Quintus Fabius Labeo was a Roman politician in the second century BC.



In 196 BC, Labeo served as quaestor. In 189/188 he served as praetor and as propraetor commander of the fleet.[1] He first went to war against Antiochus III and destroyed 50 ships of the enemy.[2][3] He celebrated a triumph at the shipyard. In the year 184 BC, Labeo was put in command of the colonies of Pisa and Potentia.[3] In 183 BC, he was elected consul together with Marcus Claudius Marcellus as his colleague.[4] The consuls were dispatched to Liguria, where they fought off invading Gauls.[5] In the year 180, he served as pontiff.


  1. ^ Friedrich Münzer, Pauly's Encyclopedia of Classical Antiquity, Vol. VI, pp. 1773–1775
  2. ^ Titus Livius, XXXIII, 42,2
  3. ^ a b Polybius, The Histories, XXI, 46,3
  4. ^ Fasti Capitolini
  5. ^ Marcus Tullius Cicero, Brutus, 81