Marshall Berman bibliography

Marshall Berman was an American professor, author, critic, and essayist. Berman wrote three non-fiction books spanning philosophy, literary theory, urbanism, and history, as well as numerous published essays and reviews.

Marshall Berman
Photo of a man with dark hair gesturing in front of a classroom
Berman at City College, c.1969
Books edited1
References and footnotes

In 1982, Berman published All That Is Solid Melts into Air, which garnered immediate attention. Berman's work regularly appeared in publications such as The Nation, the Village Voice, Dissent, Partisan Review, and The New York Times Book Review.


Title Publication Year ISBN
The Politics of Authenticity: Radical Individualism and the Emergence of Modern Society 1970 ISBN 978-1844674404
All That Is Solid Melts into Air: The Experience of Modernity 1982 ISBN 978-0140109627
Adventures in Marxism 1999 ISBN 978-1859843093
On the Town: One Hundred Years of Spectacle in Times Square 2006 ISBN 978-1400063314
Manhattan Picture Worlds 2009 ISBN 978-3866782440
Modernism in the Streets: A Life and Times in Essays* 2017 ISBN 978-1784784980

*Edited and published posthumously

Books Edited

Title Publication Year ISBN
New York Calling: From Blackout to Bloomberg 2007 ISBN 978-1861893383


Title Publication Year ISBN
The Communist Manifesto (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)[1][2] 2011 ISBN 978-0143106265

Essays and articles

  • The Truth, The Self and The World: Some Characteristic Problems of Romanticism [3] in King's Crown Essays (1961)
  • Theory and Practice [4] in Partisan Review (1964)
  • Alienation, Community, Freedom [5] in Dissent (1965)
  • The Train of History [6] in Partisan Review (1966)
  • Abe and Son "Out on Highway 61" [7] in The Flame (1969)
  • Notes Toward a New Society: Rousseau and the New Left [8] in Partisan Review (1971)
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Faust, the 1960s, and the Tragedy of Development [9] in American Review (1974)
  • Buildings Are Judgment ...or "What Man Can Build" [10] in Ramparts (1975)
  • Buildings Are Judgment II [11] in Ramparts (1975)
  • Liberal and Totalitarian Therapies in Rousseau: A Response to James M. Glass [12] in Political Theory (1976)
  • The People in Capital [13] in Bennington Review (1978)
  • "All That Is Solid Melts Into Air": Marx, Modernism, and Modernization [14][15] in Dissent (1978) and Twenty-Five Years of Dissent (1979)
  • Baudelaire: Modernism in the Streets [16] in Partisan Review (1979)
  • Herbert Marcuse [17] in The Nation (1979)
  • Modernity - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow [18] in Berkshire Review (1981)
  • Feminism, Community, Freedom [19] in Dissent (1983)
  • A Struggle to the Death in Which Both Sides Are Right [20] in the Village Voice (1983)
  • The Signs in the Street: A Response to Perry Anderson [21] in New Left Review (1984)
  • Roots, Ruins, Renewals: City Life After Urbicide [22] in the Village Voice (1984)
  • Dancing in the Dark [23] in the Village Voice (1984)
  • Taking Back the Night: City Planning Keeps Times Square's Glitz Alive [24] in the Village Voice (1986)
  • Take It to the Streets: Conflict and Community in Public Space [25] in Dissent (1986)
  • The Place of the Poor in Our Cities [26] in Utne Reader (1987)
  • Ruins and Reforms: New York Yesterday and Today [27] in Dissent (1987)
  • Among the Ruins [28] in New Internationalist (1987)
  • The Experience of Modernity [29] in Design After Modernism: Beyond the Object (1988)
  • Why Modernism Still Matters [30][31] in Tikkun (1989) and Modernity and Identity (1992)
  • Taking to the Streets [32] in Boston Review (1989)
  • The Volume of Desperation [33] in the Village Voice (1989)
  • A Response to Jeffrey C. Isaac [34] in Tikkun (1989)
  • Eternal City: Two Thousand Years of Street Smarts [35] in Voice Literary Supplement (1989)
  • Can These Ruins Live? [36] in Parkett (1989)
  • Where Are the New Moderns? [37] in Architectural Design (1990)
  • Modernist Anti-Modernism [38] in New Perspectives Quarterly (1991)
  • Bass in Your Face [39] in the Village Voice (1991)
  • Roundtable: Nationalism in a World of “Ethnic Cleansing” [40] in Tikkun (1992)
  • Architecture as a Universal Language [41] in Places Journal (1992)
  • The Twentieth Century: the Halo and the Highway [42] in Modernism/Postmodernism (1992)
  • Close to the Edge: Reflections on Rap [43] in Tikkun (1993)
  • Children of the Future [44][45] in Dissent (1993) and Legacy of Dissent (1994)
  • Remembering Irving Howe [46] in Dissent (1993)
  • Keeping the Gates Open [47] in Tikkun (1993)
  • Postmodernism [48] in The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World (1993)
  • “Don't Kidnap Me, I'm a Professor”: Looking at Brazil [49] in Dissent (1994)
  • Signs Square [50] in the Village Voice (1995)
  • Modernism and Human Rights Near the Millennium [51] in Dissent (1995)
  • In the Forest of Symbols: Some Notes on Modernism in New York [52] in Metropolis: Center and Symbol of Our Times (1995)
