List of University of Guelph academic programs

There are over 94 undergraduate degrees, 48 graduate programs, and 6 associate diplomas in many different disciplines offered at the University of Guelph. The history of achievement in biomedical science, agriculture and veterinary medicine and the modern focus on life sciences are some of the strengths that define the university. The university is home to 23,000 full-time and part-time undergraduate students, 2,515 full-time and part-time graduate students and almost 3000 faculty and staff. Guelph students also have the lowest graduation rate among Canadian comprehensive universities (at 89%), 5.8% higher than the national average.

Originally established as a School of Agriculture, the University of Guelph was established in 1964 and now supports multiple programs over a wide array of disciplines.

Undergraduate programs


As of the 2022-2023 academic year.[1]

Undergraduate Majors

Undergraduate Degree Major Coop
Bachelor of Arts in Media Study (B.A.A.) Media Studies Yes
Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) Applied Human Nutrition No
Child Studies No
Family Studies and Human Development No
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Anthropology Yes
Art History No
Classical Studies No
Creative Writing No
Criminal Justice and Public Policy Yes
Culture and Technology Studies Yes
Economics Yes
English No
Environmental Governance Yes
European Studies No
Food, Agriculture and Resource Economics No
French Studies No
Geography Yes
History Yes
International Development Studies Yes
Justice and Legal Studies Yes
Mathematical Economics Yes
Mathematical Science No
Music No
Philosophy No
Political Science Yes
Psychology Yes
Sexualities, Genders and Social Change No
Sociology No
Studio Art No
Theatre Studies No
Bachelor of Arts and Sciences (B.A.S) Bachelor of Arts and Sciences No
Bachelor of Bio-Resource Management (B.B.R.M.) Environmental Management Yes
Equine Management Yes
Food Industry Management Yes
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Comm.) Accounting Yes
Food and Agricultural Business Yes
Government, Economics and Management Yes
Hospitality and Tourism Management Yes
Management Yes
Management Economics and Finance Yes
Marketing Management Yes
Real Estate Yes
Sport and Event Management Yes
Bachelor of Computing (B.Comp.) Computer Science Yes
Software Engineering Yes
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) Biological Engineering Yes
Biomedical Engineering Yes
Computer Engineering Yes
Engineering Systems and Computing Yes
Environmental Engineering Yes
Mechanical Engineering Yes
Water Resource Engineering Yes
Bachelor of Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice (B.I.E.S.P) Bachelor of Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice Yes
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (B.L.A.) Bachelor of Landscape Architecture No
Bachelor of One Health (B.O.H) Bachelor of One Health Yes
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Animal Biology No
Biochemistry Yes
Biodiversity No
Biological and Medical Physics Yes
Biological and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Yes
Biological Science No
Bio-Medical Science No
Biomedical Toxicology Yes
Chemical Physics Yes
Chemistry Yes
Environmental Biology No
Environmental Geomatics Yes
Food Science Yes
Human Kinetics No
Marine and Freshwater Biology Yes
Mathematical Science No
Microbiology Yes
Molecular Biology and Genetics Yes
Nanoscience Yes
Neuroscience No
Nutritional and Nutraceutical Sciences No
Physical Science No
Physics Yes
Plant Science Yes
Theoretical Physics No
Wildlife Biology and Conservation Yes
Zoology No
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (B.Sc.[Agr.]) Honours Agriculture No
Animal Science No
Crop Science No
Horticulture No
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences (B.Sc.[Env.]) Ecology Yes
Environmental Sciences Yes
Environmental Economics and Policy Yes
Environmental and Resource Management Yes

Graduate programs


Joint graduate programs

  • Guelph-Waterloo Center for Graduate Work in Chemistry and Biochemistry (GWC2) is one of Canada’s largest and most successful graduate schools.[2]
  • Guelph-Waterloo Physics Institute (GWPI) is a joint graduate program offered by the Departments of Physics at the University of Waterloo and Guelph.[3]
  • Guelph-McMaster Collaborative MA Program in Public Policy and Administration
  • The Guelph-Waterloo MA Program in Public Issues Anthropology[4]
  • Tri-University Graduate History Program (Waterloo, Laurier, Guelph)


  1. ^ 2022-2023 Undergraduate Calendar
  2. ^ Canada. "Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry and Biochemistry". Retrieved 2011-12-04.
  3. ^ "Guelph-Waterloo Physics Institute". Retrieved 2011-12-04.
  4. ^ "Guelph-Waterloo Anthropology MA Program". Retrieved 2011-12-04.