Research Centers in Morocco
Field of activity
Laboratory for Research on Comparative Democratic Transition (LRCDT)[dead link], Settat |
Social Sciences
Laboratoire d'Etudes Politiques et de Sciences Humaines et Sociales (LEPOSHS) Archived 2018-08-03 at the Wayback Machine, Rabat |
Humanities and Social Sciences
Center for Studies and Research in Humanities and Social Sciences (CERHSO), Oujda |
Humanities and Social Sciences
Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES), Rabat |
Strategic Studies
Centre for Studies and Research on International Migration and Sustainable Development (CERMID), Casablanca Archived 2013-12-14 at the Wayback Machine |
Migration and Development
Moroccan Center for Contemporary Studies and Research (CMERC), Rabat |
Social Sciences & Humanities to Study Values
Centre for Studies and Research in Social Sciences (CERS), Rabat |
Social Sciences
Centre d’Etudes Sociales, Economiques et Managériales (CESEM), Casablanca |
Social Sciences
Centre Jacques Berque pour le Développement des Sciences Humaines et Sociales au Maroc (CJB), Rabat |
Humanities & Social Sciences
Hillary Rodham Clinton Women’s Empowerment Center, Ifrane |
Humanities & Social Sciences
Interdisciplinary Moroccan Center for Strategic and International Studies (CMIESI), Fez |
International and Strategic Studies
Centre Marocain de Conjoncture (CMC), Rabat |
Social Sciences
Research Institute for Development, Rabat |
Development Studies
Center for Demographic Studies and Research(CERD), Rabat |
Demographic Studies
Royal Institute for Research in the History of Morocco (IRRHM), Rabat |
History of the Kingdom of Morocco
Center for Legal, Economic, and Social Studies (LINKS), Rabat |
Social Sciences
Moroccan Center for Strategic Studies (CMES), Rabat |
Strategic Studies
National Center for Scientific and Technical Research, Rabat |
Scientific Research
National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), Rabat |
Agricultural Research
Institute for African Studies, Rabat |
African Studies
Moroccan Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (IMIST), Rabat |
Research Information Technology
Pasteur Institute in Morocco, Casablanca |
Scientific Institute at Mohammed V University, Rabat Archived 2013-12-16 at the Wayback Machine |
Natural Science
Institute for Research on Solar and new Energies (IRESEN), Rabat |
Renewable Energy
National Institute Research for Fishery Research, Casablanca |
National Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics, Rabat[permanent dead link] |
Statistics and Applied Economics
Moroccan Association for Research and Development, Casablanca |
Research and Development
Moroccan Society of Rheumatology, Rabat |
Moroccan Association for Studies and Research on Migration, Rabat |
National Institute for Urban Planning and Urbanism Archived 2018-06-12 at the Wayback Machine |
Institute of Economic Analysis and Prospective Studies (IEAPS), Ifrane |
Economic and Prospective Studies
Center for Business Ethics (CBE) Archived 2018-06-12 at the Wayback Machine, Ifrane |
Training and Research
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI), Ifrane |
Social Sciences
RESO Education Foundation |
Mominoun Without Borders, Rabat |
Social Sciences
Social and Media Studies Institute (SMSI), Casablanca[permanent dead link] |
Social Sciences and media studies