Act no. |
Short title
1 |
Sectional Titles Amendment Act, 1977
2 |
Abolition of Civil Imprisonment Act, 1977
3 |
Supreme Court Amendment Act, 1977
4 |
Legal Practitioners' Fidelity Fund Amendment Act, 1977
5 |
Judges' Remuneration and Pensions Amendment Act, 1977
6 |
Part Appropriation Act, 1977
7 |
Railways and Harbours Additional Appropriation Act, 1977
8 |
Post Office Additional Appropriation Act, 1977
9 |
University of Cape Town (Private) Amendment Act, 1977
10 |
Additional Appropriation Act, 1977
11 |
Finance and Financial Adjustments Acts Consolidation Act, 1977
12 |
Customs and Excise Amendment Act, 1977
13 |
Indemnity Act, 1977
14 |
Abuse of Dependence-producing Substances and Rehabilitation Centres Amendment Act, 1977
15 |
Children's Amendment Act, 1977
16 |
Prohibition of the Exhibition of Films on Sundays and Public Holidays Act, 1977
17 |
National Culture Promotion Amendment Act, 1977
18 |
Subdivision of Agricultural Land Amendment Act, 1977
19 |
Expropriation Amendment Act, 1977
20 |
Armaments Development and Production Amendment Act, 1977
21 |
Land Surveyors' Registration Amendment Act, 1977
22 |
Soil Conservation Amendment Act, 1977
23 |
Land Survey Amendment Act, 1977
24 |
Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Amendment Act, 1977
25 |
Livestock Improvement Act, 1977
26 |
Pension Laws Amendment Act, 1977
27 |
Moratorium Amendment Act, 1977
28 |
Workmen's Compensation Amendment Act, 1977
29 |
Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act, 1977
30 |
Constitution Amendment Act, 1977
31 |
Financial Relations Amendment Act, 1977
32 |
Provincial Affairs Amendment Act, 1977
33 |
Population Registration and Identity Documents in South-West Africa Amendment Act, 1977
34 |
Electoral Laws Amendment Act, 1977
35 |
Defence Amendment Act, 1977
36 |
Health Laws Amendment Act, 1977
37 |
Fuel Research Institute and Coal Amendment Act, 1977
38 |
State Oil Fund Act, 1977 (before 1985) Central Energy Fund Act, 1977 (after 1985)
39 |
Admission of Advocates Amendment Act, 1977
40 |
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards Act, 1977
41 |
Deeds Registries Amendment Act, 1977
42 |
Interpretation Amendment Act, 1977
43 |
Pre-Union Statute Law Revision Act, 1977
44 |
Liquor Amendment Act, 1977
45 |
Railways and Harbours Appropriation Act, 1977
46 |
Inquests Amendment Act, 1977
47 |
Railway and Harbour Purchase Act, 1977
48 |
Railways and Harbours Finances and Accounts Act, 1977
49 |
Post Office Appropriation Act, 1977
50 |
Indian Industrial Development Corporation Act, 1977
51 |
Criminal Procedure Act, 1977
52 |
Educational Services Amendment Act, 1977
53 |
War Graves Amendment Act, 1977
54 |
Archives Amendment Act, 1977
55 |
Removal of Restrictions Amendment Act, 1977
56 |
Bantu Education Amendment Act, 1977 (before 1978) Black Education Amendment Act, 1977 (after 1978)
57 |
Bantu Universities Amendment Act, 1977 (before 1978) Black Universities Amendment Act, 1977 (after 1978)
58 |
Bills of Exchange Amendment Act, 1977
59 |
South African Tourist Corporation Amendment Act, 1977
60 |
Scientific Research Council Amendment Act, 1977
61 |
Import and Export Control Amendment Act, 1977
62 |
Registration of Copyright in Cinematograph Films Act, 1977
63 |
Health Act, 1977
64 |
Companies Amendment Act, 1977
65 |
