List of international presidential trips made by Ilham Aliyev

This article consists of the list of international official and work trips made by Ilham Aliyev, the fourth and current President of Azerbaijan, during the terms of his presidency.

Aliyev with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Ankara in January 2015.
Aliyev with Vladimir Putin in Sochi in August 2014.

First Presidential term

Aliyev with Alexander Lukashenko, and Vladimir Putin in Kyiv in 2004.
Aliyev (second from the left) with Leonid Kuchma, Vladimir Putin and veterans of the Liberation of Ukraine.

Trips during the first presidential term (2003–2008)

Date Country Location Details
January 2004   France Paris Signing agreements on civil defense, aeronautics, scientific cooperation, tourism, etc. between Azerbaijan and France
February 2004   Russia Moscow Development of cooperation in all directions
March 2004   Uzbekistan Tashkent Signing of 8 agreements in the field of economy, transport, military cooperation
March 2004   Kazakhstan Astana Discussion of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan project
March 2004   Slovakia Bratislava Development of bilateral cooperation between the EU and Azerbaijan
April 2004   Turkey Ankara The opening of a park near Ankara, in Batikent, in memory of Heydar Aliyev. Signing of protocols on cooperation in the spheres of civil aviation and culture and other documents
April 2004   Poland Warsaw European Economic Summit
April 2004   France Strasbourg PACE session
May 2004   Belgium Brussels Development of bilateral cooperation between the EU and Azerbaijan
June 2004   Turkey Istanbul 17th NATO summit
June 2004   Ukraine Kyiv Development of bilateral relations between countries
June 2004   Georgia Tbilisi Signing of Azerbaijani-Georgian documents
July 2004   Russia Moscow Development of bilateral relations between countries
August 2004   Germany Berlin Development of bilateral relations between countries
August 2004   Greece Athens 2004 Summer Olympics[1]
September 2004   France Paris Development of bilateral relations between countries
September 2004   Kazakhstan Astana Meeting with the Presidents of Russia and Armenia
September 2004   USA New York UN General Assembly 59th Session[2]
October 2004   Romania Bucharest Signing of Azerbaijani-Romanian documents
October 2004   Russia Moscow Meeting with the President of Russia
October 2004   Ukraine Kyiv Victory Parade on the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Liberation of Ukraine from Fascism[3]
November 2004   Qatar Doha Signing of Azerbaijani-Qatarian documents
December 2004   UK London Conference on "Trade and Investments in Azerbaijan"
January 2005   Iran Tabriz Signing of ten documents
February 2005   Russia Moscow Meeting with the President of Russia and opening the "Year of Azerbaijan" in Russia
February 2005   Italy Rome Azerbaijani-Italian business forum
March 2005   Saudi Arabia Riyadh Development of bilateral relations between countries
March 2005   China Beijing Signing of documents covering political, legal, economic, cultural spheres
March 2005   Poland Warsaw Consideration of political, economic and humanitarian relations, as well as the development of relations within international structures
April 2005   Vatican Funeral of Pope John Paul II
April 2005   Pakistan Islamabad Development of bilateral relations between countries
April 2005   Moldova Chișinău Development of bilateral relations between countries
May 2005   Russia Moscow The parade on Red Square on the occasion of Victory Day, on the 60th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War
May 2005   Poland Warsaw Meeting of the Heads of State of Europe
June 2005   Croatia Zagreb Signing of Azerbaijani- Croatian documents
June 2005   Russia St. Petersburg Petersburg International Economic Forum
June 2005   Ukraine Kyiv International Investment Forum
August 2005   Saudi Arabia The funeral of King Fahd ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saud
August 2005 Subject of the Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan Kazan Meeting of CIS Heads of State
September 2005   Bulgaria Sofia The signing of the Joint Declaration of the Presidents
October 2005   Georgia Launch of the Georgian part of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline
December 2005   Saudi Arabia Mecca Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation[4]
February 2006   France Rambouillet Meeting with the President of Armenia and OSCE Minsk Group
March 2006   Japan Tokyo Signing of Azerbaijani-Japanese documents
March 2006   France Rambouillet The NATO Parliamentary Assembly
April 2006   USA Washington Discussion of issues of democracy, energy and cooperation in the Caucasus, as well as security issues
