47.*Ogun Waterside East Bolorunduro Efire 48.Remo North Isara 49.*Remo North East Ode Remo 50. Sagamu Central Sagamu 51.*Sagamu Remo West Makun 52.*Sagamu Remo South Sotubo 53.Yewa North Ayetoro 54.*Iju Iboro 55.*Ketu Tata 56.Yewa South Ilaro 57.*Yewa South East Oke Odan.

However, during his government, Governor Dapo Abiodun has not attempt to utilise The local council development Areas, (LCDAs) created, by Ex- Governor lbikunle Amosu. Rather, he maintain the formal and original 20 Local governments (LG) of the state.

See Local government areas of Nigeria, and Ogun State.