  • Temas de los tiempos modernos: Marx y el futuro [53] in Quehacer (1996)
  • Falling Towers: City Life after Urbicide [54] in Geography and Identity: Living and Exploring Geopolitics of Identity (1996)
  • "A Little Child Shall Lead Them": The Jewish Family Romance [55] in The Jew in the Text (1996)
  • Picasso Surviving [56][57] in Dissent (1997) and etcétera (1997)
  • Sign of the Times: The Lure of 42nd Street [58] in Dissent (1997)
  • Justice/Just Us: Rap and Social Justice in America [59] in The Urbanization of Injustice (1997)
  • The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: On the Synthesis of Times Square [60] in Harvard Design Magazine (1998)
  • Views from the Burning Bridge [61][62] in Urban Mythologies: The Bronx Represented Since the 1960s (1999) and Dissent (1999)
  • Ten Years After 1989 [63] in Dissent (1999)
  • Museums in the Age of Giuliani [64] in Art in America (1999)
  • The Lonely Crowd: New York After the War [65] in New York, An Illustrated History (1999)
  • Blue Jay Way: Where Will Critical Culture Come From? [66] in Dissent (2000)
  • It Happens Every Day [67] in The Pragmatist Imagination (2000)
  • The Labor Movement: Is Anybody Home? [68] in Dissent (2001)
  • Notes from Underground: Plato’s Cave, Piranesi’s Prisons, and the Subway [69] in Harvard Design Magazine (2001)
  • Women and the Metamorphoses of Times Square [70] in Dissent (2001)
  • Dancing with America: Philip Roth, Writer on the Left [71] in New Labor Forum (2001)
  • Missing in Action: Death and Life in New York [72] in Lingua Franca (2001)
  • Too Much Is Not Enough: Metamorphoses of Times Square [73] in Impossible Presence (2001)
  • Love and Theft: From Jack Robin to Bob Dylan [74] in Dissent (2002)
  • When Bad Buildings Happen to Good People [75] in After the World Trade Center (2002)
  • Marshall Berman Responds [76] in Dissent (2003)
  • The City Rises: Rebuilding Meaning After 9/11 [77] in Dissent (2003)
  • Standing in the Doorway: Dissent in the 21st Century [78] in Dissent (2004)
  • Israel: No Souvenirs [79] in Dissent (2004)
  • Marshall Berman Responds [80] in Dissent (2005)
  • The Last Page [81] in Dissent (2005)
  • A Times Square for the New Millennium: Life on the Cleaned-up Boulevard [82] in Dissent (2006)
  • Marx in China: Modern Art, Modern Conflicts, Modern Workers [83] in Dissent (2006)
  • Home Fires Burning: Times Square's Signs [84] in DESIGNER/builder (2006)
  • New York Calling [85] in Dissent (2007)
  • Guys, Dolls, and Deals: Old and New Times Square [86] in The Suburbanization of New York (2007)
  • 1968: Lessons Learned [87] in Dissent (2008)
  • »Ausghen« in der Stadt: Times Square, Potsdamer Platz und moderne Ubranität [88] in New York - Berlin (2008)
  • Here Comes Everybody [89] in The New York 2030 Notebook (2008)
  • Gerald Cohen (1941-2009) [90] in openDemocracy (2009)
  • Falling [91] in Restless Cities (2010)
  • “Mass Merger”: Whitman and Baudelaire, the Modern Street, and Democratic Culture [92] in A Political Companion to Walt Whitman (2011)
  • In Poland, Followed by Shadows [93] in Dissent (2012)
  • The Romance of Public Space [94] in Beyond Zuccotti Park (2012)
  • Emerging from the Ruins* [95][96] in Dissent (2014) and Adventures in Modernism (2016)
  • New York City: Seeing Through the Ruins* [97] in Nonstop Metropolis (2016)

*Published posthumously


  • Subject Slip-Up [98] in The Harvard Crimson (1966)
  • Something Beautiful [99] in The Village Voice (1967)
  • The Divided Self - Mr. Berman replies [100] in The New York Times Book Review (1970)
  • Erik H. Erikson - Marshall Berman replies [101] in The New York Times Book Review (1975)
  • The Authentic Rousseau [102] in American Political Science Review (1975)
  • Lower East 'Sides' - Marshall Berman replies [103] in the Village Voice (1983)
  • Hope for Labor [104] in The New York Review of Books (1996)
  • Repression in Cuba [105] in The New York Review of Books (2003)
  • The US and the Plight of the Iranians [106] in The New York Review of Books (2007)


Year Title Publication Subject
1959 Politics and Ideology On the American Right[107] Columbia Daily Spectator Up from Liberalism, William F. Buckley, Jr. (1959)
1960 Interpreting and Changing: And No Perspective[108] Columbia Daily Spectator European Socialism, Carl Landauer (1959)
1961 Sex, Love and the Individual[109] Columbia Daily Spectator Wilhelm Reich: Selected Writings, an Introduction to Orgonomy (1960)
1966 "The Lower East Side: Portal to American Life, 1870-1924"[110] Mosaic The Lower East Side: Portal to American Life, 1870-1924, the Jewish Museum (1966)
1970 Must Man Go Mad in Order to Be Sane?[111] The New York Times Book Review The Divided Self and Self and Others, R.D. Laing
1972 Weird But Brilliant Light on the Way We Live Now[112] The New York Times Book Review Relations in Public, Erving Goffman (1971) ISBN 978-0465068951
1972 A New Edition of a Great Work of Historical Imagination[113] The New York Times Book Review To the Finland Station, Edmund Wilson (1972) ISBN 978-0374278335
