List of participating nations at the Winter Youth Olympic Games

This is a list of nations, as represented by National Olympic Committees (NOCs), that have participated in the Winter Olympic Games between 2012 and 2024. The Winter Youth Olympic Games have been held every four years since 2012. 66 NOCs (105 of the current 206 NOCs) have participated in at least one Winter Games, and Seventy nations in all two Winter Youth Olympic Games date.

List of nations


Table legend

12   In the table headings, indicates the Games year
Participated in the specified Games
H Host nation for the specified Games

Alphabetical list

Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U Other Total
A Code 12 16 20 24
  Albania ALB
  Algeria ALG
  Andorra AND
  Argentina ARG
  Armenia ARM
  Australia AUS
  Austria AUT H
  Azerbaijan AZE
B Code 12 16 20 24
  Belarus BLR
  Belgium BEL
  Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH
  Brazil BRA
  Bulgaria BUL
C Code 12 16 20 24
  Canada CAN
  Cayman Islands CAY
  Chile CHI
  China CHN
  Chinese Taipei TPE
  Colombia COL
  Croatia CRO
  Cyprus CYP
  Czech Republic CZE
D Code 12 16 20 24
  Denmark DEN
E Code 12 16 20 24
  East Timor TLS
  Ecuador ECU
  Eritrea ERI
  Estonia EST
F Code 12 16 20 24
  Finland FIN
  France FRA
G Code 12 16 20 24
  Georgia GEO
  Germany GER
  Great Britain GBR
  Greece GRE
H Code 12 16 20 24
  Haiti HAI
  Hong Kong HKG
  Hungary HUN
I Code 12 16 20 24
  Iceland ISL
  India IND
  Iran IRI
  Ireland IRL
  Israel ISR
  Italy ITA
J Code 12 16 20 24
  Jamaica JAM
  Japan JPN
K Code 12 16 20 24
  Kazakhstan KAZ
  Kenya KEN
  South Korea KOR H
  Kosovo KOS
  Kyrgyzstan KGZ
L Code 12 16 20 24
  Latvia LAT
  Lebanon LIB
  Liechtenstein LIE
  Lithuania LTU
  Luxembourg LUX
M Code 12 16 20 24
  Malaysia MAS
  Mexico MEX
  Moldova MDA
  Monaco MON
  Mongolia MGL
  Montenegro MNE
  Morocco MAR
N Code 12 16 20 24
  Nepal NEP
  Netherlands NED
  New Zealand NZL
  Nigeria NGR
  North Macedonia MKD
  Norway NOR H
P Code 12 16 20 24
  Pakistan PAK
  Peru PER
  Philippines PHI
  Poland POL
  Portugal POR
  Puerto Rico PUR
Q Code 12 16 20 24
  Qatar QAT
R Code 12 16 20 24
  Romania ROU
  Russia RUS
S Code 12 16 20 24
  San Marino SMR
  Serbia SRB
  Singapore SGP
  Slovakia SVK
  Slovenia SLO
  South Africa RSA
  Spain ESP
  Sweden SWE
  Switzerland SUI H
T Code 12 16 20 24
  Thailand THA
  Trinidad and Tobago TRI
  Tunisia TUN
  Turkey TUR
  Turkmenistan TKM
U Code 12 16 20 24
  Ukraine UKR
  United Arab Emirates UAE
  United States USA
  Uzbekistan UZB
Other entries Code 12 16 20 24
  Mixed team[^] ZZX ^ ^ ^
Total 69 71 79 78

Nations that have never competed


112 of the 206 active NOCs have yet to compete in a Winter Youth Olympics.

Nation Code
  Afghanistan AFG
  American Samoa ASA
  Angola ANG
  Antigua and Barbuda ANT
  Aruba ARU
  Bahamas BAH
  Bahrain BRN
  Bangladesh BAN
  Barbados BAR
  Belize BIZ
  Benin BEN
  Bermuda BER
  Bhutan BHU
  Bolivia BOL
  Botswana BOT
  British Virgin Islands IVB
  Brunei BRU
  Burkina Faso BUR
  Burundi BDI
  Cambodia CAM
  Cameroon CMR
  Cape Verde CPV
  Central African Republic CAF
  Chad CHA
  Comoros COM
  Republic of the Congo CGO
  Cook Islands COK
  Costa Rica CRC
  Cuba CUB
  Djibouti DJI
  Dominica DMA
  Dominican Republic DOM
  Democratic Republic of the Congo COD
  Egypt EGY
  El Salvador ESA
  Equatorial Guinea GEQ
  Ethiopia ETH
  Federated States of Micronesia FSM
  Fiji FIJ
  Gabon GAB
  The Gambia GAM
  Ghana GHA
  Grenada GRN
  Guam GUM
  Guatemala GUA
  Guinea GUI
  Guinea-Bissau GBS
  Guyana GUY
  Honduras HON
  Indonesia INA
  Iraq IRQ
  Ivory Coast CIV
  Jordan JOR
  Kiribati KIR
  Kuwait KUW
  Laos LAO
  Lesotho LES
  Liberia LBR
  Libya LBA
  Madagascar MAD
  Malawi MAW
  Maldives MDV
  Mali MLI
  Malta MLT
  Marshall Islands MHL
  Mauritania MTN
  Mauritius MRI
  Mozambique MOZ
  Myanmar MYA
  Namibia NAM
  Nauru NRU
  Nicaragua NCA
  Niger NIG
  North Korea PRK
  Oman OMA
  Palau PLW
  Palestine PLE
  Panama PAN
  Papua New Guinea PNG
  Paraguay PAR
  Rwanda RWA
  Saint Kitts and Nevis SKN
  Saint Lucia LCA
  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VIN
  Samoa SAM
  São Tomé and Príncipe STP
  Saudi Arabia KSA
  Senegal SEN
  Seychelles SEY
  Sierra Leone SLE
  Solomon Islands SOL
  Somalia SOM
  South Sudan SSD
  Sri Lanka SRI
  Sudan SUD
  Swaziland SWZ
  Suriname SUR
  Syria SYR
  Tajikistan TJK
  Tanzania TAN
  Togo TOG
  Tonga TGA
  Tuvalu TUV
  Uganda UGA
  Uruguay URU
  Vanuatu VAN
  Venezuela VEN
  Vietnam VIE
  Virgin Islands ISV
  Yemen YEM
  Zambia ZAM
  Zimbabwe ZIM

See also