May 2006   Ukraine Kyiv GUAM session
May 2006   France Paris NATO Parliamentary Assembly[5]
June 2006   Romania Bucharest Development of bilateral relations between countries
June 2006   Kazakhstan Astana The signing of the Agreement on the facilitation and support of oil transportation from Kazakhstan through the Caspian Sea and the territory of Azerbaijan to international markets through the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan system
July 2006   Turkey Ceyhan Opening of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline[6]
July 2006   Russia Moscow Meeting of heads of states of the CIS
August 2006   Slovenia Ljubljana Exchange of views on the current state and prospects of bilateral economic ties between countries
September 2006   Turkey Istanbul Development of bilateral relations between countries
September 2006   Germany Berlin Participation in the International Forum Bertelsmann-2006[7]
September 2006   Turkey Antalya Meeting of the heads of Turc-speang states[8]
October 2006   Latvia Riga Discussion of cooperation within the framework of international organizations, interaction in the field of integration into Euro-Atlantic structures
October 2006   Belarus Minsk Discussion of the prospects for political and economic relations between the two states. The signing of a package of ten documents
November 2006   Russia Moscow Development of bilateral relations between countries
November 2006   Belgium Brussels Signing with Europe a memorandum in the energy sector
November 2006   United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi Azerbaijani-Emirates business forum
November 2006   Belarus Minsk Meeting with the Presidents of Belarus and Ukraine
January 2007   France Lille The signing of the Memorandum and 7 bilateral agreements
January 2007    Switzerland Davos World Economic Forum[9]
February 2007   Georgia Tbilisi Solemn opening of Heydar Aliyev Avenue
February 2007   Germany Berlin Negotiations and discussions of various topics
February 2007   Germany Bonn Meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel
March 2007   Tajikistan Dushanbe The signing of agreements on friendship and cooperation
March 2007   Russia Moscow Mstislav Rostropovich's 80th anniversary[10]
April 2007   Russia Moscow Mstislav Rostropovich's funeral[11]
April 2007   South Korea Seoul Signing more than 40 documents, which have established a legal basis for the development of political, economic, cultural, humanitarian relations
May 2007   Georgia Tbilisi Opening of the bust of Heydar Aliyev[12]
May 2007   Egypt Cairo Signing of Azerbaijani-Egyptian documents
May 2007   Poland Kraków International energy summit
June 2007   Russia St.Petersburg Meeting of heads of states of the CIS[13]
June 2007   Turkey Istanbul Conference on energy security
June 2007   Russia Rostov on Non Meeting with the president of Russia
July 2007   Jordan Amman Signing of 15 cooperation agreements
August 2007   Kazakhstan Astana Signing of the Joint Declaration on cooperation in the spheres of trade and television
September 2007   Lithuania Vilnius Vilnius Conference on Energy Security 2007
September 2007   Romania Bucharest Opening of the park in honor of Heydar Aliyev
October 2007   Tajikistan Dushanbe Meeting of heads of states of the CIS[14]
October 2007   Lithuania Vilnius Energy Summit[15]
October 2007   Iran Tehran Development of bilateral relations between countries
November 2007   Turkey Opening of Turkey-Greece pipeline[16]
November 2007   France Paris Development of bilateral relations between countries
November 2007   Georgia Tbilisi Signing of the agreement on the construction of the railway Baku-Tbilisi-Kars[17]
January 2008    Switzerland Davos World Economic Forum[18]
February 2008   Russia Moscow Meeting of CIS Heads of State[19]
February 2008   Poland Warsaw Signing of documents on cooperation between countries
March 2008   Morocco Rabat Signing agreements on cooperation in the field of culture and tourism
April 2008   Romania Bucharest NATO Summit
May 2008   Ukraine Kyiv Energy, military-technical and humanitarian cooperation
May 2008   Finland Helsinki Development of relations between Azerbaijan and Finland, also with the European Union
June 2008   Russia St.Petersburg Summit of CIS heads of state[20]
July 2008   Kazakhstan Astana Solemn events dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Astana
July 2008   Georgia Batumi GUAM summit
August 2008   China Beijing Opening of the Days of Azerbaijan in Beijing during the 29th Olympic Games
September 2008   Russia Moscow Meeting with the President of Russia

Second Presidential term


Trips during the second presidential term (2008–2013)

