List of Orthoptera of Korea

This is a list of Orthoptera found in the wild of the Korean Peninsula and surrounding islands.


Common name

(Korean name)



Preferred habitat Range Status
Pyrgomorhpidae - 2 species


Atractomorpha lata

(Motschulsky, 1866)

Throughout the Korean peninsula.
  • I:


Atractomorpha sinensis sinensis

(Mistshenko, 1951)

South Korea. Also found in China.[1]
  • I:
Acrididae -


Oxya agavisa

(Tsai, 1931)

  • I:


Oxya chinensis sinuosa

(Mistshenko, 1951)

  • I:


Oxya hyla instricata

(Stal, 1861)

  • I:


Anapodisma miramae

(Dovnar-Zapolsky 1933)

  • I:


Anapodisma beybienkoi

(Rentz and Miller, 1971)

Throughout mainland, Jejudo, Ulleung-do
  • I:


Ognevia sergii

(Ikonnikov, 1911)

Mainland, Ulleung-do
  • I:


Ognevia longipennis

(Shiraki 1910)

Mainland South Korea
  • I:


Podisma aberrans

(Ikonnikov 1911)

  • I:


Podismopsis genicularibus

(Shiraki, 1910)[2]

Lives in grass fields in mountain areas. North and central parts of the Korean peninsula
  • I:


Podisma ussuriensis ussuriensis[3]

(Ikonnikov, 1911)

Lives in grass fields in mountains at least 1700 meters in altitude. Jejudo. Also in Mongolia, Primorye.[3]
  • I:


Parapodisma setouchiensis

(Inoue 1979)

  • I:


Miramella solitaria

(Ikonnikov 1911)

  • I:


Prumna halrasana

(Lee and Lee 1984)

  • I:


Prumna plana

(Mistshenko 1974)

  • I:


Prumna mandshurica

(Ramme 1939)

  • I:


Prumna primnoides

(Ikonnikov 1911)

  • I:


Zubovskya morii

(Bey-Bienko 1931)

  • I:


Zubovskya koeppeni parvula

(Ikonnikov 1911)

North Korea
  • I:


Zubovskya koreana

(Mistshenko 1952)

  • I:


Chondracris rosea

(de Geer 1773)

only listed species. Also found in China.
  • I:


Nomadacris japonica

(Bolivar 1898)

Southern part of Korean peninsula in the seacoast and Jeju-do, Geojedo, Namhae County, Wando County.
  • I:


Calliptamus abbreviatus

(Ikonnikov 1913)

  • I:


Shirakiacris shirakii

(Bolivar 1914)

Throughout Korean peninsula, Jeju-do, Ulleung-do. Also in other eastern Asia.
  • I:


Acrida cinerea

(Thunberg 1815)

Fields. Throughout the Korean peninsula, Jeju-do, Ulleung-do. Also in China, Japan and Taiwan.
  • I:


Ceracris nigricornis laeta

(Bolivar 1914)

Common in grass fields in hills. Southern part of Korean peninsula
  • I:


Gonista bicolor

(de Haan 1842)

  • I:
Leek grasshopper


Mecostethus alliaceus

(Germar 1871)

  • I:


Stethophyma magister

(Rehn 1902)

  • I:


Arcyptera coreana

(Shiraki 1930)

  • I:


Arcyptera fusca albogeniculata

(Ikonnikov 1911)

North Korea
  • I:


Paracyptera microptera meridionalis

(Ikonnikov 1911)

North Korea
  • I:


Gomphocerus kudia

(Caudell 1927)

North Korea
  • I:


Gomphocerippus rufus

(Linnaeus 1758)

North Korea
  • I:
Glyptobothrus dubius

(Zubowsky 1898)

North Korea
  • I:


Glyptobothrus maritimus

(Mishchenko 1951)

mountain region of the Korean peninsula.
  • I:


Chorthippus intermedius

(Bey-Bienko 1926)

North Korea
  • I:


Chorthippus hammarstroemi

(Miram 1907)

  • I:
Water-meadow grasshopper


Chorthippus montanus

(Charpentier 1825)

  • I:


Schmidtiacris schmidti

(Ikonnikov 1913)

  • I:


Euchorthippus unicolor

(Ikonnikov 1913)

  • I:


MMegaulacobothrus aethalinus

(Zubowsky 1899)

  • I:


MMegaulacobothrus jejuensis

Kim, 2008

Jejudo(indigenous species)
  • I:
Orange-tipped grasshopper


Omocestus haemorrhoidalis

(Charpentier 1825)

  • I:
Common green grasshopper


Omocestus viridulus

(Linnaeus 1758)

North Korea
  • I:
Large gold grasshopper


Chrysochraon dispar major

(Uvarov 1925)

This species was discovered in North Korea
  • I:


Mongolotettix japonicus

(Bolivar 1898)

Throughout the Korean peninsula.
  • I:
(알타이삽사리) Podismopsis altaica

(Zubowsky 1899)

North Korea
  • I:


Podismopsis ussuriensis

(Ikonnikov 1911)

This species was first discovered in North Korea
  • I:


Podismopsis genicularibus

(Shiraki 1910)

  • I:


Aiolopus thalassinus tamulus

(Fabricius 1798)

  • I:


Epacromius japonicus

(Shiraki 1910)

  • I:


Epacromius pulverulentus

(Fischer von Waldheim 1846)

  • I:


Celes skalozubovi akitanus

(Shiraki 1910)

  • I:


Gastrimargus marmoratus

(Thunberg 1815)

  • I:


Locusta migratoria

(Linnaeus 1758)

  • I:


Oedaleus infernalis

(Saussure 1884)

  • I:


Trilophidia annulata

(Thunberg 1815)

  • I:


Sphingonotus mongolicus

(Saussure 1888)

  • I:


Bryodema gebleri

(Fischer von Waldheim 1836)

misrecorded species
  • I:
Speckled grasshopper


Bryodemella tuberculatum dilutum

(Stroll 1813)

  • I:


Common name

(Korean name)



Preferred habitat Range Status
Lonchodidae - 1 species


Phraortes illepidus

(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1907)

  • I:
Phasmatidae - 3 species


Baculum irregulariterdentatum

(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1907)

  • |:


Baculum elongatus


  • |:


Baculum koreanum

(Kwon Ha and Lee, 1992)

indigenous species
  • |:
Necrosciidae - 2 species


Micadina phluctainoides

(Rehn 1904)

  • |:


Micadina yasumatsui

(Shiraki 1935)

  • |:


Common name

(Korean name)



Preferred habitat Range Status
Grylloblattidae - 5 species or more


Namkungia biryongensis

(Namkung 1974)

indigenous species
  • |:


Galloisiana kosuensis

Namkung 1974

indigenous species
  • |:


Galloisiana magna

(Namkung 1986)

indigenous species
  • |:


Galloisiana sinensis

(Wang 1987)

indigenous species
  • |:


Galloisiana sofiae

(Szeptycki 1987)

indigenous species
  • |:

Most of grylloblattids are unrecorded or unidentified species.


Common name

(Korean name)



Preferred habitat Range Status
Tettigoniidae - species


Gampsocleis sedakovii obscura

(Walker, 1869)

  • I:


Gampsocleis ussuriensis

Adelung, 1910

  • I:


Tettigonia ussuriana

(Walker, 1869)

  • I:


Tettigonia dolichoptera

Mori, 1933

grasslands endemic
  • I:


Tettigonia ucarovi

Ebner, 1946

  • I:


Tettigonia jungi

Storozhenko, Kim and Jeon, 2015

grasslands Jejudo, Yeoseodo, endemic
  • I:


Chizuella bonneti

(Bolívar, 1890)

  • I:


Paratlanticus ussuriensis

(Uvarov, 1926)

  • I:


Paratlanticus palgongensis

Rentz and Miller, 1971

  • I:


Anatlanticus koreanus

Bey-Bienko, 1951

  • I:


Eobiana engelhardti engelhardti

(Uvarov, 1926)

  • I:


Atlanticus brunneri

(Pylnov, 1914)

  • I:


Deracantha transversa


  • I:
Sickle-bearing bush cricket


Phaneroptera falcata

Poda, 1761

  • I:
Myrmecophilidae - 1 species
Gryllacrididae - 4 species


Nippancistroger koreanus

Storozhenko 2003

Central and southern part of the Korean peninsula and Jeju-do. endemic[4]
  • I:


