Niccolò Casolani (1659-1714) was an Italian painter.



He was born in Venice, where he gained the nickname il Nicoletto. He was invited to Florence by Ferdinando II de' Medici, and he painted members of his family and the court. He painted a series of baccanals for his patron. He was invited to England where he painted a portrait of queen Anne. He gained a stipend from the English court. He became an alcoholic and died in 1714.


  • Boni, Filippo de' (1852). Biografia degli artisti ovvero dizionario della vita e delle opere dei pittori, degli scultori, degli intagliatori, dei tipografi e dei musici di ogni nazione che fiorirono da'tempi più remoti sino á nostri giorni. Seconda Edizione.. Venice; Googlebooks: Presso Andrea Santini e Figlio. p. 196.