Portal:Germany/Selected articles and pictures

This is a page to list Germany-related articles used on the front page of Portal:Germany, with their quality and automation status. For possible candidates see the bot-created list at Portal:Germany/Recognized content.


Number Article Status Last checked (D/M/Y)
1   Ludwigsburg Palace auto 1/2/20
2   Adele Spitzeder auto 1/2/20
3   Riesling manual 1/2/20
4   Johannes Kepler auto 1/2/20
5   Johann Peter Hebel auto 1/2/20
6   Albert Einstein manual 1/2/20
7   Emanuel Lasker auto 1/2/20
8   Georg Forster auto 1/2/20
9   SMS Lothringen auto 19/4/21
10   Max Born auto 19/4/21
11   Max Weber manual 19/4/21
12   IG Farben Building auto 19/4/21
13   Hitler Diaries auto 19/4/21
14   Der 100. Psalm auto 19/4/21
15   Jürgen Ehlers auto 30/11/19
16   SMS Hindenburg auto 28/11/19
17   James Franck auto 12/12/19
18   Coat of arms of Munich auto 2/12/19
19   Wings of Desire auto 12/12/19
20   Siege of Godesberg auto 7/12/19
21   Stefan Lochner auto 28/11/19
22   Night of the Long Knives auto 28/11/19
23   FC Bayern Munich auto 14/12/19
24   Unification of Germany manual 28/11/19
25   Knut (polar bear) manual 28/11/19
26   Göttingen Seven auto 28/11/19
27   Free Association of German Trade Unions manual 28/11/19
28   Michael Schumacher auto BLP 28/11/19
29   Auschwitz concentration camp auto 29/11/19
30   Battle of Schellenberg manual 28/11/19
31   Anne Frank auto 28/11/19
32   Flag of Germany manual 28/11/19
33   Emmy Noether manual 28/11/19
34   Nazi Germany manual 14/12/19
35   Germany women's national football team auto 28/11/19
36   Hermann Detzner manual 28/11/19
37   Richard Wagner manual 28/11/19
38   Inner German border manual 28/11/19
39   Brazil v Germany (2014 FIFA World Cup) auto 28/11/19
40   Karl Marx manual 28/11/19
41   Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4 auto 28/11/19
42   Felix Mendelssohn manual 28/11/19
43   Wilhelm Busch manual 28/11/19
44   Cosima Wagner auto 14/12/19
45   Unionskirche, Idstein auto 2/12/19
46   Doro (musician) auto BLP 28/11/19
47   Ninety-five Theses manual 28/11/19
48   Baron Munchausen manual 28/11/19
49   The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari manual 28/11/19
50   Caspar David Friedrich manual 28/11/19



The pictures used on the portal (see Portal:Germany/Selected picture for the list) should be Featured pictures, Exzellente Bilder, or Featured pictures from Commons. A useful place to look is commons:Category:Featured pictures of Germany.

The gallery below is no longer relevant, it is here just for historical interest.