List of birds of South Asia: part 3

This list includes those birds of South Asia in the passerine families from pittas to cisticolas.

Status abbreviations
R = widespread resident r = very local resident W = widespread winter visitor
w = sparse winter visitor P = widespread migrant p = sparse migrant
V = vagrant or irregular visitor I = introduced resident Ex = extinct
C = critically endangered E = endangered V = vulnerable
D = conservation dependent N = near threatened

For an introduction to the birds of the region, see List of birds of the South Asia.

For the rest of the species lists, see:




  1. ^ Selvatti, Alexandre Pedro; Galvão, Ana; Pereira, Anieli Guirro; Pedreira Gonzaga, Luiz; Russo, Claudia Augusta de Moraes (2016). "An African Origin of the Eurylaimides (Passeriformes) and the Successful Diversification of the Ground-Foraging Pittas (Pittidae)". Molecular Biology and Evolution. doi:10.1093/molbev/msw250.