Act no. |
Short title
-1 |
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Amendment Act, 2001 (before 2005) Constitution Sixth Amendment Act of 2001 (after 2005)
0 |
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Second Amendment Act, 2001 (before 2005) Constitution Seventh Amendment Act of 2001 (after 2005)
1 |
Division of Revenue Act, 2001
2 |
Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Amendment Act, 2001
3 |
Advisory Board on Social Development Act, 2001
4 |
Housing Amendment Act, 2001
5 |
Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 2001
6 |
National Council for Library and Information Services Act, 2001
7 |
South African Sports Commission Amendment Act, 2001
8 |
South African Weather Service Act, 2001
9 |
Export Credit and Foreign Investments Re-insurance Amendment Act, 2001
10 |
Patents Amendment Act, 2001
11 |
South African Boxing Act, 2001
12 |
National Forest and Fire Laws Amendment Act, 2001
13 |
Eskom Conversion Act, 2001
14 |
Airports Company Amendment Act, 2001
15 |
Road Accident Fund Amendment Act, 2001
16 |
Supreme Court Decree, 1990 (Ciskei) Amendment Act, 2001
17 |
Criminal Procedure Amendment Act, 2001
18 |
Appropriation Act, 2001
19 |
Revenue Laws Amendment Act, 2001
20 |
Administration of Estates Laws Interim Rationalisation Act, 2001
21 |
Consumer Affairs (Unfair Business Practices) Amendment Act, 2001
22 |
Close Corporations Amendment Act, 2001
23 |
Higher Education Amendment Act, 2001
24 |
National Health Laboratory Service Amendment Act, 2001
25 |
Counterfeit Goods Amendment Act, 2001
26 |
Trade Practices Amendment Act, 2001
27 |
Agricultural Research Amendment Act, 2001
28 |
Financial Institutions (Protection of Funds) Act, 2001
29 |
Alexkor Limited Amendment Act, 2001
30 |
Repeal of Volkstaat Council Provisions Act, 2001
31 |
National Land Transport Transition Amendment Act, 2001
32 |
Correctional Services Amendment Act, 2001
33 |
Postal Services Amendment Act, 2001
34 |
Act number originally assigned to the Constitution Sixth Amendment Act
35 |
Companies Amendment Act, 2001
36 |
Cultural Laws Amendment Act, 2001
37 |
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Act, 2001
38 |
Financial Intelligence Centre Act, 2001
39 |
Pension Funds Second Amendment Act, 2001
40 |
Stock Exchanges Control Amendment Act, 2001
41 |
Interim Rationalisation of Jurisdiction of High Courts Act, 2001
42 |
Judicial Matters Amendment Act, 2001
43 |
Demobilisation Amendment Act, 2001
44 |
Termination of Integration Intake Act, 2001
45 |
Agricultural Debt Management Act, 2001
46 |
Lotteries Amendment Act, 2001
47 |
Judges' Remuneration and Conditions of Employment Act, 2001
48 |
Gas Act, 2001
49 |
Industrial Development Amendment Act, 2001
50 |
Merchandise Marks Amendment Act, 2001
51 |
Land Affairs General Amendment Act, 2001
52 |
Marketing of Agricultural Products Amendment Act, 2001
53 |
Provincial Tax Regulation Process Act, 2001
54 |
National Parks Amendment Act, 2001
55 |
Medical Schemes Amendment Act, 2001
56 |
Private Security Industry Regulation Act, 2001
57 |
Education Laws Amendment Act, 2001
58 |
General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act, 2001
59 |
Adjustments Appropriation Act, 2001
60 |
Second Revenue Laws Amendment Act, 2001
61 |
Act number originally assigned to the Constitution Seventh Amendment Act
62 |
Criminal Procedure Second Amendment Act, 2001
63 |
Unemployment Insurance Act, 2001
64 |
Telecommunications Amendment Act, 2001
65 |
Pension Funds Amendment Act, 2001
66 |
"Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal" Act Repeal Act, 2001
67 |
Academy of Science of South Africa Act, 2001
68 |
Africa Institute of South Africa Act, 2001
69 |
Cultural Laws Second Amendment Act, 2001