1973 That Is the Land of Lost Content, I See It Shining Plain[114] The New York Times Book Review The Country and the City, Raymond Williams (1973) ISBN 978-0195197365
1974 Everybody Who's Nobody and the Nobody Who's Everybody[115] The New York Times Book Review Working, Studs Terkel (1974) ISBN 978-0394478845
1975 Erik Erikson: The Man Who Invented Himself[116] The New York Times Book Review Life History and the Historical Moment, Erik H. Erikson (1975) ISBN 978-0393011036
1977 Facades at Face Value[117] The Nation The Fall of Public Man, Richard Sennett (1977) ISBN 978-0394487151
1978 Family Affairs[118] The New York Times Book Review Haven in a Heartless World, Christopher Lasch (1978) ISBN 978-0465028832
1979 Marx: The Dancer and the Dance[119] The Nation Marx's Fate, Jerrold Seigel (1978) ISBN 978-0691052595
1980 From Paris to Gdansk[120] The New York Times Book Review Fire in the Minds of Men, James H. Billington (1980) ISBN 978-0465024056
1982 Misanthrope's Advice[121] The New York Times Book Review The Eighth Night of Creation, Jerome Deshusses (1982) ISBN 978-0888790804
1983 Harvey Pekar, Underground Man[122] Voice Literary Supplement American Splendor, Harvey Pekar
1984 "The Bourgois Experience, Victoria to Freud: Volume 1, Education of the Senses"[123] Vanity Fair The Bourgeois Experience, Peter Gay (1984) ISBN 978-0195033526
1985 Georg Lukács's Cosmic Chutzpah[124] Voice Literary Supplement Record of a Life: An Autobiographical Sketch, György Lukács (1983) ISBN 978-0860910718
1985 La Cité, C'est Moi[125] The Nation I, Koch, Arthur Browne, Dan Collins, Michael Goodwin (1984) ISBN 978-0396086475
1986 Scenes from a Marriage[126] The Village Voice Knocked Out Loaded, Bob Dylan (1986)
1986 Blowin' Away the Lies[127] The Village Voice Live 1975–85, Bruce Springsteen (1986)
1988 Humanism and Terror[128] The Nation Zion and State, Mitchell Cohen (1987) ISBN 978-0631152439 and The Yellow Wind, David Grossman (1988) ISBN 978-0224025669
1991 L.A. Raw[129] The Nation City of Quartz, Mike Davis (1990) ISBN 978-0860913030
1991 After the Gold Rush: A Nostalgic Retrospect of the Sixties[130] Dissent Berkeley in the Sixties (1990)
1992 Hitting the Streets[131] Los Angeles Times Book Review Variations on a Theme Park, Michael Sorkin (1990) ISBN 978-0374523145
1992 A View From The Bridge[132] Culturefront Bridges and Boundaries: African Americans and American Jews, the Jewish Museum (1992)
1995 Waiting for the Barbarians[133] The Nation 1920 Diary, Isaac Babel (1990) ISBN 978-0300059663
1995 Kafka Family Values[134] The Nation Franz Kafka, the Jewish Patient, Sander Gilman (1995) ISBN 978-0415911771
1996 In the Night Kitchen[135] The Nation A Lifetime Burning in Every Moment: From the Journals of Alfred Kazin, Alfred Kazin (1996) ISBN 978-0060190378
1996 The Bonds of Love[136] The Nation From Bondage, Henry Roth (1996) ISBN 978-0297818458
1996 Meyer Schapiro: The Presence of the Subject[137] New Politics Theory and Philosophy of Art: Style, Artist, and Society, Meyer Schapiro (1994) ISBN 978-0807613566
1997 Angel in the City[138] The Nation Walter Benjamin: A Biography, Momme Brodersen (1996) ISBN 978-1859849675, Walter Benjamin, Selected Writings. Volume I: 1913-1926, Walter Benjamin (1996) ISBN 978-0674945852, and Benjamin's Crossing, Jay Parini (1997) ISBN 978-0805031805
1998 Unchained Melody[139][140][141][142] The Nation The Communist Manifesto: A Modern Edition, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1998) ISBN 978-1859848982
1998 The Last Page[143] Dissent Underworld, Don DeLillo (1997) ISBN 978-0684842691
2000 Lost in the Arcades[144] Metropolis The Arcades Project, Walter Benjamin (1999) ISBN 978-0674043268
2000 Crossing Swords: Trees Growing in Brooklyn[145] Dissent Crossing Swords (magazine)
2002 Dancing in the Dark[146] Dissent Left in the Dark: Film Reviews and Essays 1988-2001, Stuart Klawans (2001) ISBN 978-1560253655
2006 "Moment of Grace: The American City in the 1950s"[147] Harvard Design Magazine Moment of Grace: The American City in the 1950s, Michael Johns (2003) ISBN 978-0520234352
2006 Tradition... Transgression!: Singer in the Shtetl and on the Street[148] Moderna Språk Collected Stories, Isaac Bashevis Singer (2004) ISBN 978-1598534559
2007 Bringing Back Moses[149] The Architect's Newspaper Robert Moses and the Modern City: The Transformation of New York, Hilary Ballon and Kenneth T. Jackson eds. (2007) ISBN 978-0393732061
2008 Review: Modernism[150] Columbia Magazine Modernism: The Lure of Heresy, Peter Gay (2007) ISBN 978-0393052053
2008 Modernism in the Streets[151] Dissent Modernism: The Lure of Heresy, Peter Gay (2007) ISBN 978-0393052053
2009 Orhan Pamuk and Modernist Liberalism[152] Dissent Snow, Orhan Pamuk (2005) ISBN 978-0375706868


  1. ^ Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich (2011). The Communist Manifesto (Penguin Classics Deluxe ed.). London: Penguin Classics. pp. 1–17. ISBN 9780143106265.