Date Country Location Details
November 2008   Turkey Ankara Speech at the Great National Assembly of Turkey, took part in the opening of Heydar Aliyev Street in Batikent, got acquainted with Heydar Aliyev Park and Heydar Aliyev Primary School
November 2008   Russia Moscow Meeting with the Presidents of Russia and Armenia
November 2008   Italy Rome Discussion of the prospects for cooperation between Italy and Azerbaijan
November 2008   Turkmenistan Ashgabat Turkmen-Azerbaijani-Turkish summit[21]
January 2009   Hungary Budapest
January 2009    Switzerland Zurich Meeting with the President of Armenia
February 2009   Kuwait Kuwait city Expanding of cooperation
February 2009   Greece Athens Development of political, economic, energy spheres between countries
March 2009   Iran Tehran Signing of 7 intergovernmental agreements
April 2009   Russia Moscow The discussion of bilateral relations in the trade-economic, energy, cultural and humanitarian spheres
April 2009   Belgium Brussels Meeting with the Secretary General of NATO
May 2009   Czech Republic Prague
June 2009   Russia St.Petersburg Meeting with the Presidents of Russia and Armenia
July 2009   UK London Development of bilateral relations between countries
July 2009   Russia Moscow Meeting with the Presidents of Russia and Armenia
September 2009   Kazakhstan Astana Discussion of cooperation in the oil and gas sector
September 2009   Romania Bucharest Cooperation between countries in the field of economy and energy
October 2009   Moldova Chișinău Meeting of the Council of the CIS heads of state[22]
October 2009   Jordan Amman Development of bilateral relations in various directions
October 2009    Switzerland Berne The opening of the Days of Azerbaijani Culture
November 2009   Bulgaria Sofia Signing of Azerbaijani-Bulgarian documents
November 2009   Germany Munich Development of bilateral relations between countries
November 2009   Belarus Minsk Signing of joint declarations
November 2009   Russia Ulyanovsk Opening of the Heydar Aliyev Square, also discussion of cooperation issues
December 2009   France Paris Meeting with Jean-François Cirelli, vice-president and general operations director of GDF SUEZ
January 2010   Russia Sochi Meeting with the Presidents of Russia and Armenia
January 2010    Switzerland Davos Development of economic and energy spheres, cooperation within the Nabucco project
February 2010   Germany Berlin Meeting with Angela Merkel
April 2010   Estonia Tallinn Development of bilateral relations in various directions
May 2010   Russia Moscow The parade on Red Square on the occasion of Victory Day, on the 65th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War
June 2010   Russia St.Petersburg Meeting with the Presidents of Russia and Armenia and OSCE Minsk Group
June 2010   Turkey Ankara Signing agreements in the Energy Field
July 2010   Ukraine Yalta Meeting of the CIS Council of Heads of State
July 2010   Georgia Tbilisi The development of bilateral relations and an intergovernmental commission
September 2010   Turkey Istanbul Summit of heads of Turkic-speaking countries
September 2010   USA New York The 65th session of the UN General Assembly, discussion of regional and international issues with Barack Obama[23]
September 2010   Uzbekistan Tashkent The opening of a cultural center named after Heydar Aliyev
October 2010   Russia Astrakhan Meeting with the Presidents of Russia and Armenia
October 2010   Ukraine Kyiv Development of the energy industry
November 2010   Portugal Lisbon NATO summit
December 2010   Kazakhstan Astana OSCE Summit[24]
December 2010   Russia Moscow Meeting of the Council of Heads of State[25]
December 2010   Turkey Istanbul XI Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization[26]
January 2011   Latvia Riga Azerbaijan-Latvia Business Forum[27]
January 2011    Switzerland Davos Annual World Economic Forum[28]
June 2011   Italy Rome A festive ceremony dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy and the Republic Day
June 2011   Serbia Belgrade Opening of the embassy of Azerbaijan in Serbia, signing Azerbaijani-Serbian documents
June 2011   Slovenia Ljubljana Azerbaijani-Slovenian Business Forum[29]
June 2011   Belgium Brussels Cooperation between Azerbaijan and the European Union, opening the Crans Montana Forum
June 2011    Tatarstan Kazan Meeting with the Presidents of Russia and Armenia
August 2011   Russia Sochi Meeting with the President of the Russian Federation
September 2011   Poland Warsaw Participation in the European Union “Eastern Partnership” summit
October 2011   Kazakhstan Almaty Participation in the First Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States[30]
October 2011   Turkey Izmir The opening of the AYPE-T plant, the laying of the foundations of the Heydar Aliyev Lyceum of Professional Education and the Petkim Petroleum Refinery
December 2011   Russia Moscow Meeting of the Council of the CIS heads of state[25]
January 2012   Russia Sochi Meeting with the Presidents of Russia and Armenia
January 2012    Switzerland Davos Annual World Economic Forum
February 2012   Germany Munich 48th Munich Security Conference[31]
March 2012   South Korea Seoul Seoul Nuclear Security Summit
April 2012   Czech Republic Prague Signing of Azerbaijani-Czech documents
May 2012   USA New York 20th anniversary of Azerbaijan's membership in the United Nations, and the meeting of the UN Security Council
May 2012   Russia Meeting of the CIS Council of Heads of State
May 2012   USA Chicago NATO Summit[32]
June 2012   Turkey Istanbul Participation in a summit on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization
July 2012   UK London Opening the ceremony of “Day of Azerbaijan” during the 30th Summer Games in London[33]
September 2012   France Paris Opening of the Center of Azerbaijani Culture in Paris, also development of business and culture.[34]
November 2012   Singapore Singapore city Development of relations between countries
January 2013    Switzerland Davos Annual World Economic Forum[35]
March 2013   Croatia Zagreb Signing a declaration of partnership and friendship
March 2013   Montenegro Podgorica Signing of bilateral documents
May 2013   Belgium Brussels Development of relations with European Council
June 2013   Austria Vienna Austro-Azerbaijan Business Forum, also meetings with UN directors in various fields

