- ... that Darwin's bark spider makes the longest known spider web (pictured), spanning distances of up to 25 metres (82 ft), using the toughest known biomaterial, that is ten times as tough as Kevlar?
- ... that sponge crabs of the species Dromia dormia carry sponges on their back as camouflage, and have even used the sole of a shoe for that purpose?
- ... that the extinct Protosialis casca is one of only two known alderflies from the West Indies?
- ... that the fairy shrimp Branchinecta gaini is the largest freshwater invertebrate in Antarctica?
- ... that the pantropical jumping spider Plexippus paykulli is highly agile, and can cover many times its own body length in a single jump?
- ... that the bone skipper came back from the dead after 160 years to feed on rotting bones?