  2. ^ Berman, Marshall (May 6, 2011). "Tearing Away the Veils: The Communist Manifesto". Dissent.
  3. ^ Berman, Marshall (Spring 1961). "The Truth, The Self and The World". King's Crown Essays. VIII (2): 22–34.
  4. ^ Berman, Marshall (Fall 1964). "Theory and Practice". Partisan Review. XXXI (4): 617–626.
  5. ^ Berman, Marshall (Winter 1965). "Alienation, Community, Freedom". Dissent. XII (1): 86–89.
  6. ^ Berman, Marshall (Summer 1966). "The Train of History". Partisan Review. XXXIII (3): 457–462.
  7. ^ Berman, Marshall (May 21, 1969). "Abe and Son "Out on Highway 61"". The Flame. I (3): 3–4.
  8. ^ Berman, Marshall (Winter 1971). "Notes Toward a New Society: Rousseau and the New Left". Partisan Review. XXXVIII (4): 404–422.
  9. ^ Berman, Marshall (January 1974). "Sympathy for the Devil: Faust, the 1960s, and the Tragedy of Development". American Review (19): 23–78.
  10. ^ Berman, Marshall (March 1975). "Buildings Are Judgment ...or "What Man Can Build"". Ramparts. 13 (6): 33–39, 50–58.
  11. ^ Berman, Marshall (May–June 1975). "Buildings Are Judgment II". Ramparts. 13 (8): 53–55.
  12. ^ Berman, Marshall (May 1976). "Liberal and Totalitarian Therapies in Rousseau: A Response to James M. Glass". Political Theory. 4 (2): 185–194. doi:10.1177/009059177600400205. JSTOR 190628. S2CID 148591590.
  13. ^ Berman, Marshall (April 1978). "The People in Capital". Bennington Review (1): 90–93.
  14. ^ Berman, Marshall (Winter 1978). ""All That Is Solid Melts Into Air": Marx, Modernism, and Modernization". Dissent. 25 (1): 54–73.
  15. ^ Howe, Irving, ed. (1979). Twenty-Five Years of Dissent: An American Tradition. New York: Methuen. pp. 341–375. ISBN 9780416000511.
  16. ^ Berman, Marshall (1979). "Baudelaire: Modernism in the Streets". Partisan Review. XLVI (2): 205–222.
  17. ^ Berman, Marshall (August 11, 1979). "Herbert Marcuse". The Nation. 229 (4): 100–101.
  18. ^ Berman, Marshall (1981). "Modernity - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow". Berkshire Review. 16: 7–28.
  19. ^ Berman, Marshall; Elshtain, Jean Bethke (Spring 1983). "Feminism, Community, Freedom". Dissent. 30 (2): 247–249.
  20. ^ Berman, Marshall (July 12, 1983). "A Struggle to the Death in Which Both Sides Are Right". The Village Voice. XXVIII (28): 10–15, 24.
  21. ^ Berman, Marshall (March–April 1984). "The Signs in the Street: A Response to Perry Anderson". New Left Review (144): 114–123.
  22. ^ Berman, Marshall (September 4, 1984). "Roots, Ruins, Renewals: City Life After Urbicide". The Village Voice. XXIX (36): 18–25.
  23. ^ Berman, Marshall (November 20, 1984). "Dancing in the Dark". The Village Voice. XXIX (47): 13.
  24. ^ Berman, Marshall (August 19, 1986). "Taking Back the Night: City Planning Keeps Times Square's Glitz Alive". The Village Voice. XXXI (33): 17–18, 23.
  25. ^ Berman, Marshall (Fall 1986). "Take It to the Streets: Conflict and Community in Public Space". Dissent. 33 (4): 476–485.