Universities Amendment Act, 1977
66 |
University of Natal (Private) Amendment Act, 1977
67 |
Civil Defence Act, 1977 (before 1990) Civil Protection Act, 1977 (after 1990)
68 |
Second Defence Amendment Act, 1977
69 |
Railways and Harbours Acts Amendment Act, 1977
70 |
Merchant Shipping Amendment Act, 1977
71 |
Hotels Amendment Act, 1977
72 |
Prevention of Illegal Squatting Amendment Act, 1977
73 |
Transport (Co-ordination) Amendment Act, 1977
74 |
Road Transportation Act, 1977
75 |
National Institute for Metallurgy Amendment Act, 1977
76 |
Atomic Energy Amendment Act, 1977
77 |
Tiger's-Eye Control Act, 1977
78 |
Urban Transport Act, 1977
79 |
Publications Amendment Act, 1977
80 |
Promotion of the Economic Development of Bantu Homelands Amendment Act, 1977 (before 1978) Promotion of the Economic Development of Black States Amendment Act, 1977 (from 1978 to 1980) Promotion of the Economic Development of National States Amendment Act, 1977 (after 1980)
81 |
Agricultural Credit Amendment Act, 1977
82 |
Common Pasture Management Act, 1977
83 |
Mines and Works Amendment Act, 1977
84 |
Bantu Labour Relations Regulation Amendment Act, 1977 (before 1978) Black Labour Relations Regulation Amendment Act, 1977 (after 1978)
85 |
Expropriation (Establishment of Undertakings) Amendment Act, 1977
86 |
Second Supreme Court Amendment Act, 1977
87 |
Liquor Act, 1977
88 |
Prisons Amendment Act, 1977
89 |
Status of Bophuthatswana Act, 1977
90 |
Police Amendment Act, 1977
91 |
Lower Courts Amendment Act, 1977
92 |
South African Reserve Bank Amendment Act, 1977
93 |
Financial Arrangements with Bophuthatswana Act, 1977
94 |
Financial Institutions Amendment Act, 1977
95 |
South-West Africa Constitution Amendment Act, 1977
96 |
Group Areas Amendment Act, 1977
97 |
Railway and Harbour Purchase Amendment Act, 1977
98 |
Territorial Waters Amendment Act, 1977
99 |
Sea Fisheries Amendment Act, 1977
100 |
Standards Amendment Act, 1977
101 |
Explosives Amendment Act, 1977
102 |
Electricity Amendment Act, 1977
103 |
National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act, 1977
104 |
Environment Planning Amendment Act, 1977
105 |
Vaal River Development Scheme Amendment Act, 1977
106 |
Water Research Amendment Act, 1977
107 |
Rand Water Board Statutes (Private) Act Amendment Act, 1977
108 |
Water Amendment Act, 1977
109 |
Marketing Amendment Act, 1977
110 |
Appropriation Act, 1977
111 |
Finance Act, 1977
112 |
Second Customs and Excise Amendment Act, 1977
113 |
Income Tax Act, 1977
114 |
Revenue Laws Amendment Act, 1977
115 |
Second Bantu Laws Amendment Act, 1977 (before 1978) Second Black Laws Amendment Act, 1977 (after 1978)
116 |
Pensions (Supplementary) Act, 1977
117 |
Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Amendment Act, 1977
118 |
Second Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act, 1977
119 |
Bantu Laws Amendment Act, 1977 (before 1978) Black Laws Amendment Act, 1977 (after 1978)
120 |
Petroleum Products Act, 1977
121 |
University of Durban-Westville Amendment Act, 1977
122 |
Electoral Act for Indians, 1977
123 |
South African Indian Council Amendment Act, 1977
124 |
Housing Amendment Act, 1977
125 |
Community Councils Act, 1977
126 |
Community Development Amendment Act, 1977
127 |
University of the Western Cape Amendment Act, 1977