Act no. |
Short title
1 |
Additional Appropriation Act, 1993
2 |
Registration of Newspapers Amendment Act, 1993
3 |
Aliens Control Amendment Act, 1993
4 |
Identification Amendment Act, 1993
5 |
Secret Services Amendment Act, 1993
6 |
Mutual Building Societies Amendment Act, 1993
7 |
Financial Institutions Amendment Act, 1993
8 |
Financial Supervision of the Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund Act, 1993
9 |
Deposit-taking Institutions Amendment Act, 1993
10 |
South African Reserve Bank Amendment Act, 1993
11 |
Liquor Products Amendment Act, 1993
12 |
Agricultural Research Amendment Act, 1993
13 |
Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Amendment Act, 1993
14 |
Deeds Registries Amendment Act, 1993
15 |
Sectional Titles Amendment Act, 1993
16 |
Police Amendment Act, 1993
17 |
Trade Metrology Amendment Act, 1993
18 |
General Law Amendment Act, 1993
19 |
Witpoort Adjustment Act, 1993
20 |
Liquid Fuel and Oil Act Repeal Act, 1993
21 |
Universities Amendment Act, 1993
22 |
Social Work Amendment Act, 1993
23 |
Medical Schemes Amendment Act, 1993
24 |
Additional Appropriation Act (House of Assembly), 1993
25 |
Additional Appropriation Act (House of Representatives), 1993
26 |
Additional Appropriation Act (House of Delegates), 1993
27 |
Transport Services Unappropriated Expenditure Act, 1993
28 |
Town and Regional Planners Amendment Act, 1993
29 |
Standards Act, 1993
30 |
Usury Amendment Act, 1993
31 |
Armaments Development and Production Amendment Act, 1993
32 |
Defence Amendment Act, 1993
33 |
Harmful Business Practices Amendment Act, 1993
34 |
Professional Land Surveyors' and Technical Surveyors' Amendment Act, 1993
35 |
Post Office Appropriation Act, 1993
36 |
Education Affairs Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993
37 |
Co-operatives Amendment Act, 1993
38 |
Marine Traffic Amendment Act, 1993
39 |
Road Traffic Amendment Act, 1993
40 |
Vista University Amendment Act, 1993
41 |
Local Authorities Loans Fund Amendment Act, 1993
42 |
Animal Matters Amendment Act, 1993
43 |
Imprint Act, 1993
44 |
Airports Company Act, 1993
45 |
Air Traffic and Navigation Services Company Act, 1993
46 |
Petroleum Products Amendment Act, 1993
47 |
Public Service Acts Amendment Act, 1993
48 |
Unauthorized Expenditure Act (House of Assembly), 1993
49 |
Unauthorized Expenditure Act (House of Delegates), 1993
50 |
Indians Education Amendment Act (House of Delegates), 1993
51 |
University of Durban-Westville Amendment Act (House of Delegates), 1993
52 |
Unauthorized Post Office Expenditure Act, 1993
53 |
Agricultural Credit Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993
54 |
University of South Africa (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993
55 |
Unauthorized Expenditure Act (House of Representatives), 1993
56 |
Local Government Affairs Amendment Act, 1993
57 |
Security by Means of Movable Property Act, 1993
58 |
Groot Constantia Trust Act, 1993
59 |
Convention on the International Recognition of Rights in Aircraft Act, 1993
60 |
International Air Services Act, 1993
61 |
Value-Added Tax Amendment Act, 1993
62 |
Documentary Evidence from Countries in Africa Act, 1993
63 |
Associated Health Service Professions Amendment Act, 1993
64 |
Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993
65 |
Arms and Ammunition Amendment Act, 1993
66 |
Road Traffic Second Amendment Act, 1993
67 |
Chartered Accountants Designation (Private) Act, 1993
68 |
Correctional Services Amendment Act, 1993
69 |
Exchequer Amendment Act, 1993
70 |
Public Accountants' and Auditors' Amendment Act, 1993
71 |
Price Control Amendment Act, 1993
72 |
Tourism Act, 1993
73 |
Broadcasting Amendment Act, 1993
74 |
Appropriation Act (House of Representatives), 1993
75 |
Appropriation Act (House of Delegates), 1993
76 |
Shortened Registration Procedures of Land Amendment Act (House of Representatives), 1993
77 |
Appropriation Act (House of Assembly), 1993
78 |
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993
79 |
Finance Act (House of Assembly), 1993
80 |
Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys (Private) Act (House of Assembly), 1993
81 |
University of the Orange Free State (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993
82 |
Constitution Amendment Act, 1993
83 |
Tobacco Products Control Act, 1993
84 |
Space Affairs Act, 1993
85 |
Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993
86 |
Academic Health Centres Act, 1993
87 |
Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act, 1993
88 |
Boxing and Wrestling Control Amendment Act, 1993
89 |
Regional and Land Affairs General Amendment Act, 1993
90 |
Magistrates Act, 1993
91 |
Judges' Remuneration and Conditions of Employment Amendment Act, 1993
92 |
Water Amendment Act, 1993
93 |
Joint Administrative Authority for Walvis Bay Act, 1993
94 |
Environment Conservation Amendment Act, 1993
95 |
Security Forces Board of Inquiry Act, 1993
96 |
Appropriation Act, 1993
97 |
Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 1993
98 |
Customs and Excise Amendment Act, 1993
99 |
Joint Administration of Certain Matters Act, 1993
100 |
Geoscience Act, 1993
101 |
Housing Amendment Act, 1993
102 |
Public Service Labour Relations Act, 1993
103 |
Minerals Amendment Act, 1993
104 |
Financial Institutions Second Amendment Act, 1993
105 |
Liquor Amendment Act, 1993
106 |
Natural Scientific Professions Act, 1993
107 |
Revocation and Assignment of Powers of Self-governing Territories Act, 1993
