Marcus Caeparius (died 63 BC) was a Roman politician who participated in the Catiline Conspiracy.[1]

He came from the Latin town of Tarracina and was preparing to travel to Apulia in order to incite a revolt among the slaves there when the conspiracy was discovered and its participants detained. Having heard about this, he attempted to flee from Rome,[2] but was apprehended during his escape and brought back to the city, where he was committed to the custody of the senator Gnaeus Terentius.[3] He was executed along with the other conspirators in the Tullianum by strangulation.[4]


  1. ^ Smith, William. "A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, M. Caepa'rius". Retrieved 2020-04-09.
  2. ^ Sallust, Bellum Catilinae XLVI
  3. ^ Sallust, Bellum Catilinae XLVII
  4. ^ Sallust, Bellum Catilinae LV