  26. ^ Berman, Marshall (May–June 1987). "The Place of the Poor in Our Cities". Utne Reader (21): 51–53.
  27. ^ Berman, Marshall (Fall 1987). "Ruins and Reform: New York Yesterday and Today". Dissent. 34 (4): 421–428.
  28. ^ Berman, Marshall (December 1987). "Among the Ruins". New Internationalist (178): 8–9.
  29. ^ Thackara, John, ed. (1988). Design After Modernism: Beyond the Object. New York: Thames and Hudson. pp. 35–48. ISBN 9780500234839.
  30. ^ Berman, Marshall (January–February 1989). "Why Modernism Still Matters". Tikkun. 4 (1): 11–14, 81–86.
  31. ^ Lash, Scott; Friedman, Jonathan, eds. (1992). Modernity and Identity. Oxford, UK: Blackwell. pp. 33–58.
  32. ^ Berman, Marshall (June 1989). "Taking to the Streets". Boston Review. XIV (3): 5–6, 16–18.
  33. ^ Berman, Marshall (June 20, 1989). "The Volume of Desperation". The Village Voice. XXXIIII (25): 97–98.
  34. ^ Berman, Marshall (July–August 1989). "A Response to Jeffrey C. Isaac". Tikkun. 4 (4): 123.
  35. ^ Berman, Marshall (November 1989). "Eternal City: Two Thousand Years of Street Smarts". Voice Literary Supplement (80): 9–12.
  36. ^ Berman, Marshall; Oesch, Daniel (1989). "Can These Ruins Live?". Parkett. 20: 42–55.
  37. ^ Berman, Marshall (1990). "Where Are the New Moderns?". Architectural Design: The New Modern Aesthetic. 60: 8–9.
  38. ^ Berman, Marshall (Spring 1991). "Modernist Anti-Modernism". New Perspectives Quarterly. 8 (4): 35–39.
  39. ^ Berman, Marshall (October 22, 1991). "Bass in Your Face". The Village Voice. XXXVI (43): 77–82.
  40. ^ Walzer, Michael; Elshtain, Jean Bethke; Kligman, Gail; Denitch, Bogdan; Gitlin, Todd; Berman, Marshall (November–December 1992). "Roundtable: Nationalism in a World of "Ethnic Cleansing"". Tikkun. 7 (6): 49–56.
  41. ^ Berman, Marshall (1992). "Architecture as a Universal Language". Places. 7 (4): 90–91.
  42. ^ Brooker, Peter, ed. (1992). Modernism/Postmodernism. Routledge. pp. 74–81. ISBN 9780582063570.
  43. ^ Berman, Marshall (March–April 1993). "Close to the Edge: Reflections on Rap". Tikkun. 8 (2): 13–18.
  44. ^ Berman, Marshall (Spring 1993). "Children of the Future". Dissent. 40 (2): 221–225.
  45. ^ Mills, Nicolaus, ed. (1994). Legacy of Dissent: 40 Years of Writing from Dissent Magazine. New York: Touchstone. pp. 219–226. ISBN 9780671888794.
  46. ^ Berman, Marshall (Fall 1993). "Remembering Irving Howe". Dissent. 40 (4): 519–520.
  47. ^ Berman, Marshall (November–December 1993). "Keeping the Gates Open". Tikkun. 8 (6): 71.
  48. ^ Krieger, Joel, ed. (1993). The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 735–737. ISBN 9780195059342.
  49. ^ Berman, Marshall (Winter 1994). ""Don't Kidnap Me, I'm a Professor": Looking at Brazil". Dissent. 41 (1): 27–32.
  50. ^ Berman, Marshall (July 18, 1995). "Signs Square". The Village Voice. XL (29): 22–26.
  51. ^ Berman, Marshall (Summer 1995). "Modernism and Human Rights Near the Millennium". Dissent. 42 (3): 333–341.
  52. ^ Kasinitz, Philip, ed. (1995). Metropolis: Center and Symbol of Our Times. New York: New York University Press. pp. 130–159. ISBN 9780814746400.
  53. ^ Berman, Marshall; Barthez, Ana (March–April 1996). "Temas de los tiempos modernos: Marx y el futuro". Quehacer (100): 22–27.
  54. ^ Crow, Dennis, ed. (1996). Geography and Identity: Living and Exploring Geopolitics of Identity. Washington, D.C.: Maisonneuve Press. pp. 172–192. ISBN 9780944624241.
  55. ^ Nochlin, Linda; Garb, Tamar, eds. (1996). The Jew in the Text: Modernity and the Construction of Identity. New York: Thames and Hudson. pp. 253–275. ISBN 9780500016671.
  56. ^ Berman, Marshall (Spring 1997). "Picasso Surviving". Dissent. 44 (2): 87–91.
  57. ^ Berman, Marshall (August 21, 1997). "Picasso sobreviviendo". Etcétera (238): 21–23.
  58. ^ Berman, Marshall (Fall 1997). "Signs of the Times: The Lure of 42nd Street". Dissent. 44 (4): 76–83.
  59. ^ Merrifield, Andy; Swyndeouw, Erik, eds. (1997). The Urbanization of Injustice. New York: New York University Press. pp. 161–179. ISBN 9780814755761.
