Paolo Vitelli (condottiero)

Paolo Vitelli (1461 – 1 October 1499) was an Italian knight and condottiero as well as lord of Montone. He was born in Città di Castello, which had been captured by his father, Niccolò Vitelli. He was the brother of Vitellozo and Chiappino, both condottieri.[1] He worked as a mercenary for the republic of Florence, where he was later suspected of treachery and executed. This led his brother Vitellozzo to repeatedly assail Tuscan properties.[2]

Portrait of Vitelli


  1. ^ Niccolò Machiavelli, A Description of the methods adopted by the Duke Valentino when killing Vitellozzo Vitelli, Oliverotto da Fermo, the Signor Pagolo, and the Duke di Gravina Orsini
  2. ^ Dizionario biografico universale, Volume 5, by Felice Scifoni, Publisher Davide Passagli, Florence (1849); page 634-35.