Third Presidential term

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry shakes hands with Aliyev on May 16, 2016, at the Bristol Hotel in Vienna, Austria.
Aliyev with Ali Khamenei – March 5, 2017.

Trips during the third presidential term (2013–2018)

Date Country Location Details
October 2013   Belarus Minsk Meeting of the Council of the CIS Heads of State
November 2013   Turkey Ankara Signing of intergovernmental documents
November 2013   Austria Vienna Meeting with the Presidents of Austria and Armenia
November 2013   Ukraine Kyiv Signing of Azerbaijani-Ukrainian documents
November 2013   Lithuania Vilnius 3rd Eastern Partnership Summit of the European Union[36]
January 2014    Switzerland Davos Annual World Economic Forum
February 2014   Russia Sochi The opening ceremony of the XXII Winter Olympic Games
April 2014   Iran Tehran Signing of Azerbaijani-Iranian documents
April 2014   Czech Republic Prague The summit of the EU "Eastern Partnership" program
May 2014   Georgia Tbilisi Summit of the Presidents of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia
May 2014   Vietnam Hanoi Signing of Azerbaijani-Vietnamese documents
May 2014   China Shanghai 4th Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia[37]
June 2014   Turkey Bodrum Fourth Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking States
June 2014   Greece Athens Signing of Azerbaijani-Greek documents
June 2014   France Strasbourg Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
July 2014   Italy Rome Signing of Azerbaijani-Italian documents
August 2014   Russia Sochi Meeting with the Presidents of Russia and Armenia
September 2014   UK Wales NATO summit
September 2014   Russia Astrakhan 4th summit of the heads of state of the Caspian littoral states[38]
October 2014   Belarus Minsk The meeting of the CIS Council of Heads of State
October 2014   Tajikistan Dushanbe Signing of Azerbaijani-Tajik documents
October 2014   France Paris Meeting with the President of France
November 2014   Hungary Budapest Signing of Azerbaijan-Hungary documents
January 2015   Germany Berlin Azerbaijani-German Forum[39]
February 2015   Germany Munich 51st Munich Security Conference[40]
March 2015   Turkey Kars Trans-Anatolian Gas Line Groundbreaking
April 2015   Turkey Chanakkale 100th anniversary of Chanakkale Victory[41]
April 2015   Saudi Arabia Riyadh Development of bilateral relations in various directions[42]
May 9, 2015   Russia Moscow Attended the 2015 Moscow Victory Day Parade[43]
July 2015   Italy Milano "National day" organized at the Azerbaijan's pavilion in the "Expo Milano 2015" international exhibition
September 2015   Kazakhstan Astana 5th Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States[44]
October 2015   Kazakhstan Burabay CIS Heads of State Council's session
November 2015   Georgia Tbilisi Strengthening of relations between countries
November 2015   Turkey Antalya Speech during the discussions on the fight against terrorism and the migration crisis at a working dinner in the framework of the G20 Summit
November 2015   France Paris 38th Session of UNESCO General Conference[45]
November 2015   Belarus Minsk Signing of Azerbaijani-Belarusian documents
December 2015   China Xian Signing of Azerbaijani-Chinese documents
January 2016    Switzerland Davos Annual World Economic Forum[46]
February 2016   United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi Signing of Azerbaijani-UAE documents
February 2016   UK London Supporting Syria and the Region Conference
February 2016   Germany Munich Munich Security Conference
February 2016   Iran Tehran Signing of Azerbaijani-Iranian documents
March 2016   Turkey Ankara Signing of Azerbaijani-Turkish documents
April 2016   USA Washington 4th Nuclear Security Summit[47]
April 2016   Turkey Istanbul 13th Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
May 2016   Austria Vienna Meeting with the US Secretary of State John Kerry, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, French Minister of State for European Affairs Harlem Desir, Presidents of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, OSCE Minsk group co-chairs, and special representative of the OSCE
May 2016   Turkey Istanbul World Humanitarian Summit
June 2016   Germany Berlin Azerbaijani-German Economic Forum[48]
June 2016   Russia St.Petersburg Meeting with the Presidents of Russia and Armenia
July 2016   Poland Warsaw NATO Summit[49]
September 2016   Kyrgyzstan Bishkek Meeting CIS Council of Heads of State
October 2016   Turkey Istanbul 23rd World Energy Congress[50]
February 2017   Belgium Brussels Development of relations with the European Union
February 2017   Germany Munich Munich Security Conference[51]
February 2017   Qatar Doha Signing of Azerbaijani-Qatarian document
March 2017   Pakistan Islamabad 13th Summit of Economic Cooperation Organization
March 2017   Iran Tehran Signing of Azerbaijani-Iranian documents
March 2017   France Paris Signing of Azerbaijani-French documents
May 2017   Saudi Arabia Riyadh Arab-Islamic-American summit[52]
June 2017   Poland Warsaw Signing of Azerbaijani-Poland documents
July 2017   Turkey Istanbul 22nd World Petroleum Congress[53]
July 2017   Latvia Riga Signing of Azerbaijani-Latvian documents
July 2017   Russia Sochi Meeting with the President of Russia
September 2017   Kazakhstan Astana First Summit on Science and Technology of Organization of Islamic Cooperation
September 2017   USA New York 72nd Session of UN General Assembly and meeting with US President Donald Trump[54]
October 2017   Russia Sochi Session of CIS Heads of State Council
October 2017    Swiss Confederation Geneva Meeting with the President of Armenia
October 2017   Turkey Istanbul Summit of D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation (as a special guest)[55]
November 2017   Iran Tehran Meeting with the Presidents of Iran and Russia
November 2017   Belgium Brussels NATO's North Atlantic Council meeting
December 2017   Turkey Istanbul OIC emergency summit on Jerusalem
December 2017   Russia Moscow Meeting of the CIS heads of state
January 2018    Switzerland Davos Attended the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum

Fourth Presidential term

Aliyev with Emmanuel Macron in Paris in July 2018.

Trips during the fourth presidential term (2018–2024)

Date Country Location Details
April 2018   Turkey Ankara State Visit.[56]
June 2018   Russia Moscow Attended the 2018 FIFA World Cup[57]
July 2018   Belgium Brussels NATO's North Atlantic Council meeting
July 2018   France Paris Met with Emmanuel Macron.
August 2018   Kazakhstan Aktau Summit of Caspian Leaders.[58]
August 2018   Russia Sochi Working Visit[59]
August 2018   Kyrgyzstan Cholpon-Ata Attended the 6th Turkic Council summit and the 3rd World Nomad Games.[60]
September 2018   Tajikistan Dushanbe Attended the CIS summit
October 2018   Turkey İzmir Inaugurated the SOCAR refinery.[61]
November 2018   Belarus Minsk State Visit
November 2018   Turkmenistan Ashgabat State Visit[62]
December 2018   Russia St. Petersburg Working Visit
January 2019    Switzerland Davos Annual World Economic Forum
March 2019   Austria Vienna Meeting with the Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurz and the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan.
April 2019   China Beijing Working visit
May 2019   Belgium Brussels Working visit
October 2019   Russia Sochi Working Visit
October 2019   Turkmenistan Ashgabat Working Visit
December 2019   Russia St. Petersburg Working visit[63]
January 2020    Switzerland Davos Annual World Economic Forum
February 2020   Germany Munich Attended the Munich Security Conference
January 2021   Russia Moscow Working visit[64]
July 2021   Russia Moscow Working visit[65]
November 2021   Turkey Istanbul Working visit[66]
November 2021   Russia Sochi Working visit
December 2021   Belgium Brussels Working visit
January 2022   Ukraine Kyiv Working visit
February 2022   Russia Moscow Working visit[67]
March 2022   Turkey Ankara Working visit
April 2022   Belgium Brussels Working visit[68]
May 2022   Turkey Yeşilköy Working visit[69]
June 2022   Uzbekistan Tashkent, Khiva State visit. The opening of Heydar Aliyev, Square.[70]
June 2022   Turkmenistan Ashgabat Working visit[71]
September 2022   Italy Rome, Cernobbio Working visit[72]
September 2022   Uzbekistan Samarkand Working visit. Attended the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit.
October 2022   Bulgaria Sofia [73]
October 2022   Czech Republic Prague Working visit
October 2022   Russia St. Petersburg Working visit
October 2022   Kyrgyzstan Bishkek Working visit
October 2022   Kazakhstan Astana Working visit
October 2022   Georgia Tbilisi Working visit[74]
October 2022   Russia Sochi Working visit[75]
November 2022   Uzbekistan Samarkand Working visit. Attended the Organization of Turkic States summit.
November 2022   Albania Tirana State visit.[76]
November 2022   Serbia Belgrade State visit.
December 2022   Turkmenistan Turkmenbashi Working visit[77]
December 2022   Romania Bucharest Signing of energy documents[78]
December 2022   Russia St. Petersburg Working visit[79]
January 2023   UAE Abu Dhabi Working visit.[80]
January 2023    Switzerland Davos Attended the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum
January 2023   Hungary Budapest Signing of Azerbaijan-Hungary documents[81]
