Order topology (functional analysis)

In mathematics, specifically in order theory and functional analysis, the order topology of an ordered vector space is the finest locally convex topological vector space (TVS) topology on for which every order interval is bounded, where an order interval in is a set of the form where and belong to [1]

The order topology is an important topology that is used frequently in the theory of ordered topological vector spaces because the topology stems directly from the algebraic and order theoretic properties of rather than from some topology that starts out having. This allows for establishing intimate connections between this topology and the algebraic and order theoretic properties of For many ordered topological vector spaces that occur in analysis, their topologies are identical to the order topology.[2]



The family of all locally convex topologies on   for which every order interval is bounded is non-empty (since it contains the coarsest possible topology on  ) and the order topology is the upper bound of this family.[1]

A subset of   is a neighborhood of the origin in the order topology if and only if it is convex and absorbs every order interval in  [1] A neighborhood of the origin in the order topology is necessarily an absorbing set because   for all  [1]

For every   let   and endow   with its order topology (which makes it into a normable space). The set of all  's is directed under inclusion and if   then the natural inclusion of   into   is continuous. If   is a regularly ordered vector space over the reals and if   is any subset of the positive cone   of   that is cofinal in   (e.g.   could be  ), then   with its order topology is the inductive limit of   (where the bonding maps are the natural inclusions).[3]

The lattice structure can compensate in part for any lack of an order unit:

Theorem[3] — Let   be a vector lattice with a regular order and let   denote its positive cone. Then the order topology on   is the finest locally convex topology on   for which   is a normal cone; it is also the same as the Mackey topology induced on   with respect to the duality  

In particular, if   is an ordered Fréchet lattice over the real numbers then   is the ordered topology on   if and only if the positive cone of   is a normal cone in  [3]

If   is a regularly ordered vector lattice then the ordered topology is the finest locally convex TVS topology on   making   into a locally convex vector lattice. If in addition   is order complete then   with the order topology is a barreled space and every band decomposition of   is a topological direct sum for this topology.[3] In particular, if the order of a vector lattice   is regular then the order topology is generated by the family of all lattice seminorms on  [3]



Throughout,   will be an ordered vector space and   will denote the order topology on  

  • The dual of   is the order bound dual   of  [3]
  • If   separates points in   (such as if   is regular) then   is a bornological locally convex TVS.[3]
  • Each positive linear operator between two ordered vector spaces is continuous for the respective order topologies.[3]
  • Each order unit of an ordered TVS is interior to the positive cone for the order topology.[3]
  • If the order of an ordered vector space   is a regular order and if each positive sequence of type   in   is order summable, then   endowed with its order topology is a barreled space.[3]
  • If the order of an ordered vector space   is a regular order and if for all   and     holds, then the positive cone of   is a normal cone in   when   is endowed with the order topology.[3] In particular, the continuous dual space of   with the order topology will be the order dual  +.
  • If   is an Archimedean ordered vector space over the real numbers having an order unit and let   denote the order topology on   Then   is an ordered TVS that is normable,   is the finest locally convex TVS topology on   such that the positive cone is normal, and the following are equivalent:[3]
  1.   is complete.
  2. Each positive sequence of type   in   is order summable.
  • In particular, if   is an Archimedean ordered vector space having an order unit then the order   is a regular order and  [3]
  • If   is a Banach space and an ordered vector space with an order unit then  's topological is identical to the order topology if and only if the positive cone of   is a normal cone in  [3]
  • A vector lattice homomorphism from   into   is a topological homomorphism when   and   are given their respective order topologies.[4]

Relation to subspaces, quotients, and products


If   is a solid vector subspace of a vector lattice   then the order topology of   is the quotient of the order topology on  [4]



The order topology of a finite product of ordered vector spaces (this product having its canonical order) is identical to the product topology of the topological product of the constituent ordered vector spaces (when each is given its order topology).[3]

See also



  1. ^ a b c d Schaefer & Wolff 1999, pp. 204–214.
  2. ^ Schaefer & Wolff 1999, p. 204.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Schaefer & Wolff 1999, pp. 230–234.
  4. ^ a b Schaefer & Wolff 1999, pp. 250–257.


  • Narici, Lawrence; Beckenstein, Edward (2011). Topological Vector Spaces. Pure and applied mathematics (Second ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. ISBN 978-1584888666. OCLC 144216834.
  • Schaefer, Helmut H.; Wolff, Manfred P. (1999). Topological Vector Spaces. GTM. Vol. 8 (Second ed.). New York, NY: Springer New York Imprint Springer. ISBN 978-1-4612-7155-0. OCLC 840278135.