- ... that Leurospondylus ultimus was so named as it was originally thought to be the last occurrence of a plesiosaur?
- ... that the leaves of two species of the fossil plant genus Banksieaeformis resemble those of the living Banksia serrata?
- ... that the extinct Actinidia oregonensis was the first kiwi relative described from North America?
- ... that the extinct rove beetle genus Ektatotricha is known from 15 beetles trapped in Cretaceous amber from Myanmar?
- ... that UA 8699, a broken molar from the Cretaceous of Madagascar, may be the only Mesozoic marsupial from the southern continents?
- ... that the wasp Deinodryinus velteni (pictured) is one of only three Deinodryinus species described from the fossil record?
- ... that the extinct snakefly genera Lebanoraphidia and Iberoraphidia are both named for the regions they were found in?
- ... that Canadian paleontologist Scott D. Sampson hosted the four episode nature documentary series Dinosaur Planet for the Discovery Channel in 2003?
- ...that the type specimen of Dromicosuchus had damage to its jaw and neck that may have been inflicted by the teeth of the large carnivore it was found underneath?
- ... that unlike living rorqual whales, the late Miocene genus Plesiobalaenoptera was probably not capable of ram feeding?