Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl is a Japanese animated television series. The episodes of the anime were directed by Nobuaki Nakanishi, and animated by Studio Hibari. The series was based on a manga series of the same name. The anime's plot revolves around the drama between the three female main characters' romantic struggles in a love triangle.
The televised series aired on the TV Tokyo Japanese television network between January 11, 2006 and March 29, 2006 comprising twelve main episodes. Four pieces of theme music were used in the anime, one opening theme, two ending themes, and one insert song used in episode twelve. The episodes were released on seven DVD compilations released between April 26, 2006 and October 27, 2006, each containing two episodes. The seventh DVD also contained an original video animation episode entitled "A Girl Falls in Love with a Girl" (少女は少女に恋をした, Shōjo wa Shōjo ni Koi o Shita). Produced by the same production team of the anime series, this one-off episode is set four months after the events of the anime series during the Christmas season. (Full list...)