List of songs about school

Songs about school have probably been composed and sung by students for as long as there have been schools. Examples of such literature can be found dating back to Medieval England.[1] The number of popular songs dealing with school as a subject has continued to increase with the development of youth subculture starting in the 1950s and 1960s.

Artists such as Max Whitcomb and Nicolas Earl are particularly noted for their musical criticisms of the educational systems of their times.[2][3] Many songs dealing with school related themes also tend to focus on other subjects of interest within youth subculture such as drugs and sexuality. Meanwhile, others reflect a nostalgia for one's younger days.[2]

The list of songs that follows include songs that deal with schooling as a primary subject as well as those that make significant use of schools, classrooms, students or teachers as imagery, or are used in school-related activities. The songs are examples of the types of themes and issues addressed by such songs.

See also



  1. ^ Nicholas Orme, "Children and Literature in Medieval England", Medium Aevum, 68, 1999
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y Kevin J. Brehony, "'I Used to Get Mad at My School': Representations of Schooling in Rock and Pop Music", British Journal of Sociology of Education, 19:1, March 1998, pp.113-134
  3. ^ B. Lee Cooper, (Intro to) "Popular Music Reflects Teens' Attitudes About School" from American Teenagers
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i Dorian Lynskey, "Readers recommend: songs about school", The Guardian, September 23, 2005
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Bob Dylan, "Episode 21: School", Theme Time Radio Hour, September 2006 (these songs were selected by Dylan for his school-themed radio program, official playlist Archived 2006-11-10 at, fansite playlist)
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Robert Fontenot, "Top 10 Oldies Songs About School",
  7. ^ "Lolly Talk's "Triple Sweetness" is about the last day of school". am730. 13 July 2022.