Okano is the tenth studio album by Zdravko Čolić, released in 2000. The album sold more than 500,000 copies. The title track, 'Okano', was declared the hit of the year.
- Okano (Pretty Eyes)
- Mjerkam te, mjerkam (I'm Looking You Over)
- 'Ajde, idi (Come On, Go) (M. Badan)
- U boji vina (In The Color Of Wine)
- Hotel Balkan
- Noć mi te duguje (The Night Owes You To Me)
- Stavi prst na čelo (Put A Finger On Your Forehead)
- Idem da odmorim (I'm Going To Rest)
- Krasiva (Beautiful) (V. Meladze)
- Na adresi ti piše... (Your Address Says...)
- Kuba (Cuba)
- Šta radiš tu (What Are You Doing There) (A. Dedić)