Eugryllacris japonica

(Matsumura and Shiraki 1908)

Southern part of the Korean peninsula and Jeju-do. Also in Japan.
  • I:


Metriogryllacris tigris[5]

Kim, 2014

Southern part of the Korean islands (endemic)
  • I:
Rhaphidophoridae - 6 species


Anoplophilus koreanus

(Storozhenko & Paik, 2010)[6]

  • |:


Diestrammena unicolor[7]

(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888)

Mountains. Around the forest floor and rotting wood. Mainland
  • |:
Greenhouse camel cricket


Diestrammena asynamora

(Adelung 1902)

cracks in rocks or near the houses Mainland
  • |:


Diestrammena coreana

(Yamasaki 1969)

Caves. They hide in dark places outside or inside houses during the daytime and come out during night. They can live near houses. Mainland and Jejudo
  • |:


Paratachycines ussuriensis

(Storozhenko 1990)

Mountains and also in caves. Mainland and Jejudo
  • |:


Paratachycines boldyrevi

(Uvarov 1926)

Caves in mountains Mainland
  • |:
Gryllidae - species


Gryllodes supplicans

(Walker 1859)

Mainland and near the houses
  • I:


Nigrogryllus sibiricus

(Chopard 1925))

Mountain slopes in dead leaves. Mainland
  • I:


Gryllus bimaculatus

(de Geer 1773)

invaded species for pets' feed
  • I:


Loxoblemmus campestris

(Matsuura 1988)

Common in and near grassy areas. Mainland and Jejudo
  • I:


Loxoblemmus magnatus

(Matsuura 1985)

  • I:


Loxoblemmus doenitzi

(Stein 1881)

Lives in grassy areas, farms and parks. Mainland and Jejudo
  • I:


Loxoblemmus equestris

(Saussure 1877)

  • I:


Loxoblemmus spectabilis

(Gorochov and Kostia 1993)

This species was first discovered in North Korea
  • I:


Mitius minor

(Shiraki 1911)

  • I:


Comidogryllus nipponensis

(Shiraki 1911)

Slopes in mountain areas in dead leaves and under rocks.
  • I:


Modicogryllus siamensis

(Chopard 1961)

Shores, islands, in short grass and under rocks. Southern part of mainland South Korea and Jejudo.
  • I:


Teleogryllus emma

(Ohmachi and Matsuura 1951)

Common around fields, grass fields, parks and farmland. Mainland and Jejudo.
  • I:


Velarifictorus aspersus

(Walker 1869)

Southern parts of the Korean peninsula Mainland
  • I:


Velarifictorus micado

(Saussure 1877)

Usually found in grass fields and near houses. Males dig a hole under a rock to call. Mainland and Jejudo.
  • I:


Velarifictorus ornatus

(Shiraki 1911)

  • I:


Duolandrevus ivani

(Gorochov 1988)

Under bark or cracks in rock cliffs. Jejudo
  • I:


Landreva clara?

(Walker 1869)

? probably misrecorded species
  • I:


Sclerogryllus punctatus

(Brunner von Wattenwyl 1893)

They live on the ground of tall, thick grass with dead leaves. Central, south and Jejudo
  • I:


Xenogryllus marmoratus marmoratus

(De Haan, 1842)

Mainland and Jejudo
  • I:


Truljalia hibinonis

(Matsumura 1919)

Southern part of the Korean peninsula and Jeju-do. Also in Japan.
  • I:

Cockroaches and Termites

Common name

(Korean name)



Preferred habitat Range Status
Cryptocercidae - 2 species


Cryptocercus relictus

Bey-Bienko 1935

Rotting wood
  • I:


Cryptocercus kyebangensis

(Grandcolas 2001)

Rotten trunks and branches in high mountains. Mainland(indigenous species)
  • I:
Blattidae - 4 species
American Cockroach


Periplaneta americana

(Linnaeus, 1758)

Indoors. Common domestic pest.
  • |:
Smokybrown Cockroach


Periplaneta fuliginosa

(Serville, 1838)

Outdoors, in rotting wood. Common pest in Jeju-do.
  • |:
Japanese Cockroach


Periplaneta japonica

(Karny, 1908)

