List of Queensland Government departments

There are 22 Queensland Government departments, each responsible for delivering a portfolio of government legislation and policy.[1] Each portfolio area is led by a minister who is a senior member of the governing party in the state Legislative Assembly. The minister is formally appointed by the governor of Queensland on behalf of the monarch, but is appointed on the recommendation of the premier. Each government department is led by a director-general or commissioner, who reports to the responsible minister. The minister has responsibility for instituting government policy and setting the department's priorities, whereas the director-general or commissioner leads the department operationally and is employed under the state's Public Sector Act 2022.

In addition to departments, there are also several government-owned corporations such as the Queensland Treasury Corporation and Energy Queensland.

List of government departments


As of March 2023, there are 22 gazetted state government departments:

List of government agencies


Most government portfolios are delivered through a combination of a department and supporting agencies, authorities, or commissions with varying levels of independence.

Portfolio/department Supporting agencies
Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services
  • Child and Family Services
Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works
Justice and Attorney-General
State Development and Infrastructure
  • Brisbane 2032 Coordination Office
  • Economic Development Queensland
Tourism and Sport
  • Tourism and Events Queensland
Transport and Main Roads
Fire and Emergency Services
  • Inspector-General Emergency Management
  • Queensland Fire Brigade
  • Rural Fire Service
  • Queensland Treasury Corporation
  • Queensland Government Insurance Fund

See also



  1. ^ "Our structure". Queensland Government. 22 December 2023. Retrieved 10 March 2024.