The Ren & Stimpy Show is an American animated series that includes two main voice actors, and numerous regular cast and recurring guest stars. The principal cast consists of John Kricfalusi (seasons 1–2) and Billy West, while Cheryl Chase, Harris Peet, Michael Pataki and others[who?] have appeared as supporting cast members. Guest cast members include Frank Zappa, Randy Quaid, Gilbert Gottfried, Rosie O'Donnell, Dom DeLuise, Phil Hartman, Mark Hamill, Alan Young, Frank Gorshin and Tommy Davidson.[1]
editJohn Kricfalusi |
Bob Camp |
Jim Smith |
Lynne Naylor |
John Kricfalusi | Seasons 1–3; Season 5 |
Bob Camp | |
Jim Smith | Seasons 1−2 |
Vincent Waller | Seasons 1−3 |
Will McRobb | Season 1 |
Elinor Blake | Seasons 2−3 |
Peter Avanzino | Seasons 3−4 |
Bill Wray | Seasons 3–4; Season 5 |
Jim Gomez | |
Richard Pursel | Seasons 2−3; Season 5 |
Steve Mellor | Season 3 |
Chris Reccardi | Seasons 3−4 |
Ron Hauge | Seasons 3−5 |
Michael Kim | Season 3; Season 5 |
Lynne Naylor | Season 4 |
Vince Calandra | Seasons 4–5 |
Billy West | Season 4 |
John Kricfalusi | Seasons 1–2 |
Bob Camp | Seasons 2–5. Additionally as creative director & supervising director. |
Vincent Waller | Season 2 |
Ron Hughart | Seasons 2-5 |
Chris Reccardi | Seasons 2–5. Also as Art Director |
Jim Smith | Season 2 |
Ken Bruce | Seasons 2-5 |
Peter Avanzino | Season 2 |
Jim Gomez | Season 3 |
Bill Wray | Seasons 3–4; Season 5 |
Howard E. Baker | Season 3 |
Michael Kim | Seasons 3-5 |
Steve Loter | Seasons 4-5 |
Kirk Field | Seasons 4–5, as Kirk Field |
Craig Bartlett | Seasons 4-5 |
Tom McGrath | Seasons 4-5 |
Arthur Filloy | Seasons 4-5 |
Tom Owens | Season 5 |
Bob Jaques | Seasons 1–2 |
David Feiss | Season 1 |
Gregg Vanzo | Seasons 2-5 |
David Marshall | Season 3 |
Andy Kim | Seasons 4-5 |
Arthur Filloy | Seasons 4-5 |
Vanessa Coffey |
Mary Harrington (seasons 3-5) |
John Kricfalusi (seasons 1–2) |
Bob Camp |
Jim Smith (seasons 1–2) |
Christine Danzo (season 1) |
Jim Ballantine (seasons 2-5) |
Mary Harrington (seasons 1-2) |
Roy Allen Smith (season 2) |
Sam Horta |
Michael Bradley |
Timothy J. Borquez |
William Keane |
Bill Griggs |
Ultra Film |
Scott Jeffress |
edit- ^ "The Ren & Stimpy Show (1991) episode cast". IMDb. Retrieved 2010-10-20.