February 2023   Germany Munich Attended the Munich Security Conference[82]
February 2023   Turkey Istanbul Working visit[83]
March 2023   Germany Berlin Working visit[84]
March 2023   Turkey Ankara Attended the Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State of Organization of Turkic States[85]
April 2023   Tajikistan Dushanbe State visit.[86]
April 2023   Kazakhstan Astana Working visit[87]
April 2023   Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo Working visit[88]
April 2023   Bulgaria Sofia Working visit.[89]
April 2023   Turkey Istanbul Attended the Teknofest festival.[90]
May 2023   Belgium Brussels Working visit.[91]
May 2023   Lithuania Vilnius Official visit.[92]
June 2023   Moldova Chișinău, Bulboaca Attended the 2nd European Political Community Summit.[93]
June 2023   Turkey Ankara Third inauguration of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.[94]
July 2023   Belgium Brussels Working visit.[95]
August 2023   Hungary Budapest Working visit.[96]
September 2023   Tajikistan Dushanbe Participated in the 5th Consultative Meeting of Heads of Central Asian States[97]
October 2023   Georgia Tbilisi Working visit.[98]
October 2023   Kyrgyzstan Bishkek Attended the meeting of the CIS Council of the Heads of State.[99]
November 2023   Kazakhstan Astana Attended 10th summit of the Organization of Turkic States.[100]
November 2023   Uzbekistan Tashkent Attended 16th summit of Economic Cooperation Organization.[101]
November 2023   UAE Dubai Attended the World Climate Action Summit organized on sidelines of COP28.[102]
December 2023   Serbia Niš Attended inauguration ceremony of Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnector.[103]
December 2023   Russia St. Petersburg Working visit.[104]

Fifth Presidential term


Trips during the fifth presidential term (2024–Present)

Date Country Location Details
February 2024   Germany Munich Attended the Munich Security Conference.[105]
February 2024   Turkey Ankara State visit.[106]
April 2024   Russia Moscow Working visit.[107]
April 2024   Germany Berlin Working visit.[108]
June 2024   Egypt Cairo Official visit.[109]
June 2024   Turkey Ankara Working visit.[110]
July 2024   Kazakhstan Astana Attended the "SCO Plus" meeting.[111]
July 2024   Pakistan Islamabad State visit.[112]
July 2024   UK Woodstock Attended the 4th European Political Community Summit[113]
August 2024   Kazakhstan Astana Attended the meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia and Azerbaijan[114]

See also



  1. ^ "2004 Olympics - Summer Olympic Games | Athens 2004". International Olympic Committee. 2017-09-28. Retrieved 2018-01-19.
  2. ^ "United Nations General Assembly 59th Session". Retrieved 2018-01-19.
  3. ^ "Welcome to Heydar Aliyevs Heritage Research Center".
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  22. ^ "Саммит СНГ начался в Кишиневе". Retrieved 2018-01-22.
  23. ^ Tran, Mark (2010-09-23). "United Nations general assembly – live". the Guardian. Retrieved 2018-01-22.
  24. ^ "OSCE Summit in Astana — Official site of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Retrieved 2018-01-22.
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