List of amphibians of Virginia

This is a list of amphibians native to the state of Virginia. Species which are endemic to Virginia are bolded.

The red salamander (Pseudotriton ruber) is the state amphibian of Virginia

Anura (frogs and toads)

Name Species / Subspecies Family Conservation status
IUCN Red List State (NatureServe)
American toad Anaxyrus americanus americanus Bufonidae   Secure (S5)
Fowler's toad Anaxyrus fowleri Bufonidae   Secure (S5)
Oak toad Anaxyrus quercicus Bufonidae   Vulnerable (S3)
Southern toad Anaxyrus terrestris Bufonidae   Apparently Secure (S4)
Eastern cricket frog Acris crepitans crepitans Hylidae   Apparently Secure (S4)
Southern cricket frog Acris gryllus Hylidae   Apparently Secure (S4)
Cope's gray tree frog Dryophrytes chrysoscelis Hylidae   Secure (S5)
Green tree frog Dryophrytes cinereus Hylidae   Apparently Secure (S4)
Pine woods tree frog Dryophrytes femoralis Hylidae   Apparently Secure (S4)
Barking tree frog Dryophrytes gratiosus Hylidae   Imperiled (S2)
Squirrel tree frog Dryophrytes squirellus Hylidae   Apparently Secure (S4)
Gray tree frog Dryophrytes versicolor Hylidae   Secure (S5)
Appalachian mountain chorus frog Pseudacris brachyphona Hylidae   Apparently Secure (S4)
Brimley's chorus frog Pseudacris brimleyi Hylidae   Apparently Secure (S4)
Spring peeper Pseudacris crucifer Hylidae   Secure (S5)
Upland chorus frog Pseudacris feriarum Hylidae   Secure (S5)
New Jersey chorus frog Pseudacris kalmi Hylidae  
Southern chorus frog Pseudacris nigrita Hylidae   Vulnerable (S3)
Little grass frog Pseudacris ocularis Hylidae   Vulnerable (S3)
Eastern narrow-mouthed toad Gastrophryne carolinensis Microhylidae   Apparently Secure (S4)
American bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus Ranidae   Secure (S5)
Northern green frog Lithobates clamitans melanota Ranidae   Secure (S5)
Atlantic coast leopard frog Lithobates kauffeldi Ranidae  
Pickerel frog Lithobates palustris Ranidae   Secure (S5)
Southern leopard frog Lithobates sphenocephalus utricularius Ranidae   Apparently Secure (S4)
Wood frog Lithobates sylvaticus Ranidae   Secure (S5)
Carpenter frog Lithobates virgatipes Ranidae   Vulnerable (S3)
Eastern spadefoot toad Scaphiopus holbrooki Scaphiopodidae   Apparently Secure (S4)



Lungless salamanders (Plethodontidae)

Name Species / Subspecies Conservation status
IUCN Red List Federal (ESA) State (Virginia DWR) State (NatureServe)
Green salamander Aneides aeneus   Vulnerable (S3)
Holbrook's southern dusky salamander Desmognathus auriculatus   Apparently Secure (S4)
Northern dusky salamander Desmognathus fuscus   Secure (S5)
Kanawha black-bellied salamander Desmognathus kanawha
Shovel-nosed salamander Desmognathus marmoratus   Critically Imperiled (S1)
Pisgah black-bellied salamander Desmognathus mavrokoilius
Seal salamander Desmognathus monticola   Secure (S5)
Allegheny Mountain dusky salamander Desmognathus ochrophaeus   Apparently Secure (S4)
Blue Ridge dusky salamander Desmognathus orestes   Vulnerable (S3)
Northern pygmy salamander Desmognathus organi   Imperiled (S2)
Flat-headed salamander Desmognathus planiceps   Vulnerable (G3)
Black Mountain dusky salamander Desmognathus welteri   Vulnerable (S3)
Northern two-lined salamander Eurycea bislineata   Secure (S5)
Southern two-lined salamander Eurycea cirrigera   Secure (S5)
Three-lined salamander Eurycea guttolineata   Apparently Secure (S4)
Eastern long-tailed salamander Eurycea longicauda longicauda   Secure (S5)
Cave salamander Eurycea lucifuga   Apparently Secure (S4)
Blue Ridge two-lined salamander Eurycea wilderae   Imperiled (S2)
Spring salamander Gyrinophilus porphyriticus   Secure (S5)
Four-toed salamander Hemidactylium scutatum   Secure (S5)
Atlantic Coast slimy salamander Plethodon chlorobryonis  
Eastern red-backed salamander Plethodon cinereus   Secure (S5)
White-spotted slimy salamander Plethodon cylindraceus   Secure (S5)
Dixie Caverns salamander Plethodon dixi   Critically Imperiled (G1)
Northern slimy salamander Plethodon glutinosus   Secure (S5)
Valley and ridge salamander Plethodon hoffmani   Apparently Secure (S4)
Peaks of Otter salamander Plethodon hubrichti   Imperiled (G2)
Blacksburg salamander Plethodon jacksoni  
Cumberland Plateau salamander Plethodon kentucki   Vulnerable (S3)
Northern gray-cheeked salamander Plethodon montanus   Vulnerable (S3)
Cow Knob salamander Plethodon punctatus   Imperiled (S2)
Southern ravine salamander Plethodon richmondi   Apparently Secure (S4)
Shenandoah salamander Plethodon shenandoah   Endangered State Endangered Critically Imperiled (G1)
Big Levels salamander Plethodon sherando   Imperiled (G2)
Southern zigzag salamander Plethodon ventralis   Critically Imperiled (S1)
Shenandoah Mountain salamander Plethodon virginia   Imperiled (S2)
Wehrle's salamander Plethodon wehrlei   Apparently Secure (S4)
Weller's salamander Plethodon welleri   Imperiled (S2)
Yonahlossee salamander Plethodon yonahlossee   Vulnerable (S3)
Mud salamander Pseudotriton montanus   Secure (S5)
Red salamander Pseudotriton ruber   Secure (S5)
Many-lined salamander Stereochilus marginatus   Vulnerable (S3)

Other salamanders

Name Species / Subspecies Family Conservation status
IUCN Red List State (Virginia DWR) State (NatureServe)
Jefferson salamander Ambystoma jeffersonianum Ambystomatidae   Apparently Secure (S4)
Mabee's salamander Ambystoma mabeei Ambystomatidae   State Threatened Critically Imperiled (S1)
Spotted salamander Ambystoma maculatum Ambystomatidae   Secure (S5)
Marbled salamander Ambystoma opacum Ambystomatidae   Secure (S5)
Mole salamander Ambystoma talpoideum Ambystomatidae   Imperiled (S2)
Eastern tiger salamander Ambystoma tigrinum Ambystomatidae   State Endangered Critically Imperiled (S1)
Two-toed amphiuma Amphiuma means Amphiumidae   Apparently Secure (S4)
Eastern hellbender Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis Cryptobranchidae   Imperiled (S2)
Common mudpuppy Necturus maculosus maculosus Proteidae   Imperiled (S2)
Dwarf waterdog Necturus punctatus Proteidae   Imperiled (S2)
Red-spotted newt Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens Salamandridae   Secure (S5)
Eastern lesser siren Siren intermedia intermedia Sirenidae  
Greater siren Siren lacertina Sirenidae   Vulnerable (S3)