Pirouette (French: La Pirouette) is a Canadian animated short film, directed by Tali Prévost and released in 2002.[1] The film centres on an old woman living on a farm, who lovingly takes care of her farm animals despite the fact that she will eventually kill them for food.[2]

FrenchLa Pirouette
Directed byTali Prévost
Produced byPierre Hébert
Marcel Jean
Edited byFernand Bélanger
Music byRené Lussier
Animation byTali Prévost
Release date
  • August 23, 2002 (2002-08-23) (FFM)
Running time
10 minutes

The film was a Genie Award nominee for Best Animated Short Film at the 23rd Genie Awards in 2003.[3]


  1. ^ Joanne Latimer, "World Film Festival lives up to its name". The Globe and Mail, August 7, 2002.
  2. ^ "À voir aux Rendez-vous de l'ONF en Acadie". Le Madawaska, January 27, 2010.
  3. ^ John McKay, "Ararat wins best-picture Genie, five in all". National Post, February 14, 2003.