  60. ^ Berman, Marshall (Winter–Spring 1998). "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: On the Synthesis of Times Square". Harvard Design Magazine (4): 22–25.
  61. ^ Farmer, John Alan, ed. (1999). Urban Mythologies: The Bronx Represented Since the 1960s. New York: D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers. pp. 70–83. ISBN 9780917535260.
  62. ^ Berman, Marshall (Summer 1999). "Views from the Burning Bridge". Dissent. 46 (3): 77–87.
  63. ^ Berman, Marshall (Fall 1999). "Ten Years After 1989". Dissent. 46 (4): 7–8.
  64. ^ Berman, Marshall (December 1999). "Museums in the Age of Giuliani". Art in America. 87 (12): 41–43.
  65. ^ Burns, Ric; Sanders, James; Ades, Lisa (1999). New York, An Illustrated History. Alfred A. Knopf. pp. 540–545. ISBN 9780679454823.
  66. ^ Berman, Marshall (Winter 2000). "Blue Jay Way: Where Will Critical Culture Come From?". Dissent. 47 (1): 30–34.
  67. ^ Ockman, Joan, ed. (2000). The Pragmatist Imagination: Thinking About "Things in the Making". New York: Princeton Architectural Press. pp. 208–218. ISBN 9781568982878.
  68. ^ Berman, Marshall (Summer 2001). "The Labor Movement: Is Anybody Home?". Dissent. 48 (3): 11–12.
  69. ^ Berman, Marshall (Fall 2001). "Notes from Underground: Plato's Cave, Piranesi's Prisons, and the Subway". Harvard Design Magazine (15): 68–75.
  70. ^ Berman, Marshall (Fall 2001). "Women and the Metamorphoses of Times Square". Dissent. 48 (4): 71–82.
  71. ^ Berman, Marshall (Fall–Winter 2001). "Dancing with America: Philip Roth, Writer on the Left". New Labor Forum (9): 46–56. JSTOR 40342311.
  72. ^ Berman, Marshall (November 2001). "Missing in Action: Death and Life in New York". Lingua Franca. 11 (8): 9–11.
  73. ^ Smith, Terry, ed. (2001). Impossible Presence: Surface and Screen in the Photogenic Era. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. pp. 39–69. ISBN 9780226763859.
  74. ^ Berman, Marshall (Summer 2002). "Love and Theft: From Jack Robin to Bob Dylan". Dissent. 49 (3): 67–73.
  75. ^ Sorkin, Michael; Zukin, Sharon, eds. (2002). After the World Trade Center: Rethinking New York City. New York: Routledge. pp. 1–12. ISBN 9780415934794.
  76. ^ Berman, Marshall (Winter 2003). "Marshall Berman Responds". Dissent. 50 (1): 6–7.
  77. ^ Berman, Marshall (Summer 2003). "The City Rises: Rebuilding Meaning After 9/11". Dissent. 50 (3): 67–70.
  78. ^ Berman, Marshall (Winter 2004). "Standing in the Doorway: Dissent in the 21st Century". Dissent. 51 (1): 90–92.
  79. ^ Berman, Marshall (Summer 2004). "Israel: No Souvenirs". Dissent. 51 (3): 82–86.
  80. ^ Berman, Marshall (Winter 2005). "Marshall Berman Responds". Dissent. 52 (1): 103–104. doi:10.1353/dss.2005.0102. S2CID 144387264.
  81. ^ Berman, Marshall (Summer 2005). "The Last Page". Dissent. 52 (3): 128. doi:10.1353/dss.2005.0082. S2CID 144923239.
  82. ^ Berman, Marshall (Winter 2006). "A Times Square for the New Millennium: Life on the Cleaned-up Boulevard". Dissent. 53 (1): 79–84. doi:10.1353/dss.2006.0027. S2CID 144601956.
  83. ^ Berman, Marshall (Spring 2006). "Marx in China: Modern Art, Modern Conflicts, Modern Workers". Dissent. 53 (2): 18–21. doi:10.1353/dss.2006.0018. S2CID 143960473.
  84. ^ Berman, Marshall (July–August 2006). "Home Fires Burning: Times Square's Signs". DESIGNER/Builder. XIII (2): 31–40.
  85. ^ Berman, Marshall (Fall 2007). "New York Calling". Dissent. 54 (4): 71–77. doi:10.1353/dss.2007.0092. S2CID 144137265.
  86. ^ Hammett, Jerilou; Hammett, Kingsley, eds. (2007). The Suburbanization of New York: Is the World's Greatest City Becoming Just Another Town?. New York: Princeton Architectural Press. pp. 143–154. ISBN 9781568986784.
  87. ^ Berman, Marshall (Spring 2008). "1968: Lessons Learned". Dissent. 55 (2): 5–7. doi:10.1353/dss.2008.0027. S2CID 144206258.
  88. ^ Stemmler, Susanne; Arnold, Sven, eds. (2008). New York - Berlin: Kulturen in der Stadt. Göttingen: Wallstein. pp. 144–158. ISBN 9783835303287.