108 |
General Law Second Amendment Act, 1993
109 |
Regulation of Joint Executive Action regarding Certain Land Act, 1993
110 |
Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Amendment Act, 1993
111 |
Land Titles Adjustment Act, 1993
112 |
Rural Areas Amendment Act (House of Representatives), 1993
113 |
Income Tax Act, 1993
114 |
Recognition of Foreign Legal Qualifications and Practice Act, 1993
115 |
Attorneys Amendment Act, 1993
116 |
Criminal Matters Amendment Act, 1993
117 |
Local Government Affairs Second Amendment Act, 1993
118 |
Health and Welfare Matters Amendment Act, 1993
119 |
Distribution and Transfer of Certain State Land Act, 1993
120 |
Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, 1993
121 |
Provision of Special Funds for Tertiary Education and Training Act, 1993
122 |
Insolvency Amendment Act, 1993
123 |
Finance Act, 1993
124 |
Mutual Banks Act, 1993
125 |
Technikons Act, 1993
126 |
Provision of Certain Land for Settlement Act, 1993
127 |
Overvaal Resorts Limited Act, 1993
128 |
Pensions (Supplementary) Act, 1993
129 |
General Law Third Amendment Act, 1993
130 |
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993
131 |
Nuclear Energy Act, 1993
132 |
General Law Fourth Amendment Act, 1993
133 |
Prevention of Family Violence Act, 1993
134 |
Defence Second Amendment Act, 1993
135 |
Correctional Services Second Amendment Act, 1993
136 |
Police Second Amendment Act, 1993
137 |
Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Act, 1993
138 |
University of Cape Town (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993
139 |
Education Laws Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993
140 |
Revenue Laws Amendment Act, 1993
141 |
Policy Board for Financial Services and Regulation Act, 1993
142 |
Exchequer Second Amendment Act, 1993
143 |
National Emergency Telephone Service Act, 1993
144 |
Estate Agents Amendment Act, 1993
145 |
Nursing Amendment Act, 1993
146 |
Education Labour Relations Act, 1993
147 |
Agricultural Labour Act, 1993
148 |
Independent Media Commission Act, 1993
149 |
Internal Peace Institutions Amendment Act, 1993
150 |
Independent Electoral Commission Act, 1993
151 |
Transitional Executive Council Act, 1993
152 |
Self-governing Territories Constitution Amendment Act, 1993
153 |
Independent Broadcasting Authority Act, 1993
154 |
Pension and Other Benefits for Ministerial Representatives Act, 1993
155 |
Housing Arrangements Act, 1993
156 |
Dangerous Weapons Amendment Act, 1993
157 |
General Law Fifth Amendment Act, 1993
158 |
University of Pretoria (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993
159 |
Rhodes University (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993
160 |
Adjustments Appropriation Act (House of Assembly), 1993
161 |
Second Unauthorized Expenditure Act (House of Assembly), 1993
162 |
Education Affairs Second Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993
163 |
University of Natal (Private) Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993
164 |
Adjustments Appropriation Act (House of Representatives), 1993
165 |
Adjustments Estimate Act (House of Delegates), 1993
166 |
Second Unauthorized Expenditure Act (House of Delegates), 1993
167 |
Adjustments Appropriation Act, 1993
168 |
Income Tax Amendment Act, 1993
169 |
Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1993
170 |
Regional and Land Affairs Second General Amendment Act, 1993
171 |
Post Office Amendment Act, 1993
172 |
Application of Resolutions of the Security Council of the United Nations Act, 1993
173 |
Correctional Services Third Amendment Act, 1993
174 |
Agricultural Research Second Amendment Act, 1993
175 |
Agricultural Development Fund Act, 1993
176 |
Post Office Second Amendment Act, 1993
177 |
Arms and Ammunition Second Amendment Act, 1993
178 |
Explosives Amendment Act, 1993
179 |
Public Services Amendment Act, 1993
180 |
Health and Welfare Matters Second Amendment Act, 1993
181 |
Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act, 1993
182 |
Exchequer Third Amendment Act, 1993
183 |
Police Third Amendment Act, 1993
184 |
Second Finance Act, 1993
185 |
Certification Council for Technikon Education Amendment Act, 1993
186 |
Businesses Amendment Act, 1993
187 |
Regional Industrial Development Act, 1993 (before 1998) Manufacturing Development Act, 1993 (after 1998)
188 |
Marketing Amendment Act, 1993
189 |
Environment Conservation Second Amendment Act, 1993
190 |
Sea-shore Amendment Act, 1993
191 |
Housing Matters Amendment Act, 1993
192 |
Guardianship Act, 1993
193 |
Independent Electoral Commission Amendment Act, 1993
194 |
Trade Marks Act, 1993
195 |
Designs Act, 1993
196 |
Restoration and Extension of South African Citizenship Act, 1993
197 |
Closed Pension Fund Act, 1993
198 |
Development and Housing Amendment Act (House of Assembly), 1993
199 |
Housing Development Amendment Act (House of Delegates), 1993
200 |
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1993
201 |
Constitution Consequential Amendments Act, 1993
202 |
Electoral Act, 1993
203 |
Transfer of Walvis Bay to Namibia Act, 1993
204 |
General Law Sixth Amendment Act, 1993
205 |
Regulation of Gatherings Act, 1993
206 |
Abolition of Restrictions on Free Political Activity Act, 1993
207 |
Castle Management Act, 1993
208 |
Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Amendment Act, 1993
209 |
Local Government Transition Act, 1993
210 |
Lotteries and Gambling Board Act, 1993