Mohammad-Taqi Akbar-Nejad

Mohammad-Taqi Akbar-Nejad (Persian: محمدتقی اکبرنژاد, born 31 December 1979) is an Iranian Shia cleric and reformist. He was a professor at Qom Seminary, arrested by the Intelligence Organization of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps on 17 February 2024 for criticizing the Islamic Republic of Iran regime and insulting the Supreme Leader of Iran and was taken to an unknown location.


  • Both the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic are dead.[1]
  • Khamenei is not our leader but the leader of the Yemenis and the Palestinians... He has not said that our people are a red line; our people must not confront such a crisis and the prices should not rise... I am not a priority for Khamenei. His priority is Yemen and Palestine. [2]
  • Oh, isn't there anything for the benefit of our nation in Quran the Great, in the Nahj al-Balaghah, in the movement of Imam Hussein, in the peace of Imam Hassan, in the 250-year history of the Ahl al-Bayt? And anything that has no benefit for the people, even Islam, I am a disbeliever in it! [3]
  • You (Iranian authorities) are not garrison (commanders), (but) you are responsible for the livelihood of a country of 80 million people.
  • Iranian_Revolution is the symbol of the denial of freedom and republic.
  • Gaza has become the priority of the state... the government does not want to solve the domestic problems... with this order, the downfall of the regime will be certain... Iranian's priority is not shawls and scarves but corruption and poverty.[4]


  1. ^
  2. ^
  3. ^ یوتیوب - اکبرنژاد: من کافرم به دینی که به نفع ملتش نباشد!
  4. ^ "اکبرنژاد: غزه به اولویت اول کشور تبدیل شده است/ حاکمیت نمی‌خواهد مشکلات را حل کند/ با این دست فرمان، سقوط نظام قطعی خواهد بود".