  89. ^ Byles, Jeff; Kazi, Olympia, eds. (2008). The New York 2030 Notebook. New York: Institute for Urban Design. pp. 69–70. ISBN 9780982086100.
  90. ^ Berman, Marshall (August 24, 2009). "Gerald Cohen (1941-2009)". OpenDemocracy.
  91. ^ Beaumont, Matthew; Dart, Gregory, eds. (2010). Restless Cities. New York: Verso. pp. 123–137. ISBN 9781844674053.
  92. ^ Seery, John E., ed. (2011). A Political Companion to Walt Whitman. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky. pp. 149–154. ISBN 9780813126548. JSTOR j.ctt2jcf8x.
  93. ^ Berman, Marshall (June 18, 2012). "In Poland, Followed by Shadows". Dissent.
  94. ^ Shiffman, Ronald; Bell, Rick; Brown, Lance Jay; Elizabeth, Lynne, eds. (2012). Beyond Zuccotti Park: Freedom of Assembly and the Occupation of Public Space. New York: New York University Press. pp. 197–206. doi:10.2307/j.ctt21pxn0j. ISBN 9781613320099. JSTOR j.ctt21pxn0j.
  95. ^ Berman, Marshall (Winter 2014). "Emerging from the Ruins". Dissent. 61 (1): 59–66. doi:10.1353/dss.2014.0009. S2CID 144044715.
  96. ^ Corby, Jennifer, ed. (2016). Adventures in Modernism: Thinking with Marshall Berman. New York: Urban Research. pp. 6–25. ISBN 9780996004169.
  97. ^ Solnit, Rebecca; Jelly-Shapiro, Joshua, eds. (2016). Nonstop Metropolis: A New York City Atlas. Oakland, CA: University of California Press. pp. 119–131. ISBN 9780520285958.
  98. ^ "Subject Slip-Up". The Harvard Crimson. CXXXXIIII (153): 2. December 21, 1966.
  99. ^ Berman, Marshall (October 26, 1967). "Something Beautiful". The Village Voice. XIII (2): 6.
  100. ^ Berman, Marshall (April 26, 1970). "Mr. Berman replies". The New York Times Book Review. CXIX (41000): 7.35.
  101. ^ Berman, Marshall (May 4, 1975). "Marshall Berman replies". The New York Times Book Review. CXXIV (42834): 7.57–7.58.
  102. ^ Berman, Marshall (September 1975). "The Authentic Rousseau". The American Political Science Review. 69 (3): 971–972. doi:10.1017/S0003055400280246. JSTOR 1958414. S2CID 146656430.
  103. ^ Berman, Marshall (July 26, 1983). "Lower East 'Sides' - Marshall Berman replies". The Village Voice. XXVIII (30): 3, 31.
  104. ^ Berman, Marshall (February 1, 1996). "Hope for Labor". The New York Review of Books. XLIII (2): 40.
  105. ^ Berman, Marshall (December 4, 2003). "Repression in Cuba". The New York Review of Books. L (19): 62.
  106. ^ Berman, Marshall (November 22, 2007). "The US and the Plight of the Iranians". The New York Review of Books. LIV (18): 67.
  107. ^ Berman, Marshall (October 29, 1959). "Politics and Ideology On the American Right". Columbia Daily Spectator - the Supplement. I (1): 1, 5.
  108. ^ Berman, Marshall (October 14, 1960). "Interpreting and Changing: And No Perspective". Columbia Daily Spectator - the Supplement. II (1): S-1, S-4, S-6.
  109. ^ Berman, Marshall (March 16, 1961). "Sex, Love and the Individual". Columbia Daily Spectator - the Supplement. II (5): S-1, S-6-8.
  110. ^ Berman, Marshall (Fall 1966). ""The Lower East Side: Portal to American Life, 1870-1924"". Mosaic. VII (2): 2–11.
  111. ^ Berman, Marshall (February 22, 1970). "Must Man Go Mad in Order to Be Sane?". The New York Times Book Review. CXIX (40937): 7.12, 7.44.
  112. ^ Berman, Marshall (February 27, 1972). "Weird But Brilliant Light on the Way We Live Now". The New York Times Book Review. CXXI (41672): 7.1-2, 7.10-18.
  113. ^ Berman, Marshall (August 20, 1972). "A New Edition of a Great Work of Historical Imagination". The New York Times Book Review. CXXI (41847): 7.1, 7.10–12.
  114. ^ Berman, Marshall (July 17, 1973). "That Is the Land of Lost Content, I See It Shining Plain". The New York Times Book Review. CXXII (42176): 7.1, 7.26–30.
  115. ^ Berman, Marshall (March 24, 1974). "Everybody Who's Nobody and the Nobody Who's Everybody". The New York Times Book Review. CXXIII (42428): 7.1–3.
  116. ^ Berman, Marshall (March 30, 1975). "Erik Erikson: The Man Who Invented Himself". The New York Times Book Review. CXXIV (42799): 7.1–2, 7.22.
  117. ^ Berman, Marshall (August 6, 1977). "Facades at Face Value". The Nation. 225 (4): 118–121.
  118. ^ Berman, Marshall (January 15, 1978). "Family Affairs". The New York Times Book Review. CXXVII (43821): 7.6–7, 7.20.