Rotting wood or indoors. Common domestic pest. Mainland
  • |:
Australian Cockroach


Periplaneta australasiae

(Fabricius, 1775)

unrecoeded species (only listed)
  • |:
Ectobiidae -
Kyoto Roach


Asiablatta kyotensis

(Asahina 1976)

Can be found around rotting wood and tree sap of the southern parts Mainland
  • |:
German Cockroach


Blattella germanica

(Linnaeus 1767)

Common domestic pest.
  • |:


Blattella nipponica

(Asahina 1963)

Forest floor.
  • |:


Margattea kumamotonis

(Shiraki 1931)

Moist grass Jeju-do and other islands of the southern parts. Also found in Japan.
  • |:


Symploce striata

(Shiraki 1906)

During the night they are found on trees and in leaf litter. rare species Also in Japan and China.
  • |:
Rhinotermitidae - 2 species


Reticulitermes speratus kyushuensis

(Morimoto 1968)

Wet rotting wood. Wooden building pest.
  • |:


Reticulitermes kanmonensis

(Morimoto 1968)

rotting wood
  • |:


Coptotermes formosanus

(Shiraki 1905)

Old wood houses in the southern part
  • |:


Common name

(Korean name)



Preferred habitat Range Status
Mantidae - 7 species
Chinese Mantis


Tenodera sinensis

(Saussure, 1871)

Grass Throughout mainland
  • I:
Narrow-winged Mantis


Tenodera angustipennis

(Saussure, 1869)

Grass Through mainland South Korea, Jejudo, Ulleung-do. See here for more comprehensive range.
  • I:
Asian Jumping Mantis


Statilia maculata

(Thunberg, 1784)

Can be found in both rural and urban areas in grass and bushes. Throughout mainland
  • I:
(민무늬좀사마귀) Statilia nemoralis

(Saussure, 1870)

Gyeonggi Province
  • I:

(항라사마귀/유리날개사마귀)|?Mantis religiosa beybienkoi (Bazyluk, 1960)?

North Korea (?). Found in Western Siberia and Far East Russia, including Khasansky District bordering North Korea.[8][9]
  • I:
European Mantis


Mantis religiosa sinica

(Bazyluk, 1960)

Grass Central and southern part of the Korean peninsula.
  • |:
Asian Mantis


Hierodula patellifera

(Audinet-Serville, 1839)

Trees Central and south
  • |:


Hierodula chinensis

(Werner, 1929)

Trees Central and south
  • |:


Amantis nawai


South and Jejudo
  • |:
Hymenopodidae - 1 species
Japanese Boxer Mantis


Acromantis japonica

(Westwood, 1889)

Usually lives around shady areas on trees, rocks and leaf litter in mountains in the southern parts. Also found in China, Japan and Taiwan.
  • |:



  1. ^ subspecies Atractomorpha sinensis sinensis Bolívar, 1905 Retrieved on July 12th 2014.
  2. ^ species Podisma genicularibus (Shiraki, 1910) Retrieval date: 2014, July 10th
  3. ^ a b subspecies Podisma ussuriensis ussuriensis (Ikonnikov, 1911) Retrieval date: 2014, July 10th
  4. ^ "species Nippancistroger koreanus (Storozhenko & Paik, 2003)". Retrieved 2014-07-09.
  5. ^ [ species Metriogryllacris tigris Kim, 2014]
  6. ^ species Anoplophilus koreanus Access date: 2014/7/9
  7. ^ species Diestrammena unicolor (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888) Access date: 2014/7/9
  8. ^ subspecies Mantis religiosa beybienkoi Bazyluk, 1960 Accessed date: September 8, 2014
  9. ^ Стороженко, С. Ю. (1981). "К ФАУНЕ БОГОМОЛОВ (MANTOPTERA) ДАЛЬНЕГО ВОСТОКА". Vol. С. 3-5. биолого-почвенный институт ДВНЦ АН СССР Владивосток. ISSN 1561-7858.
  10. ^ Orthopteroids of Korea 한국의 메뚜기


  • 은하수미디어 편집부(origin of this guide book:Japan). New Wide 자연학습도감 곤충. 은하수미디어.
  • 백문기, 황정미, 정광수, 김태우, 김명철 (2010). 한국 곤충 총 목록. 자연과생태.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)