  119. ^ Berman, Marshall (January 27, 1979). "Marx: The Dancer and the Dance". The Nation. 228 (3): 85–91.
  120. ^ Berman, Marshall (September 14, 1980). "From Paris to Gdansk". The New York Times Book Review. CXXIX (44706): 7.11, 7.36–37.
  121. ^ Berman, Marshall (March 7, 1982). "Misanthrope's Advice". The New York Times Book Review. CXXXI (45245): 7.10–11, 7.33.
  122. ^ Berman, Marshall (September 1983). "Harvey Pekar, Underground Man". Voice Literary Supplement (19): 9–11.
  123. ^ Berman, Marshall (February 1984). ""The Bourgois Experience, Victoria to Freud: Volume 1, Education of the Senses"". Vanity Fair. Vol. 47, no. 2. p. 12.
  124. ^ Berman, Marshall (July 1985). "Georg Lukács's Cosmic Chutzpah". Voice Literary Supplement (37): 1, 8–14.
  125. ^ Berman, Marshall (September 21, 1985). "La Cité, C'est Moi". The Nation. 241 (8): 256–261.
  126. ^ Berman, Marshall (August 5, 1986). "Scenes from a Marriage". The Village Voice. XXXI (31): 69, 88.
  127. ^ Berman, Marshall (December 9, 1986). "Blowin' Away the Lies". The Village Voice. XXXI (49): 87–89, 114.
  128. ^ Berman, Marshall (May 28, 1988). "Humanism and Terror". The Nation. 246 (21): 740–746.
  129. ^ Berman, Marshall (April 1, 1991). "L.A. Raw". The Nation. 252 (12): 417–419.
  130. ^ Berman, Marshall (Fall 1991). "After the Gold Rush: A Nostalgic Retrospect of the Sixties". Dissent. 38 (4): 538–545.
  131. ^ Berman, Marshall (March 29, 1992). "Hitting the Streets". Los Angeles Times Book Review. CXI (117): 1, 11.
  132. ^ Berman, Marshall (Fall 1992). "A View From The Bridge". Culturefront. 1 (2): 46–52.
  133. ^ Berman, Marshall (June 26, 1995). "Waiting for the Barbarians". The Nation. 260 (25): 927–931.
  134. ^ Berman, Marshall (November 20, 1995). "Kafka Family Values". The Nation. 261 (17): 602–608.
  135. ^ Berman, Marshall (May 6, 1996). "In the Night Kitchen". The Nation. 262 (18): 11–16.
  136. ^ Berman, Marshall (September 23, 1996). "The Bonds of Love". The Nation. 263 (8): 25–30.
  137. ^ Berman, Marshall (Winter 1996). "Meyer Schapiro: The Presence of the Subject". New Politics. V (4): 142–149.
  138. ^ Berman, Marshall (May 12, 1997). "Angel in the City". The Nation. 264 (18): 29–34.
  139. ^ Berman, Marshall (May 11, 1998). "Unchained Melody". The Nation. 266 (17): 11–16.
  140. ^ Berman, Marshall (April 6, 2015). "Unchained Melody". The Nation. 300 (14): 169.
  141. ^ Navasky, Victor; Heuvel, Katrina Vanden, eds. (2000). The Best of the Nation. New York: Thunder's Mouth Press. pp. 521–530. ISBN 9781560252672.
  142. ^ Hitchens, Christopher; Caldwell, Christopher, eds. (2002). Left Hooks, Right Crosses. New York: Bold Type Books. pp. 145–156. ISBN 9781560254096.
  143. ^ Berman, Marshall (Fall 1998). "The Last Page". Dissent. 45 (4): 144.
  144. ^ Berman, Marshall (February–March 2000). "Lost in the Arcades". Metropolis. 19 (6): 116–121.
  145. ^ Berman, Marshall (Fall 2000). "Crossing Swords: Trees Growing in Brooklyn". Dissent. 47 (4): 105–107.
  146. ^ Berman, Marshall (Spring 2002). "Dancing in the Dark". Dissent. 49 (2): 117–119.
  147. ^ Berman, Marshall (Spring–Summer 2006). "Moment of Grace: The American City in the 1950s". Harvard Design Magazine (24): 118–122.
  148. ^ Berman, Marshall (2006). "Tradition... Transgression!: Singer in the Shtetl and on the Street". Moderna Språk. C (2): 193–211. doi:10.58221/mosp.v100i2.9169.
  149. ^ Berman, Marshall (July 4, 2007). "Bringing Back Moses". The Architect's Newspaper. 05 (12): 17–18.
  150. ^ Berman, Marshall (Spring 2008). "Review: Modernism". Columbia Magazine: 54–55.
  151. ^ Berman, Marshall (Fall 2008). "Modernism in the Streets". Dissent. 55 (4): 103–106. doi:10.1353/dss.2008.0095. S2CID 144067992.
  152. ^ Berman, Marshall (Spring 2009). "Orhan Pamuk and Modernist Liberalism". Dissent. 56 (2): 113–118. doi:10.1353/dss.0.0045. S2CID 145659036.